Will Byrnes's Reviews > Mrs. Plansky's Revenge

Mrs. Plansky's Revenge by Spencer Quinn
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bookshelves: fiction, humor, mystery, thriller, crime

Maybe sex made more sense than marriage—or even dating—in old age. Wasn’t courtship for the young?
Meet me at Café des Artistes, eighteen hundred.”
“Is that the address?”
He blew out an irritated-sounding breath. “Six,” he said. “Six o’clock this evening. Your hotel—the Royale, I assume—can give you directions.”
“How will I know you?”
“I’ll wear a billboard with a question mark.”
Loretta Plansky, widowed, retired, pretty fair tennis player, (particularly considering her new hip, only nine-months in) 71, Florida resident, financially comfortable, wakes one morning to discover that she has been pretty much cleaned out. Bank account, retirement fund, investments, the whole kit and caboodle, well, mostly. It seems that the ten grand she had given to her grandson, Will, overnight went instead to cybercriminals. The real Will had not asked her for anything. (Of course, I am totally in favor of folks sending cash to people named Will, but that’s just me. Any amount gratefully accepted.). The FBI special agent in charge holds out virtually no hope of her ever seeing her lost funds restored, but her number two, about to leave the bureau for a private gig, gives Mrs P one intriguing bit of intel. Unwilling to let this crime stand, she heads out to darkest Romania hoping to do…what? who knows? something.

Spencer Quinn (pen name for Peter Abrahams) - image from Macmillan – photo by Diana Gray

Mrs P is an intrepid investigator, with an unusual skill set. She manages to talk to a relevant person at the US embassy in Bucharest, and persists in following up the few clues that float down her way.

The story is told in parallel lanes. Mrs P is the primary of course, but we are also let in on the doings on the other side. Dinu is a teenager with a gift for and enthusiastic interest in American English. He collects colloquialisms and contemporary American slang the way a video-game player collects tokens to gain power. Of course, the power Dinu is amassing causes real harm. His scary uncle has paid to train him, and is now employing Dinu in making calls to American grandparents, pretending to be their stressed-out grandson, in need of emergency cash in order to get out of jail, or whatever. He has a computer whiz bff, Romeo, another teen, who is also employed by the scary uncle. Generally, they do not seem all that morally concerned about what they are doing, and the pay is good.

So, Mrs P makes her way to the relevant town, and stumbles her way through to the sort of cozy resolution one might expect. Along the way there are mysterious passageways, dark deeds, life-threatening adventures, a car chase, a valuable jewel, and some very unpleasant characters. So, I guess this is less of a cozy mystery and more of a cozy adventure tale.

It is a very good-natured story, and Mrs P is a fun lead, a very engaging sort, a good egg, who has been done dirt, but who would prefer to take matters into her own hands rather than leave her fate to the dubious efforts of others. She displays considerable courage, the creativity of an experienced field agent, and a wily serenity in stressful circumstances. One lovely element was her continued connection to her late husband, Norm. No magical realism here, just a pining for the person to whom she had been the closest for most of her life, as she shares thoughts and concerns with his memory, wondering at his theoretical advice. She is also a very kind person, amenable to applying the resources she has…well, had…to helping out her kids, despite that not necessarily being the wisest choice.

You will get a taste of Romania, a very small taste. Most entertaining among these is a hotel festooned with portraits of Bela Lugosi.

There is enough humor in here to generate several actual LOLs, which is always welcome

BUT, as things were winding up to the big finish, there were multiple eye-roller events that took me out of the book. Like running a marathon then tripping over a stick in the road, then another, then another. I did finish the book, and it was a fun read, for the most part. But I found myself saying “Really?” more than once or twice. And that damaged my overall feeling. Bottom line is that you have to be willing to overlook some egregious reliance on coincidence and deus-ex-machina trickery to make the story work out. I expect I am a bit towards the higher end in my sensitivity to such things. But if you are more forgiving, better at leaping past roadway impediments, then do it, jump in. You will be rewarded with a fun, light read, featuring a very engaging lead. Mrs P will be glad of the company, and so will you.

Review posted - 09/29/23

Publication dates
----------Hardcover– 7/25/23
----------Trade paperback - 7/9/24

I received an ARE of Mrs. Plansky's Revenge from Tor Publishing in return for a fair review and the password to my bank account. Hey, now wait a goldarned minute! Thanks, folks, and thanks to NetGalley for facilitating.

This is cross-posted on my site, Coot’s Reviews. Stop by and say Hi!

=============================EXTRA STUFF

Links to the author’s personal, FB, Instagram, and Twitter pages

Spencer Quinn is the pen name for Peter Abrahams, the Edgar-winning, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Chet and Bernie mystery series, as well as the #1 New York Times bestselling Bowser and Birdie series for middle-grade readers. He lives on Cape Cod with his wife Diana and dog Pearl.
-----The Big Thrill - Up Close: Spencer Quinn by Karen Hugg – all on dog books
-----Famous Writing Routines - Interview with Peter Abrahams: “I love what I do. Love seems to clear a lot of paths.” - nothing particular to this book. More on his methodology.

-----The Byrds - Eight Miles High - appears in Chapter 13
-----The Chimes - I’m in the Mood for Love - Chapter 20

Items of Interest
-----Excerpt - Chapter One
-----Federal Trade Commission – Consumer Advice - Phone Scams
-----Tor/Forge Blog - Inspiration and Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge by Spencer Quinn! by Ariana Carpenter
Five or six years ago, my dad got a phone call. At the time he was in his early nineties. He died two weeks short of his 97th birthday and was in excellent mental shape and very good physical shape until the end. I want to emphasize that mental part. He was a very smart guy: quick, sharp, clear-headed. Back to the call.
Caller: Hey, Grandpa!
My dad: Jake?
Caller: Yeah, Grandpa, it’s me, Jake.
Cut To: My dad’s wife, noticing he’s putting on his jacket.
Wife: Ed? Where are you going?
My dad: To the bank. Jake’s in trouble and he needs some money.
At that point it was decided to call Jake (living in another city), and he had not called my dad and wasn’t in any trouble. “Jake” never got a penny. But I was amazed that someone like my dad could have been fooled.
And then I got back to writing the Chet and Bernie novel I was working on and thought no more about the two Jakes. Then one day on a bike ride the idea for Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge—indeed the whole set-up, including the Romanian part—came to me in one fell swoop.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
September 24, 2023 – Finished Reading
September 26, 2023 – Shelved
September 26, 2023 – Shelved as: fiction
September 26, 2023 – Shelved as: humor
September 26, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery
September 26, 2023 – Shelved as: thriller
September 26, 2023 – Shelved as: crime

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Bannister Aaarrrhh sounds like an entertaining read Will, but like you, I’ve read for so many years I’m not very forgiving on the ‘really??!!’ moments any more...
Wonderful review ☺️

Will Byrnes Thanks, Amanda. Both a lovely and disappointing read.

switterbug (Betsey) Will, thank you for the password to your bank account. You are a very generous person 😜

message 4: by Jodi (new)

Jodi The book may have been a bit disappointing, Will, but your review was anything BUT! Delighfully readable and uber-enjoyable. Thanks for another really entertaining review!!😃

Will Byrnes Awww, thanks, Jodi.

Will Byrnes switterbug (Betsey) wrote: "Will, thank you for the password to your bank account. You are a very generous person 😜"


message 7: by Vicky (new)

Vicky "phenkos" Entertaining review, Will!

Will Byrnes Thanks, Vicky. Mrs P is definitely an entertaining book.

message 9: by Alan (new)

Alan Huh—interesting parallel to Will Ferguson's 419, an altogether more serious-minded novel that I recently read (and I see that you liked my review of—thanks!) about a woman who was victimized by an online scammer... I might have to pick this one up!


message 10: by Will (new) - rated it 3 stars

Will Byrnes I can certainly see the parallels. For sure, this is a much more light-hearted treatment of what has been a very serious problem for many scam victims.

message 11: by Laurie (new)

Laurie Shook Great review. Really.

message 12: by Will (new) - rated it 3 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Laurie

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