Misty Marie Harms's Reviews > The House on Fisher Street

The House on Fisher Street by Amy Cross
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bookshelves: fiction, horror, kindle-reads, quick-reads

**3.5 Stars**

Well this book went left, then right, and then did an 180 😂 All the poor girl wanted was to go legit, get married, and have a couple of kids. Now she is some crazy guys experiment into madness thanks to a ring. Fast pace read with an unexpected ending.
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September 5, 2022 – Shelved

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message 1: by Marie (last edited Sep 06, 2022 06:04PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Marie Cool review, Misty! :) This statement made me chuckle: "Well this book went left, then right, and then did an 180". To me that sounds like a typical Cross book! LOL

Leeanne 🥀 The Book Whor3 🥀 Love this review Misty!! You always make me laugh 🤣

message 3: by Tracy (new)

Tracy  😂 Another fun and most excellent review, Misty! ♥︎

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