Trudi's Reviews > Bird Box

Bird Box by Josh Malerman
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4.5 stars

Whoah. This is some really good shit. Color me very impressed. I'm not sure what I was expecting when I picked this one up, but it totally delivered on tension and suspense, a palpable dread, and a suffocating sense of doom.

Just as a launching off point I'm going to throw two pop culture references at you that I couldn't stop thinking about while reading this book. The first is the music video "Just" by Radiohead. Remember that's the one where there's this guy who just lies down in the street for no apparent reason and when this other guy starts screaming for a reason why he's done this and when the man finally tells him, everyone who is in earshot lies down too, as if whatever he's said is just too huge and overwhelming for the mind to process that the only human response is to collapse.

The second reference I'm going to throw at you is a Twilight Zone episode from the '80s called "Need to Know" where everyone starts going insane in this small town and it's eventually discovered that the source of the problem is not a physical disease, but an idea, a single short phrase, that is being passed from person to person by word of mouth. That horrible phrase is nothing more or less than the purpose and meaning of existence; the moral of the story being -- Knowledge we are not ready to receive will drive us mad.

I freaking love that Radiohead video and I was twelve years old when I saw that Twilight Zone episode and it scared the crap out of me (which is Trudi speak for I loved it). So in a lot of ways I was already primed to love this book where a mysterious pandemic plague is causing the "infected" to go on homicidal killing sprees before killing themselves. In the escalating chaos and confusion, the source of the infection is identified as having seen something the human mind cannot fathom, a creature that is so beyond our comprehension we are literally driven mad by it. But who is to know for sure, since no one has survived to confirm what it is that they saw.

Your only defence is to close your eyes, and keep them closed.

Humans hide in houses behind windows that are painted, covered with blankets or boarded up. They dare not venture outside for water or food unless they are blindfolded. If you thought surviving the end of days was tough with all of your faculties and sight, try doing it completely blind and feeling hunted and watched the entire time.

I love survival stories of all kinds: but an apocalypse scenario where the group must survive together is my favorite. And it's done so well here, I really can't stress that enough. The way the tension builds gradually as the unknowable threat outside the doors of the safe house becomes more menacing and tangible. How so much is implied rather than relying on big gushy scenes of gore and explicit violence. How the daily trek to the well blindfolded to get fresh water becomes an exercise in exquisite pulse-pounding suspense to unnerve the most steely-nerved of all readers.

Did you hear that? Sssshhhhh. I think it came from behind you. Whatever you do, don't open your eyes.

Readers who have a perpetual desire for answers and reasons may find the lack of explanation here troubling. I didn't. I was okay that we really don't know what the hell is going on and can only guess (and imagine our worst fears). If something like this ever goes down for real we'll be just as much in the dark as the characters in Bird Box discovering we are as much at the mercy of our ignorance and fear of the unknown as anything that may or may not be hunting us.
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Reading Progress

June 1, 2014 – Shelved
June 16, 2014 – Started Reading
June 21, 2014 –
page 104
35.37% "This is so well done. Gripping. Intense. Unsettling. What more could a girl ask for?"
June 22, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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The Shayne-Train Awesome review. I need to bump this toward the top of my "stop saying you'll read this and READ it, shithead" list.

Trudi It's fantastic. Well worth the bump.

message 3: by Angel (new) - added it

Angel Gelique Great review!

message 4: by Mara (new) - added it

Mara Me thinks other Mara will like this one!

Trudi Angel wrote: "Great review!"


Trudi Mara wrote: "Me thinks other Mara will like this one!"

Other Trudi agrees 100%.

message 7: by Cosima (new) - added it

Cosima I can't wait to read this book!

Becky I so want to read this book. I wonder how it would be on audio...

message 9: by Michael (new)

Michael Isn´t this what we do all the time: close our eyes and try not to listen when the news are broadcasted?
Great review, I will have to read BIRD BOX, especially since I loved the Twilight Zone.

message 10: by Brandon (new)

Brandon Great review. I have to get on this.

Trudi Cosima wrote: "I can't wait to read this book!"

It's great!

Trudi Becky wrote: "I so want to read this book. I wonder how it would be on audio..."

With the right reader I think it could be fantastic Becky.

Trudi Brandon wrote: "Great review. I have to get on this."

You do Brandon! I bet this guy would even give an interview. He seems really interesting and a real fan of horror.

Arah-Lynda Whoa....great review Trudi!

Trudi Arah-Lynda wrote: "Whoa....great review Trudi!"

Thanks! Do you think you'll read it?

Arah-Lynda Trudi wrote: "Arah-Lynda wrote: "Whoa....great review Trudi!"

Thanks! Do you think you'll read it?"


message 17: by Kumari (new) - added it

Kumari Intriguing! and just my favorite kind of story. Thanks for the recommend :-)

Trudi Kumari wrote: "Intriguing! and just my favorite kind of story. Thanks for the recommend :-)"

You're most welcome. Hope you love it!

LeAnn this is the best review i have read. i just downloaded my copy. Thank you, Trudi

Trudi LeAnn wrote: "this is the best review i have read. i just downloaded my copy. Thank you, Trudi"

That's so nice! Thank you!

Jason fantastic review! I HAVE to stop stalking you (in a very healthy and restrained way) because you are depleting my pocket of silver

Trudi Jason wrote: "fantastic review! I HAVE to stop stalking you (in a very healthy and restrained way) because you are depleting my pocket of silver"

That's what I like to hear! Muah-ha-ha!

message 23: by Dawn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dawn Stone I couldn't agree more Trudi. This book was amazing. I passed over in my Scribd account several times. When I finally did grab it, 2 days ago, I couldn't put it down. I had to know more. I had to know why and how and when. So very awesome.

Molly I agree with you so much. I wasn't ready to love this book until the very last sentence when we still didn't get an answer. I love that the only actual actions Malorie witnesses are "off-screen," like Victor in the bar, the night she considered the last night in the house. The only things that happened TO her were caused by animals or people. The mystery of the creatures will bother me for years, which is why I thought it was great.

Trudi Molly wrote: "The mystery of the creatures will bother me for years, which is why I thought it was great..."

Yes! Absolutely!

message 26: by mark (new) - rated it 4 stars

mark monday great review!

I really enjoyed this one.

Trudi mark wrote: "great review!

I really enjoyed this one."

Yay! One of these days we're gonna crush so hard on the same book it's gonna rip a hole in the space-time continuum :)

Thanks mark.

Sheila I have this added to my "scare myself silly" October book list. I can't wait to read!

Trudi Sheila wrote: "I have this added to my "scare myself silly" October book list. I can't wait to read!"


I'm still working on my October reads list. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Jessica T. I loved this... I think it's scarier when you don't exactly know what going on. Excellent review!

Brandon Petry I listened to a lot of Radiohead while I read this and it was a good if creepy choice because I also kept thinking of that music video.

Trudi Ha! Jinx! :)

Monnie I tried this but couldn't get into it that time. You and I agree often so I am going to give it another chance.

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ Terrific review, Trudi.

Trudi Thanks Dan! I'm obviously a lot easier to please than you :)

Ɗẳɳ  2.☊ No, don’t mind me, I’m just an old grouch.

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