Misty Marie Harms's Reviews > Monster

Monster by S.E. Green
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really liked it
bookshelves: cannibals, fiction, fictional-crime, horror, kindle-reads

Carolina and her twin sister get kidnapped by a monster when they were children. Forced to starvation they were made to eat other children that were kidnapped or pieces of themselves. On the edge of death Carolina manages to escapes.

Taken in by her psychologist Victor, she has to learn to be human again. Carolina discovers she has a talent of a criminal profiler. She has the ability to see through a killers eyes.

Now there are a spree of murders that alarming echos of her own past. Girls are dying, dark secrets are coming to light, and Carolina has to come face to face with her own past.

I really loved this book. Great twists that kept you guessing. You really wanted Carolina to get a win after all the bullshit she went through!
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September 5, 2022 – Shelved

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Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Wonderful review, Misty! I am glad you enjoyed!

message 2: by Tracy (new) - added it

Tracy  Great review, Misty! On my TBR and it sounds like a great one. ♥︎

message 3: by SK (new)

SK Sounds interesting. Great review 😀

Misty Marie Harms Thank you Meredith 💖

Misty Marie Harms Thank you Tracy. I hope you enjoy.

Misty Marie Harms Thank you SK 💖

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