Manny's Reviews > Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell
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's review

it was amazing
Read 6 times. Last read January 1, 1973.

A perfect book. People will still be reading this in a thousand years time, when communism is just a footnote.
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January 1, 1973 – Finished Reading
November 20, 2008 – Shelved
June 21, 2018 – Shelved (Mass Market Paperback Edition)
June 21, 2018 – Shelved as: dona... (Mass Market Paperback Edition)
June 21, 2018 – Shelved as: hist... (Mass Market Paperback Edition)
June 21, 2018 – Shelved as: well... (Mass Market Paperback Edition)

Comments Showing 101-124 of 124 (124 new)

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Jennifer Towler Everything in this book is directly relevant to 2021 and what is happening around the world. Communism is alive and spreading, not put on a shelf as a footnote.

message 102: by Mercedes (new)

Mercedes Schultz For all who think communism is so wonderful, why don’t you move permanently to Cuba, Russia, China….After a few weeks you be begging to come back to the United States. (The land of the free). Communism in theory is wonderful but in practice is a disaster.

Ostrava In a thousand years time communism won't be talked about because capitalism will turn the Earth into an inhabitable wasteland.

message 104: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny If we're lucky, a few books will survive. This could well be one of them.

Ostrava There's surely many copies around given the success of Orwell's books 🤔...

message 106: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny There are probably more copies of Twilight, but my guess is that it won't be read a thousand years from now.

If I'm ever visited by a time traveller, this is one of the first questions I'm going to ask :)

message 107: by Ray (last edited Jun 08, 2022 10:37AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ray Nessly Manny wrote: "There are probably more copies of Twilight, but my guess is that it won't be read a thousand years from now.

If I'm ever visited by a time traveller, this is one of the first questions I'm going ..."

I especially love the version with Ralph Steadman illustrations

message 108: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny I like his work but didn't know about this one. Thank you, I'm kind of tempted!

message 109: by Ray (last edited Jun 08, 2022 06:56PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ray Nessly You're welcome. And it's the complete text, with illustrations, not an adapted graphic novel (not that there's anything wrong with ...).

message 110: by Jose (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jose So after reading this 200 pages book, your conclusion is comunism bad, capitalism better?
It reminds me the animals who couldn't learn the seven commandments.

message 111: by Manny (last edited Oct 22, 2022 03:11PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny Um, I don't want to sound controversial or anything, but I find it hard to read Animal Farm without thinking that Orwell had reservations about both communism and capitalism.

message 112: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny I think it'll be one of the few hundred books that survive the collapse of our current civilization. As you say, I'm an optimist.

message 113: by Kelsey (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kelsey Boyte You completely missed the point of this book.

message 114: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny And the point is?

Liedzeit Liedzeit I am red with envy. You generate 759 likes and 115 messages with a 2 line review?! What would Orwell think about this?

message 116: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny That's nothing. Check out my review of Wide Sargasso Sea for a really favourable vote-to-word ratio.

I will see if I can find a reputable medium so that I can get the late Mr Orwell's opinions directly.

message 117: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny I don't think he'd really mind though. He must have picked up several million likes for "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others".

Liedzeit Liedzeit That indeed is brillant. But it only gets 6800 likes here on Goodreads whereas a quote by Marilyn Monroe which starts with "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure" gets 160000 likes. I guess it means there is no justice in this world.

message 119: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny I would only say that there was not yet enough justice on Goodreads.

Hachi ◇♡◇ Love this book, can totally see my president reflected on a 🐖 . I think this book will never age. Orwell's book will never do

message 121: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny Yes, too many pigs are getting elected, though they have been doing somewhat less well recently. As you maybe noticed, Australia's chief pig recently got thrown out of the presidential sty.

Back in post #113, Kelsey still hasn't told us what the point is.

Hachi ◇♡◇ I guess that, as my president, they are trying to be more greedy with power. El Peje here in Mexico believes he is the new messiah and we should all pay homage to his "wonderful ideas".

message 123: by Manny (new) - rated it 5 stars

Manny He needs to be careful what he wishes for. Doesn't he remember what happened to the last messiah?

Hachi ◇♡◇ 🤭🤭🤭🤭

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