Colin Leonard's Reviews > Love, Pamela: A Memoir

Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson
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it was ok

Here's the deal. Ya boi loves some good dirt and drama and filler reads. The last 6 months I've felt particularly spicy and I've sucked down the whole Twilight saga and Prince Harry's memoir. I had high hopes for this book to be the reading equivalent of putting on daytime soap operas to help me sleep better or at least give me a damn escape as my life crumbles and my marriage falls apart and my kids resent me. But alas, our girl Pam did not deliver the goods. I was left wanting. I learned no spicy details of a life I am literally entitled to know nothing about and therein lies the problem with our society. How do i expect to know these things. I feel deprived. I love my own privacy but dammit Pam give me more I don't respect your privacy at all. I am a monstrous son of capitalism and my existence is a lie. Guess I need to rewatch Desperate Housewives to get my fix.
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Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Josh (new)

Josh Miller By far my favorite book review of the year

Robin This: "I learned no spicy details of a life I am literally entitled to know nothing about and therein lies the problem with our society." You said it much better than I could. May I quote you in my own review -- with credit, of course?

Colin Leonard Absolutely Robin!

JoJoBean 🤣🤣🤣 Love this review. It's better than the book.

Janine Oh you deeeefinetly have to read "I'm glad my mum died"!!!

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