Carole (Carole's Random Life)'s Reviews > Winter Lost

Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 2024, urban-fantasy, reviewed
Read 2 times. Last read June 6, 2024 to June 9, 2024.

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I devoured this book! I have been looking forward to this book since I finished the last installment so I was eager to get my hands on it. I went into this book with extremely high expectations and am happy to report that it did not disappoint. I loved that we get to see both Mercy’s and some of Adam’s points of view in this book.

One of the things that I love about reading a longer-running series like this one is spending time with familiar characters that almost feel like family. I feel like I have been through a lot with Mercy, Adam, and the rest of the gang. In this installment, Adam and Mercy must navigate a new environment as they work to get to the bottom of what is happening. Mercy is still dealing with the effects of the events in the last installment and I felt really bad for both her and Adam. Even with Mercy not quite at her peak, these two are a formidable pair and I had a feeling that they would figure things out.

I listened to the audiobook and thought that Lorelei King did a phenomenal job with the narration. She does such a good job of bringing this cast of characters to life. I read a copy of this book as soon as I could get my hands on it but didn’t hesitate to pick up a copy of the audiobook for a quick re-read because I knew that this narrator would be able to take the story to the next level. She adds just the right of emotion to her reading and uses very distinctive voices for each of the key characters. I do believe that her performance added to my enjoyment of this story.

I would highly recommend this book to others. This is a series that I would recommend reading in order since the character relationships that are so important to the story have grown and changed throughout the series. I had such a great time with this novel and hope to spend more time with Mercy and Adam very soon.

I received a review copy of this book from Ace and Penguin Random House Audio.
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Reading Progress

January 12, 2024 – Shelved
January 13, 2024 – Started Reading
January 14, 2024 – Finished Reading
June 6, 2024 – Started Reading
June 9, 2024 – Finished Reading

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Corina SAME!!! The wait between books is always so long, at least it seems so long, and when it's released I devour the book in one sitting - and then the wait is on again 🤣

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