Carole (Carole's Random Life)'s Reviews > Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze by Michael C. Grumley
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bookshelves: 2024, 2024-netgalley-challenge, audio-book, own-print-arc, thriller, reviewed

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I really enjoyed this book! I went into this book without knowing what to expect but I am so glad that I decided to take a chance on it. I believe this is one of those stories that is best to go into as blindly as possible, so I will avoid anything that could be considered a spoiler in this review. The twists and turns of the story were fun because they came as a complete surprise and I don’t think that the book would have had the same impact if I had some ideas about what I could expect. I found this book to be an incredibly entertaining read.

I liked John Reiff from the very start of this story. It was immediately apparent that there was more to this man than we saw on the surface. As we met other characters, I was never quite sure who should be trusted. A lot of things are not as they seem to be initially in this story and I had a great time just trying to figure out what the next twist might be. There was enough action worked into the story to keep things very interesting.

I listened to the audiobook and thought that Scott Brick did an amazing job with this story. I have enjoyed this narrator’s work in the past and thought that he did an exceptional job with this story. He did a great job of differentiating the various characters in this story with the voices that he used. I found his voice to be very pleasant and I found myself wanting to listen to this book for hours at a time. I am certain that his narration added a lot to my overall enjoyment of this story.

I would recommend this book to others. I thought that this was a very well-done story that crossed over into several genres. I was excited to learn that this is the first book of a planned series and cannot wait to read more of the series.

I received a review copy of this book from Forge Books and Macmillan Audio.
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