Trudi's Reviews > The Girl with All the Gifts

The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey
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bookshelves: zombies, 2014, science-fiction, apocalyptic-types, group-in-peril, survive-this

Despite the gushing praise this book has been receiving -- including a blurb by Joss Whedon -- I approached The Girl With All the Gifts with a fair amount of trepidation. I'm a zombie traditionalist at heart, which means my foray into "experimental" zombie fiction -- literary or otherwise -- has met with mixed results. I normally don't like my zombies to talk, fall in love or have existential crises. Hell, I don't even want my zombies to run; I'm all about the Romero shuffle (though there was something truly terrifying and unsettling about Danny Boyle's fast-moving zombies that scared the piss out of me). Even for a traditionalist like me, there's exceptions to every rule. And I found a few more buried like awesome treasure in the pages of M.R Carey's novel.

In case you didn't know, M.R Carey is the not so cryptic pen name for the super-talented Mike Carey. This gentleman knows how to tell a story, where the pulse points live and when to go for the jugular. He also knows that without giving the reader characters to care about your story is gonna have all the pop of a wet firecracker.

A lot of what we get here we've seen before. The world is in the shitter. The zombies (or hungries in this case) have risen up and wiped out humanity. It's about twenty years later and our entry point into the story starts at a fortified base that doubles as a research lab. There are doctors and soldiers, fences and guns. But there are also civilian teachers and children who are their students. And here's where the story takes a bit of a twist: If you do not want to know anything else about this book then beware some mild spoilers ahead under the spoiler tag

(view spoiler)

Like a lot of my favorite zombie stories, this one soon slides into the 'group in peril' scenario. A rag tag group of survivors, including Melanie, are left to fend for themselves beyond the safety of the fences where the hungries thrive. Where will they go and what will they have to do in order to get there in one piece?

I love the chemistry of this group and the characterization. They all start out as stereotypes but as the story moves along, each of them evolves from an archetype into a real person with depth and distinctive personalities. I'm a sucker for character, and I felt I got it in spades here. Another rewarding aspect is the time spent describing the zombie virus. Usually the answer to what makes a zombie even possible is ignored, but not so here. Carey offers up a pretty interesting scenario that for me anyway, leads to a very satisfying climax.

Is this a perfect read? Nope. There are a few incredulous moments (view spoiler) and a few places where the narrative dips and nearly stalls; however those instances are rare. For the most part this is cinematic zombie gold. It's a heady mix of tension and release, adrenaline and emotion. A must-read for all zombie lovers and the zombie curious.
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June 14, 2014 – Shelved
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June 30, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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carol. buddy read? I've been trying to get a NetGalley copy.

Trudi Hells yeah, buddy read. Is it on NetGalley? I just put it on hold at the library. I shouldn't have to wait too long.

Trudi I just put in my NetGalley request. They have the US/Canada edition up, so fingers crossed.

carol. me too--they take their sweet time on it, though. I also ordered from the library--number 23/27.

Damian Dubois A well thought out review Trudi :)

Trudi Damian wrote: "A well thought out review Trudi :)"

Thanks Damian! Same to you.

Richard Very nice review, this one caught me off guard and I ended up really enjoying it too

Trudi Richard wrote: "Very nice review, this one caught me off guard and I ended up really enjoying it too"

Thanks Richard. I had high hopes and am really glad it didn't disappoint.

message 9: by Kemper (new) - added it

Kemper I may have to read this just to see how wrong you were.

Trudi Kemper wrote: "I may have to read this just to see how wrong you were."

I triple dog dare you.

carol. NetGalley came through for me!

Trudi Carol. [All cynic, all the time] wrote: "NetGalley came through for me!"


message 13: by Timothy (new) - added it

Timothy Ward I got mine from NetGalley today too, but already read it. I also highly recommend this one, Carol. I'm going to chat with Mike in about 45 minutes if anyone has a question they'd like me to ask him.

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Thanks for the recommendation. While I'm no zombie aficionado (I like the WD show, but the books blah), I did enjoy this one. It put a nice twist on the whole genre. I predict this will quickly be adapted into movie form to milk the current craze.

Carmen Great review.

Trudi Carmen wrote: "Great review."

Thank you!

Linda Turnbow Finished today! An okay read as this is not my favorite genre but took it to the end. Those who enjoy zombies will enjoy the twist in the story so I would recommend the read for them.

message 18: by Kirk (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kirk Avoided your review til I finally got round to reading this. I agree, it mostly overcame its shortcomings, and had the virtue of getting better as it went along.

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