Layla's Reviews > 1984

1984 by George Orwell
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it was ok
bookshelves: classsics

~ 2 stars ~

TW/CW: talk of rape and homicide, physical and mental abuse / torture, misogyny

This has to be my most disappointing read of the year so far. Everything I expected, and everything I wanted never happened. I thought that the political aspect was interesting, and while I liked that part, it sadly was not enough to save this book.

I’ve been wanting to read this for a while as it’s considered such a staple in dystopian, and in general literature. I’ve even watched a school play which I enjoyed, but of course, that had excluded all the problematic aspects, so I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

This book takes on an authoritarianism and totalitarian government, propaganda, censorship, surveillance, etc. and I thought it dealt with that well enough, and making connections between current day and this book was an experience, i'll say that.

Having known this going in, it seemed like something I would love, and it checked off many boxes of what I was looking for at the time. I even had many quotes I had highlighted for this review that I thought were insightful, but my very smart self returned the ebook without recording them all. Other than the ones I used for my reading updates of course, but most of those were ones I used to complain.

But other than that aspect, it felt like a chore to read. So many things that I didn’t like, and so many things that angered me. I’m reading a story, I want to be immersed, and invested, not bored out of my mind. The writing was nothing special, and the story itself was blander than white bread.

The info dumps were absolutely painful too. I don’t know how I pushed through, though barely considering it took me almost 20 days to complete. There was one particular infodump that I especially suffered through, one that would serve to bring up some of these political discussions and simultaneously throw up a bunch of world building on me. It took up more than 13% of the entire book. 13 PERCENT. My brain felt all mushy by the end, and I’m not sure I properly processed any of it. What was the reason? It couldn’t have been any less digestible.

And then of course we have the characters. I would gladly fist fight Winston, who is our protagonist. I don’t care if some would consider that elder abuse, I would if I could. I have read from such unlikable characters before, but Winston is on another level of terrible. Again, must I ask, what was the reason? Why was he so absolutely horrible? He constantly sexualizes the women he “loves” in disgusting ways, and her youth, and has some weird grudge against anyone that is “pure”, whatever that means. No, sorry, he just hates women in general. Before knowing Julia, his love interest, he imagined raping her, and then slitting her throat for being, what he thought then, celabite. He contemplated smashing her head against the wall. And those weren’t solidary situations. He spends the entire book saying and thinking creepy, disgusting and irritating stuff. I hate him.

And then we have Julia, the only female character that spoke more than one line. And her only role is that she is shallow and weak, existing solely for Winston and his pleasure, and his sexual fantasies. And that is all she cares about. Sex. That is all she lives for, and nothing else. She has no thoughts of her own, and her personality is as annoying as can be. It definitely plays into the whole “women are objects” thing, which of course angered me even more. I mean for goodness sake, the misogyny was so strong with this one. As in the overused trope, which in itself promotes that internalized misogyny. Julia outright says how she hates women. Excuse you?

And all the other characters didn’t matter, at least to me, so that neither hurt or helped my experience, but the two we knew the most made me want to chuck the book out the window more times than I could count.

And Winston and Julia together was even worse than I could ever imagine. Not only do they not have any chemistry, just a lot of possessiveness, but they are already confessing their love never having properly talked before. Winston spends a good chunk of the book hating on her, but then when she confesses her love, suddenly he is in love with her too. Winston even tells Julia about how he wanted to *coughs* murder her, and she just laughs it off as if it is something normal. If only this behavior was condemned, as it should be.

This is the most unromantic relationship ever. And obviously I am aware that perhaps I should not judge the book by it’s characters, and their portrayal, as that is not what the story is truly about. That’s not what is important. But don’t you think that if I’m going to be following their story, that I should at least be able to tolerate them? At the very least. I don’t think I am being unerasable. And perhaps I could have overlooked the characters, had I actually been interested in the story itself, but I did not. Little by little, any hope I had was crushed, and I was bored to no extent, so having to deal with an incel on top of it all did not bode well for

Final Thoughts: Overall, I dragged through this. It was not a good read. This is so highly praised and I just expected better. I can see where people who like it are coming from in some way, but it was a big no for me. I’ve also been informed that this is basically just a rip off of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, which is a better book, so perhaps I will pick that up in the future. Maybe i’ll even read Animal Farm for the sake of it, and also because I’m curious to read about talking pigs.
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Reading Progress

February 1, 2021 – Started Reading
February 1, 2021 – Shelved
February 1, 2021 –
7.0% "I decided to finally read this because people are being stupid again. There were discussions around the whole "Orwellian" concept a few weeks ago, and the wrongful use of it. I understand the general premise and what it entails, and I think reading this book will be a very interesting experience for me. I haven't read much, but I am confused about Winston and what type of character he is. So far I don't like him."
February 3, 2021 –
20.0% "thoughts:

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past"

Reading this genre and making connections with present day is both scary and thought provoking. I wish we read more Dystopians in school.

• Winston is a big misogynist women hater. I hate him.
• I'm really interested in reading Animal Farm now."
February 12, 2021 –
25.0% "
But in among all this terrible poverty there were just a few great big beautiful houses that were lived in by rich men who had as many as thirty servants to look after them. These rich men were called capitalists. They were fat, ugly men with wicked faces ... The capitalists owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses...

(Cont. In comments)
February 12, 2021 –
26.0% "
The Party claimed that the infant mortality rate was now only a hundred and sixty per thousand, whereas before the Revolution it had been three hundred—and so it went on.

I just fused my two remainder braincells to remember what I learned in an APHG class that I didn't fully pay attention to, and wtf? That's so high lmao. The take on the ✨ propaganda ✨ from the Party is interesting."
February 15, 2021 –
27.0% "I'm litterly reading this book at the pace of a sloth. I typically do for classics. And it's due in 4 days. And I've spent the entire weekend not reading. Well yes, I was reading, but the 50 textbook pages I dragged through and took 6 pages of notes for, do not count. But now I'm free, and have like 4-5 hours before I should sleep, so time to completely binge this and hope my brain doesn't melt."
February 16, 2021 –
38.0% "1984 scenes as interpreted by me:

Winston: I want to slit her throat and r@pe her because she's celibate and I hate all women.

Julia: I love you

Winston:Oh shit, you know what? Maybe? I? Do? Too?

Winston: *doesn't see Julia at work* She could have been vaporized, committed suicide, or WORSE changed her mind and decided to avoid me.

Part 2 to come..."
February 16, 2021 –
40.0% "TW: rape

“I expect I’m better at finding things out than you are, dear. Tell me, what did you think of me beforethat day I gave you the note?”

He did not feel any temptation to tell lies to her. It was even a sort of love offering to start off by telling the worst. “I hated the sight of you,” he said. “I wanted to rape you and then murder you afterwards....

(Continued in comments)
February 16, 2021 –
45.0% "1984 scenes as interpreted by me: PT 2

Julia: what were your first impressions of me?

Winston: oh I wanted to murder you. But now that I know that you're not pure, which was why I wanted to kill you in the first place, I love you. Now let's have sex.

J: HAHAHA, babe you're so funny. ILY2

W: I'm old enough to be your father, why me?

J: You have the face of a traitor.

W: That's hot."
February 17, 2021 –
60.0% "
All of the disputed territories contain valuable minerals, and some of them yield important vegetable products such as rubber which in colder climates it is necessary to synthesize by comparatively expensive methods. But above all they contain a bottomless reserve of cheap labor. Whichever power controls equatorial Africa, or the countries of the Middle East, or Southern...

Quote cont. in comments...
February 18, 2021 –
70.0% "The pain I feel. . . I just read an info dump that consisted of around 13% of the entire book. My brain hurts.

February 18, 2021 – Finished Reading
February 21, 2021 – Shelved as: classsics

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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Mina M I was also very disappointed with this. I highly recommend reading Zamjatin’s We instead! (1989 is kind of a shameless rip off of that book anyway... and Zamjatin writes so much better!)

Mina M I’m sorry, my Swiftie-brain kicked in! I meant 1984 of course hahaha

Layla Mina wrote: "I was also very disappointed with this. I highly recommend reading Zamjatin’s We instead! (1989 is kind of a shameless rip off of that book anyway... and Zamjatin writes so much better!)"

Mina wrote: "I’m sorry, my Swiftie-brain kicked in! I meant 1984 of course hahaha"

Lmao, that's hilarious, but also a mix up that I do not mind. And thank you so much for the recommendation! I'll definitely make sure to look into Zamjatin. :)

message 4: by Sasha (new) - added it

Sasha so sorry it was a disappointment, i've only heard good things about it :(

Layla Sakshi wrote: "so sorry it was a disappointment, i've only heard good things about it :("

Thanks, but yeah me too. This one is so highly praised, and it didn't live up the hype, and as much as I wanted to love it, I just can't 😔

Queralt✨ I'm with you, the misogyny and how the only female character seemed to only and solely care about sex was just a disappointment... :/ I still liked the government stuff myself, but the characters? hell no.

Layla Queralt✨ wrote: "I'm with you, the misogyny and how the only female character seemed to only and solely care about sex was just a disappointment... :/ I still liked the government stuff myself, but the characters? ..."

Yeah, that part was really annoying. The government aspect wasn't enough to balance it out for me unfortunately. The objectification of Julia made me really uncomfortable. There is even a "I hate women line" said twice, by both Winston and plot twist, Julia herself. Because girl on girl hate to promote misogyny is a thing.

message 8: by Layla (last edited Feb 19, 2021 07:05AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Layla Mjspice wrote: "Lol I feel you. This was one of the few books I really didn't care about."

Glad we are in agreement. I expected more from this honestly.

_+*Midnight*+_ FREEDOM.

Layla MarciaExtraOrdinaryWizard wrote: "FREEDOM."


message 11: by FlightsofFancy (new)

FlightsofFancy I really have decided against reading this, sigh. Its too messed up. I really wanted to read about the about the thought police and doublespeak, and the clever quotes, but this is...not it. *sigh*

Layla FlightsofFancy wrote: "I really have decided against reading this, sigh. Its too messed up. I really wanted to read about the about the thought police and doublespeak, and the clever quotes, but this is...not it. *sigh*"

Agreed, the ideas are great and all, but honestly, the book itself made me want to rip my hair out. Messed up is one nice way to put it lmao. But nonetheless, I am sorry for your disappointment. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people would say otheriwse about this book, but personally I would not recommend.

fede 💕🎀 great review!! i completely agree with all your points. finishing this was a chore.. i don’t know how you managed to do it in less than a month. for me it took a whole year lmao 😭

Layla booking our new escape ♡ wrote: "great review!! i completely agree with all your points. finishing this was a chore.. i don’t know how you managed to do it in less than a month. for me it took a whole year lmao 😭"

Thank you! I'm glad we agree with one another on this. . . but what now? A YEAR. I compliment you on your ability to stick with it that long, because wow. I would have definitely given up by then.

Layla venus wrote: "gosh, i so agree. i opened that book thinking it would be a nice & interesting read but WOW some parts were truly disturbing and it was very uncomfortable to read it as a woman😬 it was a burden to ..."

Yeah, it was definitely an uncomfortable experience. And it was really hard to push through. But wow, 4 months... your persistence is admirable.

Theresa This whole review!!!! It usually takes me 2-4 days to finish a physical book and 2-3 for an audiobook, but this *thing* took me nearly two weeks to finish in audiobook format!! This was just . . . Wow. And as someone who detested Animal Farm in high school, I can say for certain, that it was better. I will definitely be looking into finding a copy of Zamyatin’s book.

Layla Theresa wrote: "This whole review!!!! It usually takes me 2-4 days to finish a physical book and 2-3 for an audiobook, but this *thing* took me nearly two weeks to finish in audiobook format!! This was just . . . ..."

Ugh yes! Reading books for such long times always garners eventual resentment, and gave me a hedache just at the mere thought of picking it up, I don't know how I finished it. And hahaha, perhaps the reason Animal Farm is slightly better (which isn't saying much) is because it's shorter. Less pages to drag through. I have still yet to read it, but at this point I have lost all interest. But I want to eventually, and hopefully get to We. Good luck to you if you do read it!

message 18: by s (i'm a minor) (last edited Apr 10, 2021 08:51PM) (new) - added it

s (i'm a minor) Lmfo, look at this, Layla.

Layla Bookworm Sarah wrote: "Lmfo, look at this, Layla.

"Enormous sibling", I love that 😂

s (i'm a minor) Layla wrote: "Bookworm Sarah wrote: "Lmfo, look at this, Layla.

"Enormous sibling", I love that 😂"

Thanks! ☺️🤣

s (i'm a minor) Winston honestly sounds like such a creep.

Layla Bookworm Sarah wrote: "Winston honestly sounds like such a creep."

He sounds like a creep because he is a creep lmao.

s (i'm a minor) Layla wrote: "Bookworm Sarah wrote: "Winston honestly sounds like such a creep."

He sounds like a creep because he is a creep lmao."

Can we slap him? Just asking.

message 24: by knell (last edited Apr 10, 2021 11:07PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

knell ✿ I'm sorry you didn't like this one! This book captivated me with its political takes and just the general bleakness of it, but I can see exactly why you didn't like the characters. Winston and Julia's relationship was messed up!

Also, thanks for mentioning We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, it sounds intriguing. I'll be sure to check it out.

Layla Bookworm Sarah wrote: "Layla wrote: "Bookworm Sarah wrote: "Winston honestly sounds like such a creep."

He sounds like a creep because he is a creep lmao."
Can we slap him? Just asking."

Yes, if you figure out how to slap fictional people, than I want to be the first to know, because I'm coming for Winston.

Layla knell wrote: "I'm sorry you didn't like this one! This book captivated me with its political takes and just the general bleakness of it, but I can see exactly why you didn't like the characters. Winston and Juli..."

I really wanted to like this, and yes, whatever was going on between Winston and Julia was a big no for me. But I'm really glad that you do! I see where you are coming from. And awesome! I hope you like We if you pick it up :)

Megan Thank you! I don’t see this book as anything more than a simple surveying of the times around him, with the exaggerations added (that could become possible real life scenarios if we become too complacent with government, too divisive, etc.). It doesn’t seem like it would be that difficult of a book for...well, anyone to write in that time period, witnessing the horrors of Hitler and Stalin.

I’m so glad you mention the misogyny in this, though. Pretty sure in modern times, Winston would be known as an INCEL. And what exactly does it say about the author, when the main character hates women to the degree that Winston does? When Julia finally comes around with the weird “I love you” note, I thought that was strange, but she also seemed at first to be quite clever, stealthy, rebellious. I’m thinking, “finally! All of this absurd thinking beforehand... as sick as it was, perhaps it was simply a way for Winston to realize when he’d met his match.”

NOPE. She initially seems shocked and delighted to hear of the Brotherhood; excited by the existence of the forbidden book and whatnot. But it goes rapidly downhill from there: she pledges to join the Brotherhood without O’Brien even looking at her for her assent to his questions, then when Winston finally acquired the book she’s just like “nah, I’m SO in love with you after a few of our meet ups and sex, that I’ll just go ahead and make us some coffee, give you the sex you SO deserve from a young girl 14 years your junior, then you can just give me the Cliff Note’s, ‘kay?” Of course she needed him to read it aloud and explain it to her, of course she’d pass out from boredom (what woman liked books back in 1948?!) totally just take his word on the meaning of this book that quite literally will define life or death for her. I mean, just before acquiring the book, she agreed as well to commit suicide for the cause, but now she can’t even be bothered to read the book? Ridiculous. I’m almost done with it and if it weren’t such a “classic” I’d probably have tossed it into a DNF pile. It’s like everyone has to five star this book and I just don’t get it...

Layla Megan wrote: "Thank you! I don’t see this book as anything more than a simple surveying of the times around him, with the exaggerations added (that could become possible real life scenarios if we become too comp..."

I agree! It says a lot about the author that he would choose to portray Winston and Julia such a way. At first I thought that there would be more to Julia, but she just ended up being a useless airhead and some weird hodgepodge of all the misogynistic tropes and stereotypes. The way it was constantly degrading her was not it. (But I don't blame her for falling asleep when Winston read to her, that shit was so boring as hell).

But same though, I picked it up because it was so praised and because it's status as a classic and a must read, and it was so disappointing, and if it were any other book, I don't think I would have pushed through. I don't see the appeal at all. A lot of people are willing to overlook problematic aspects of classics or make excuses simply because of the time period it was published, but that doesn't work with me. I'm sure there are a plethora of well written books that actually have flavor and don't make me uncomfortable in all the wrong ways.

Keira S I feel you. For a book with not so many pages, I am half bored out of my mind. I don't know why I am putting myself through it. Maybe because I want to know how it ends.

Layla Keira wrote: "I feel you. For a book with not so many pages, I am half bored out of my mind. I don't know why I am putting myself through it. Maybe because I want to know how it ends."

This book dragged so much it felt like a thousand pages I stg. The ending was okay honestly, but I wish you all the luck with pushing through!

Keira S Layla wrote: "Keira wrote: "I feel you. For a book with not so many pages, I am half bored out of my mind. I don't know why I am putting myself through it. Maybe because I want to know how it ends."

This book d..."

Thank you so much, Layla. I hope you have an amazing week! :)

Layla Keira wrote: "Layla wrote: "Keira wrote: "I feel you. For a book with not so many pages, I am half bored out of my mind. I don't know why I am putting myself through it. Maybe because I want to know how it ends...."

Same to you! :)

Naomi Etheridge Am reading 1984 for the first time and you're the first person I've come across with the same opinion of the book. I'm only halfway through and am finding it incredibly misogynistic for the reasons you've listed (Winston's discussion of women in general, as well as Julia's role in the book). Very disappointing since I absolutely loved Animal Farm. I reckon if you enjoyed the political aspect of this book, you will definitely enjoy Animal Farm.

Layla Naomi wrote: "Am reading 1984 for the first time and you're the first person I've come across with the same opinion of the book. I'm only halfway through and am finding it incredibly misogynistic for the reasons..."

I'm glad we're in agreement, this book is so well loved, even in modern day, that it's honestly so shocking how overtly misogynistic it is. But it's good to hear you liked Animal Farm so much better!

Corina thanks so much for your review, i very much agree with your opinion
i'm now roughly 70% finished with it and still wondering how i managed to get this far
how women were viewed here was disgusting
winston's misogyny is so omnipresent, it is bothering that this fact isn't criticized more often
on the issue of government surveillance it deserves its praise, although it reads so much more like a well-written essay than a novel and it repeats itself way too often
i just finished chapter 9: its essentially an essay that summed up everything i already understood about the world building from previous chapters, only giving minor new information about eurasia and eastasia
since i usually finish books, i'll probably finish this one too

Layla Corina wrote: "thanks so much for your review, i very much agree with your opinion
i'm now roughly 70% finished with it and still wondering how i managed to get this far
how women were viewed here was disgusting

I'm glad we are in agreement here! But I'm sorry to hear you also didn't have a good time with this book. I so agree about it being a well written essay rather than a novel. It's fictional, but it doesn't do much plot or character development, which are both important parts of a book. It was hard getting interested in what was going on. And chapter 9 really was so tedious. Everytime I picked up this book, I immediately wanted to go to sleep, it basically cured my insomnia.

message 37: by Bella (new) - rated it 1 star

Bella I completely agree, completing this book felt like a "chore", as someone stated above. The way in which women are depicted definitely is disturbing.

Layla Bella wrote: "I completely agree, completing this book felt like a "chore", as someone stated above. The way in which women are depicted definitely is disturbing."

Yeah... this book was definitely a disappointment. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience too.

message 39: by 99% (new) - rated it 2 stars

99% Cats I got to 38%, when Winston and Julia have their first date at the forest, and I dropped it. I can’t go on, I don’t care about incels and misoginy, and your review is just my same thoughts about what I’ve read so far. Glad to know Winston told Julia about him wanted to murder her and she just laughs it off, now I don’t feel any remorse of dropping this book.

message 40: by Luna (new) - rated it 2 stars

Luna absolutely agree. i'm only finishing this book cause i don't like to leave stuff half assed

No one I actually agree with everything you said.

Miss K. I so agree with you, their relationship was so weird and in my opinion unnecessary. the story wouldn’t be any different without it.

Victor Calvin Completely agree. Your review is exactly how I felt when I finished the book. I was so disappointed in it after all the hype I really thought it would be better. What a chore to read. Do try Animal Farm I read it first and liked it so I thought 1984 would be all that it was supposed to be. Instead, I found myself hating a book for the first time in my life.

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