Misty Marie Harms's Reviews > The Devil Crept In

The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn
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bookshelves: fiction, horror, kindle-reads, mysterious-monsters

Ten year old Stevie and his cousin Jude are best friends. They spend most of their time together playing in the woods. Until one day Jude disappears. Frantic Stevie searches everywhere for him. Even the creepy rundown house deep in the woods to no avail. Suddenly Jude shows up on his doorstep a few days later. However Jude has changed. He is no longer the cousin he has known all his life.

Deep in the woods lives a woman in a rundown house who many years ago wanted to trade everything for a child. What she got was an abomination. The thing she gave birth to turned into a monster. Stuck between her maternal instincts and the need for freedom she has to decide if she can save herself.

All their fates collide together one summer night when Jude disappears. What is the monster? Can it be stopped? Where are all the damn pets disappearing to? Will Stevie's butthead stepdad get the death he deserves?

Usually I don't like books told from a young child's POV. I get bored quickly. However this one kept me holding on tight. Don't come in wanting a happy ending. Stevie deserved better Ania.
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October 2, 2022 – Shelved

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Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) Terrific review, Misty!💛

message 2: by Tracy (new)

Tracy  Fantastic review, Misty! ♥︎ Glad this one was a pleasant surprise!

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