Rowan's Reviews > Love, Pamela

Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson
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Confession: my first celebrity crush was Pamela Anderson. I was six years old and thought CJ from Baywatch was great. I wanted to be her friend. I later discovered Pamela had endured her share of adversity, but didn’t realise the full extent - until now.

“We lived off food stamps and powdered milk. I’ll never forget the chalky taste. I dreaded my cereal in the morning.”

Love, Pamela is the story of someone taking back their narrative. There are no ghost writers here. It begins with fourteen pages of free verse poetry. I knew this was going to be a unique memoir. Pamela writes on her own terms - always something to admire. Her poetry is weaved throughout and captures her warm personality and kind soul.

The first half explores her childhood and early years on Vancouver Island. It was harrowing to read of the abuse and domestic violence she endured. Sadly, this would feature in many of her adult relationships too. It would have been easy for her life to take another direction. But it was inspiring to learn how she overcame these struggles and created a fulfilling life for herself.

“I could not have survived my adult life without the strength I learned to muster early on.”

Pamela writes with honesty and vulnerability – particularly the first half. Certain sections gave me anxiety. There are many vivid characters too. People seemed fictional yet real. One moment I was smiling, the next feeling a sense of doom as another relationship turned sour.

I found myself amazed at how well-read she is. Pamela’s passion for art, poetry and knowledge is infectious. It was interesting to read about the origins of her veganism and activism, and how she catapulted into fame.

“No matter how I tried, the image was bigger than me and always won. My life took off without me.”

Pamela writes with self-awareness, particularly in regards to formative relationships. The second half, however, lacked some of this initial depth, and skimmed the surface. In her own words, she was stuck between protecting others and blurting out the truth. The book suffered because of this.

A subtle insecurity began to manifest across the pages in these latter sections. It was like Pamela was caught up trying to convince readers of her intelligence, parenting skills, and ability to make the world a better place through her various causes. At times, it felt more resume than memoir in its delivery.

Despite this, I was captivated by Pamela’s story and empowering way she poured herself into this memoir. It’s always good when you finish a book with greater respect and admiration for the author. Congrats on taking back your story, Pamela, and for doing so with grace and humility.

“You can think your way out of living.
This is when I learned
To flip the script—
When you change your thoughts,
you change your life.”
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Reading Progress

October 28, 2022 – Shelved
March 11, 2024 – Started Reading
March 12, 2024 –
page 64
March 13, 2024 –
page 110
March 14, 2024 –
page 143
March 16, 2024 –
page 182
March 17, 2024 –
page 256
March 17, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 144 (144 new)

message 1: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca Yay!!! I need to read this as well 💖

message 2: by Rowan (last edited Mar 12, 2024 04:41AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rowan Rebecca wrote: "Yay!!! I need to read this as well 💖"

I remembered you had a copy of this! ☺️ I’m enjoying it so far!

Nancy (playing catch-up) Looking forward to your thoughts on this one!

Rowan Nancy wrote: "Looking forward to your thoughts on this one!"

I’m enjoying it so far, Nancy! ☺️

message 5: by Persephone's Pomegranate (last edited Mar 17, 2024 02:22AM) (new)

Persephone's Pomegranate I used to watch reruns of V.I.P. It was incredibly silly, yet entertaining. lol

Rowan Persephone's Pomegranate wrote: "I used to watch reruns of V.I.P. It was incredibly silly, yet entertaining. lol"

I never watched that one, PP! But can just imagine how silly and entertaining it must have been Haha

message 7: by Samyra (new)

Samyra Alexander I imagine it's an interesting read.

message 8: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra An interesting memoir for sure! It's always nice to be able to put a different "face" on someone famous. Excellent review, Rowan :)

Rowan Samyra wrote: "I imagine it's an interesting read."

It certainly was, Samyra!

Rowan Alexandra wrote: "An interesting memoir for sure! It's always nice to be able to put a different "face" on someone famous. Excellent review, Rowan :)"

Thank you, Alexandra! That's very true. It's great when a memoir does that!

message 11: by Dee (new)

Dee Great, honest review Rowan. I have really wanted to the new Brittney Spears one myself as she is/was such an icon for so long. It is nice to get a little insight into these celebrities struggles even tho at times like you found it may be difficult to read

message 12: by Lea (new)

Lea I watched her documentary and I was shocked with all that Pamela had to endure. But she came cross as intelligent, deep, strong and artistic. She also kept diaries all her life so I guess she has to be masterful in describing her life. Have to get to this.

Rowan Dee wrote: "Great, honest review Rowan. I have really wanted to the new Brittney Spears one myself as she is/was such an icon for so long. It is nice to get a little insight into these celebrities struggles ev..."

Thank you very much, Dee! Absolutely. These kind of memoirs give you a new appreciation for someone. Makes them more human and relatable.

I remind myself that when certain things are difficult to read, just imagine what it must have been like for the person who lived it.

Rowan Lea wrote: "I watched her documentary and I was shocked with all that Pamela had to endure. But she came cross as intelligent, deep, strong and artistic. She also kept diaries all her life so I guess she has t..."

I think you would really enjoy this, Lea! I must watch her documentary next. I've been told it makes a great companion to this memoir. Pamela is definitely intelligent, artistic and resilient. She's doing great work. Such a kind soul.

message 15: by Soma (new) - added it

Soma Kar Thanks Rowan for the great review. I have watched her documentary and have read this book as well. I completely agree with your review. 💖

message 16: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Insightful review Rowan 👏

message 17: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen I was never a fan of Baywatch much less Pamela A but watching her documentary really changed my view on her. Terrific review, Rowan!

message 18: by Tracy (new)

Tracy Greer- Hansen Great review! I saw her on Broadway in New York playing in the musical Chicago…. She didn’t leave me with any strong impressions.
My take away is she is Canadian and a good mum. That was enough for me! 😊

message 19: by Esta (new)

Esta It's awesome she wrote it herself without it having been ghostwritten. What a thoughtful and constructive review Rowan! Nice one 😊

message 20: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Lovely review!

message 21: by Jenna (new)

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ Terrific review, Rowan, and I learned a lot about her that I didn't formally know. I hadn't been interested in this memoir and now I kinda want to read it, though the "proving herself" would be a bit tedious, albeit understandable.

message 22: by Diana (new)

Diana Sounds so interesting! I enjoy reading memoirs because I often learn unexpected thing about the author

message 23: by Catherine (new)

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Goes to show the picture you have of someone in your head can be so different from reality…and sounds like she’s lived quite a life! Insightful review, Rowan!

message 24: by Amina (new)

Amina Shockingly I never watched Baywatch, but I still remember her role in home improvement and how she really had such a spark to her, one which I even got to see in the documentary I saw of hers, last year. Despite it's few issues that you had, Rowan, I am so glad that this memoir was such an impactful one for you, of someone that you have been a fan of, for quite awhile. Wonderful review! 🧡

message 25: by Tina (new)

Tina A great review Rowan! I'm glad she is telling her story as many didn't take her seriously. She has suffered a lot. I hope she's in a better place. I did watch her Netflix documentary last year and it left off that she was in a good place.

message 26: by Rosh (new)

Rosh I was never a big fan of her (probably because I never watched anything starring her, not even Baywatch), but I have become a fan of her no-makeup policy. She's setting a new example for celebs. A part of me understands why she felt like she had to prove her credentials in the book. Excellent, informative review, Rowan! :)

message 27: by Debbie Y (new)

Debbie Y Terrific review, Rowan! :) I feel way more educated now thanks to you. I do know she does so much for the animals, something that is admirable in my book. 🐾

message 28: by mai ♡ (new)

mai ♡ Very fun review!

message 29: by Ron (new)

Ron Rowan, as far as celebrity crushes, you were one among many for Pamela. This is a good review too. I saw her documentary, which seem to coincide with this book, and it surprised me. Very much her narrative.

Rachel Hanes Fantastic review, Rowan!!! So glad that you enjoyed this book too! I can also see why she was your first crush. Lol! You made some very valid points about the second half of the book, but I still have a much deeper respect and understanding of Pamela Anderson after having read this. 💗

message 31: by Angela (new)

Angela A blonde bombshell in a red swimsuit, what six yo boy wouldn't have a crush! Great review, as always, Rowan! 🩱

Rowan Soma wrote: "Thanks Rowan for the great review. I have watched her documentary and have read this book as well. I completely agree with your review. 💖"

Thank you, Soma! I must watch her documentary next, because I think it will complement this book nicely. Happy you agree with my thoughts on this! 💖

Rowan Maureen wrote: "Insightful review Rowan 👏"

Thank you, Maureen! 😊

Rowan Jen CANADA wrote: "I was never a fan of Baywatch much less Pamela A but watching her documentary really changed my view on her. Terrific review, Rowan!"

Thank you, Jen! I love that watching the documentary changed your view on Pamela. I'm sure this book will have the same effect on those who read it.

Rowan Tracy wrote: "Great review! I saw her on Broadway in New York playing in the musical Chicago…. She didn’t leave me with any strong impressions.
My take away is she is Canadian and a good mum. That was enough fo..."

Thank you, Tracy! That's interesting you saw her on Broadway! She specifically mentions performing in Chicago and how much she enjoyed it. I think those are good takeaways of yours Haha I'm glad she's in a good place now.

Rowan Esta wrote: "It's awesome she wrote it herself without it having been ghostwritten. What a thoughtful and constructive review Rowan! Nice one 😊"

Thank you, Esta. Have to admire celebrities who write their memoirs without outside help!

message 37: by Patti (new)

Patti I just may read this because of your insightful review, Rowan!

Rowan Jayme wrote: "Lovely review!"

Thank you, Jayme!

Rowan Jenna wrote: "Terrific review, Rowan, and I learned a lot about her that I didn't formally know. I hadn't been interested in this memoir and now I kinda want to read it, though the "proving herself" would be a b..."

Thank you very much, Jenna! Definitely understandable about the 'proving herself' vibes in the second half. It just kind of crept up while reading. But in saying that, it's still a good memoir and worthwhile read.

message 40: by Rowan (last edited Mar 18, 2024 06:48PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rowan Diana wrote: "Sounds so interesting! I enjoy reading memoirs because I often learn unexpected thing about the author"

It was, Diana! The kind of memoir that shifts how you view someone. There's no doubt she's making the world a better place.

Rowan Catherine wrote: "Goes to show the picture you have of someone in your head can be so different from reality…and sounds like she’s lived quite a life! Insightful review, Rowan!"

Absolutely, Catherine. I was impressed with Pamela's resilience. She could have easily walked around with a chip on her shoulder after these experiences, yet chose to put good vibes and positivity into the world instead. That's always to be admired!

Rowan Amina wrote: "Shockingly I never watched Baywatch, but I still remember her role in home improvement and how she really had such a spark to her, one which I even got to see in the documentary I saw of hers, last..."

Thank you, Amina! 😊 I need to see that documentary now! It sounds great. Despite the occasional heaviness, it was an easy-to-read memoir. I'm glad that I picked it up.

Rowan Tina wrote: "A great review Rowan! I'm glad she is telling her story as many didn't take her seriously. She has suffered a lot. I hope she's in a better place. I did watch her Netflix documentary last year and ..."

Thank you, Tina! 😊 It definitely seems like she's in a good place and this makes me happy. I love how she has taken back her story and put so much good into the world. She's certainly more well-read than I am Haha

Rowan Rosh (is busy; will catch up soon!) wrote: "I was never a big fan of her (probably because I never watched anything starring her, not even Baywatch), but I have become a fan of her no-makeup policy. She's setting a new example for celebs. A ..."

Thank you very much, Rosh! I understand why she wanted to prove herself in the second half too. By then, I was already convinced of her intelligence, resilience and kind heart though! I hope she inspires others to more comfortable in their own skin also.

Rowan Debbie Y wrote: "Terrific review, Rowan! :) I feel way more educated now thanks to you. I do know she does so much for the animals, something that is admirable in my book. 🐾"

Thank you, Debbie! 😊 She does plenty for the animals, and this is always a good thing! 🐾

Rowan Mai wrote: "Very fun review!"

Thank you, Mai!

Rowan Ron wrote: "Rowan, as far as celebrity crushes, you were one among many for Pamela. This is a good review too. I saw her documentary, which seem to coincide with this book, and it surprised me. Very much her n..."

Thanks, Ron. It seems I must check out this documentary! I'm glad that Pamela is surprising others, living her best life - especially after the adversity she has experienced.

Rowan Rachel wrote: "Fantastic review, Rowan!!! So glad that you enjoyed this book too! I can also see why she was your first crush. Lol! You made some very valid points about the second half of the book, but I still h..."

Thank you very much, Rachel. I'm glad you enjoyed this memoir too! I found it hard to rate - I was torn. It was a good memoir, especially that first half. It gave me a deeper respect and understanding of Pamela also! 💗

Rowan Angela wrote: "A blonde bombshell in a red swimsuit, what six yo boy wouldn't have a crush! Great review, as always, Rowan! 🩱"

Haha this is true, Ange. Thanks for your kind words 😊

Rowan Patti wrote: "I just may read this because of your insightful review, Rowan!"

I hope you enjoy it too, Patti! Certainly a memoir that gets you thinking differently of its author.

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