Stay Fetters's Reviews > Love, Pamela

Love, Pamela by Pamela Anderson
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"Love is the quality of attention we pay to things."

Memoirs are very fascinating to me. I love memoirs because we all live our lives very differently and it's exciting to see how they got to where they are now in life. Well, let's not forget the drama. We can't live without that.

I was almost ten years old when the infamous tape was released and that was how I found out who Pam was. I wasn't allowed to watch Baywatch but I was allowed to watch innocent teens get slaughtered by a killer lurking in the dark. (I guess that makes sense to someone) She was on the cover of all the tabloids and also on all the Hollywood gossip shows. I just didn't understand why they were so involved in her life back then but I do now and it breaks my heart.

Pamela relays it all between these pages and it’s an important read. My heart broke for her throughout this entire book. She's human and can make mistakes but the world held everything she did against her. I can’t even imagine how it would feel to have the world see something so private and personal and then judge you for it. She is such a sweet and kind soul, someone I could see being friends with and taking over the world.

Love, Pamela was the memoir I've been waiting for. Her words are so sincere and soul-hitting that it really made me think about how I treat others. This made me want to do better and that's how a memoir should hit you.
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Reading Progress

October 16, 2022 – Shelved
October 16, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
February 3, 2023 – Started Reading
February 4, 2023 –
page 60
February 5, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Beth This is my favorite quote thus far. I'm halfway through.

Caroline I just started the audio today. I love her. She really is a sweet and kind soul. I didn’t pay attention to the tabloids when they were after her, but I definitely heard about The Tape. I can’t wait to listen to more tomorrow.

Stay Fetters Caroline wrote: "I just started the audio today. I love her. She really is a sweet and kind soul. I didn’t pay attention to the tabloids when they were after her, but I definitely heard about The Tape. I can’t wait..."

She really is a kind human and would do anything to protect what she loves. I dislike how a lot of people portray her because they are all wrong. Really hope you're enjoying this one.

Caroline I loved this memoir. I wish it had been longer and delved deeper, but I loved how human it made her. Until listening to Pamela reading her words, she was just a character on TV. Now I see the real her, and I love it. I actually just started watching Baywatch on Amazon, thanks to this memoir. I have a lot of really cheesy late 80s episodes to get through before she joins the cast though. haha Seriously, was the acting always this bad???

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