Nina (ninjasbooks)'s Reviews > Love, Pamela

Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson
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3,5 stars.

Pamela has led an interesting life and I liked getting to know her. It was sad to read about how exploited she was by the press and people close to her, and impressed by her ability to get through was also lovely to read about her parenting style. She has strong opinions that has guided her through life. She also wrote the book without a ghostwriter and again this reflects well on her character.

I didn’t have any major issues with the book other than it sometimes felt that the book could have been organized more. It went back and forth between several themes, and I wasn’t always sure why she included some parts of her life and not others.
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message 1: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Good review, Nina!

message 3: by Debbie (new)

Debbie W. Interesting review, Nina! This Canadian has really made a name for herself in so many ways. I'm intrigued by her parenting style that you referred to.

Nina (ninjasbooks) Debbie wrote: "Interesting review, Nina! This Canadian has really made a name for herself in so many ways. I'm intrigued by her parenting style that you referred to."

She prioritized her children, and wanted to be hands on. I love that she put everything else aside :)

message 5: by Ben (new)

Ben If its 3.5 stars it should be 4. Laws of maths. Always round up at halfway.

Nina (ninjasbooks) Ah haven’t thought about that :)

message 7: by Deeksha (new)

Deeksha Bhardwaj Wonderful review, Nina!

Nina (ninjasbooks) Thank you deeksha!

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