Erin 's Reviews > Love, Pamela

Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson
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bookshelves: 2023-nonfiction, february-2023, hollywood, written-by-women, celeb-memoirs

I'm a 90's kid so I grew up with Pam Anderson on my tv. I watched her on Home Improvement, Baywatch, and V.I.P. She was just everywhere when i was a kid.....I even watched her infamous tape...I was 9 or 10 years old and my cousin who was 13 obtained it somehow and me and 4 other of my cousins watched it and I was scandalized! 😉

Love, Pamela I guess gave what I thought it would but I still wanted more. It felt like she was just skimming her life story. I never had the feeling of sinking into her story. I felt removed. I prefer memoirs that dig deeper and give me the ability to picture what's going on. I also feel like I might have enjoyed this book more if I had listened to it. Hearing her tell me her story might have enabled me to feel closer to her story.

Overall I'm glad I read this and I hope Pamela Anderson starts to get the respect and love she deserves. Pamela Anderson is an icon and a legend and she deserves to be treated like one.
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Reading Progress

February 7, 2023 – Started Reading
February 7, 2023 – Shelved
February 7, 2023 –
page 39
February 7, 2023 –
page 68
February 7, 2023 –
page 95
February 7, 2023 – Shelved as: hollywood
February 7, 2023 – Shelved as: february-2023
February 7, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023-nonfiction
February 7, 2023 – Shelved as: written-by-women
February 7, 2023 –
page 107
February 8, 2023 –
page 117
February 8, 2023 –
page 151
February 8, 2023 –
page 178
February 8, 2023 – Finished Reading
October 27, 2023 – Shelved as: celeb-memoirs

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by NZLisaM (new)

NZLisaM I need to make time for more memoirs and autobiographies. Intriguing review, Erin, but pity the actress held back on sharing more in depth thoughts.

Erin Nonfiction has really been my sweet spot lately.

message 3: by Rachael (new)

Rachael Hodson (still skiing) I had no idea there was a documentary or a (self written) book about Pamela Anderson but it was nice to see your review. I have never really been a big fan but always did feel a bit sorry for her. You do wonder how differently her life would have been had she not been sexualized, abused, discovered, all the things. She has always seemed like a hurt little bird with a good heart so I am glad to see that she is in some ways, fighting back with her own words. I probably won’t read but genuinely appreciated seeing your review this morning in my feed.

Mrs Tupac Is it worth the read ?

Erin @Mrs Tupac I think it was worth the read but I loved Pamela Anderson growing up.

Ryan Bartlett I just finished it and felt the same. I didn’t find it boring, but somewhat uninspired and like she was holding back. It is prob due to the deal with Netflix and the book. Very good review.

Erin Thanks Ryan!

Corey I completely agree with your review. I listened to the audiobook version and felt exactly the same way. I really wish she had gone deeper.

Lorra Definitely listen to it! I could listen to her talk all day, the audiobook is lovely.

message 10: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Watch the Netflix doc. That was really good!

Erin Corey wrote: "I completely agree with your review. I listened to the audiobook version and felt exactly the same way. I really wish she had gone deeper."


Erin Jessica wrote: "Watch the Netflix doc. That was really good!"
I haven't watched it yet.

Erin Lorra wrote: "Definitely listen to it! I could listen to her talk all day, the audiobook is lovely."

Yeah same!

Laura Beth I'm listening to it now, and I do think hearing her makes a difference. I see what you mean about the depth, but I do think she gives us a lot of deep, personal info that might have felt pretty vulnerable. And her writing, while sometimes very simple and straightforward, has a lot of poetic imagery to it, I think. I'm just over 1/3 of the way through, and hooked.

Yesim I think listening to it is key. I loved the audio version. I felt this was so reflective of who she really was, and who most of us never glimpsed. A pleasant surprise of a very depth filled woman. In many ways she reminds of Marilyn Monroe. A woman who had a deep thirst for knowledge and was way more intelligent and wise than anyone ever gave her credit for.

Erin Laura wrote: "I'm listening to it now, and I do think hearing her makes a difference. I see what you mean about the depth, but I do think she gives us a lot of deep, personal info that might have felt pretty vul..."


Erin Yesim wrote: "I think listening to it is key. I loved the audio version. I felt this was so reflective of who she really was, and who most of us never glimpsed. A pleasant surprise of a very depth filled woman. ..."

Agreed! She seems like a really nice smart person.

Michelle Johnson That’s exactly what I said in my review. I also wished I had done the audiobook. I need more meat and depth. (No pun intended.)

Erin Haha!!!

Angela Fink I, on the other hand did not follow Pamela Anderson. I knew she was on Baywatch and I guess I didn't realize that was her on Home Improvement. I watched the Netflix show, which I found intriguing and that's what interested me in the book. If you are willing to give it another chance, I would definitely listen to it on audio. Her soft unapologetic voice really made this audiobook special.

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