Tharindu Dissanayake's Reviews > A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, favorites-fiction, all-must-read

"A face of grievances unspoken, burdens gone unprotested, a destiny submitted to and endured."

This must have been the longest time I had waited to review a fiction after finishing the book. Even after a week, I still haven't fully recuperated from the emotional blow of A Thousand Splendid Suns... Painful, heartbreaking, but quite beautiful in a very sad way. Hosseini has improved upon what he did with Kite Runner, if that's even possible, in every conceivable way imaginable to give the reader another masterpiece! I loved every little thing about this book.

"Learn this now and learn it well, my daughter: Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman."

When I finished Kite Runner before, it became clear how impactful Hosseini's story telling is: It was tragic yet beautiful in a unique way. I had thought I was prepared to pretty much anything the author could throw at me after that. But A Thousand Splendid Suns, for me, was a far more difficult read. Unlike in Kite Runner, Hosseini does not hold back when it comes to unfolding Mariam and Laila's story. Saying that reading through the abuse and other privations of the two protagonists was shocking would be a huge understatement. Everything felt too real to be consoled otherwise. In the Afterwards section, I did come across about Hosseini's work in UNHCR, and maybe it's his firsthand experience that made the portrayal this authentic.

"It's our lot in life, Mariam. Women like us. We endure. It's all we have."

The author continues to use his simple, and straightforward writing style which suits perfectly to the atmosphere he creates in these stories. But, even if one finds the writing style to be lacking in flavor, when the story telling is this good, most would never be bothered by anything else. And when you add Hosseini's flawless character development, it's impossible not to fall in love with this book. But where I saw the most significant improvement is in the plot, which stole the spotlight away from character department. The life story of the two protagonists -Mariam and Laila- allows the reader to peak in to a couple of lives heavily affected not only by war, but their journey amidst various domestic difficulties, providing the reader with another unique opportunity to empathize with Afghan people, and specifically from a woman's point of view this time. Instead of coming across hateful stories about Taliban and terrorism in general, it's enlightening to see the events from a perspective like this, which enables any reader to understand the bitter reality, along with the fact that countless thousands of people are experiencing worse circumstances in such countries. Even though it is fiction, I think it's commendable, and remarkable, what Hosseini does with these stories, as they help shift any reader's opinion about the people who are affected by wars in such countries.

"People, she believed now, shouldn't be allowed to have new children if they'd already given away all their love to their old ones. It wasn't fair."

Everything else that was good about Kite Runner is still here, from pace, flow of events, and handling of emotions to the ending. Oh, that ending! I rarely admire a sad ending, but Hosseini is definitely the exception. During the middle part of the book, even though I loved everything, I didn't see myself giving a rating higher than 4-stars, but the concluding chapters broke me down and changed everything. Now I feel like there aren't enough starts to do justice.

"As she closed her eyes, it was not regret any longer but a sensation of abundant peace that washed over her."
"One last time, Mariam did as she was told."

It's not every day that I get to shelf two consecutive books from the same author as all-time-favorites. Honestly, I was not expecting this to be better than the first, and thought there might even be some repetitiveness. This is anything but that! If you loved Kite Runner, it is most likely that you will have an even better reading experience with this ATSS. However, be warned that the emotional impact this delivers is far more profound, leaving one with tears for quite a while. Unlike with Kite Runner, the luxury of hiding the despicable actions of villains, which left many horrific events to readers' imagination, is gone. But at the end of the day, just like with Kite Runner, it's worth every second... it's worth the heartbreak... it's worth evert tear... Another must-read-for-all from Hosseini.

"A young Mariam is sitting at the table making a doll by the glow of an oil lamp. She's humming something. Her face is smooth and youthful, her hair washed, combed back. She has all her teeth."
"The little girl looks up. Puts down the doll. Smiles. Laila jo?"
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 68 (68 new)

Catherine This is my absolute favourite of his works. I read it about 10 years ago and am STILL heartbroken about it. It's one that, in my opinion, stays with you.

Rebecca This is the book I recommend to everyone. It’s one of my absolute favourites. I’ve never cried so much reading a book 🙏🏻💖

Baba My favourite book of this author, a true gem!

Tharindu Dissanayake Catherine wrote: "This is my absolute favourite of his works. I read it about 10 years ago and am STILL heartbroken about it. It's one that, in my opinion, stays with you."

I know what you mean. I don't think one could ever forget this one.

Tharindu Dissanayake Rebecca wrote: "This is the book I recommend to everyone. It’s one of my absolute favourites. I’ve never cried so much reading a book 🙏🏻💖"

I agree. This should be read by everyone, no matter how heartbreaking it is. Those last two chapters were so sad, and beautiful at the same time.

Tharindu Dissanayake Baba wrote: "My favourite book of this author, a true gem!"

Glad to hear that, Baba! And now it's one of my favorites too. There's something very real, and personal in Hosseini' story telling.

message 7: by Sebastian (new) - added it

Sebastian definitely prioritizing it on my TBR list, great review Tharindu!

Tharindu Dissanayake Sebastian wrote: "definitely prioritizing it on my TBR list, great review Tharindu!"

I saw you loved Kite Runner, and you'll find another unforgettable story here, Sebastian. This one's actually even more shocking to be honest, but it's worth the heartbreak.

Elizabeth Stewart Another gut wrencher for me. Big fan of this author.

message 10: by JGV (new)

JGV A Thousand Spendid Suns. The title already seems sad

Tharindu Dissanayake Elizabeth wrote: "Another gut wrencher for me. Big fan of this author."

Same for me. Hosseini is one of those readers who makes it to one's list of favorite authors with a single book.

Tharindu Dissanayake SereneReviews wrote: "A Thousand Spendid Suns. The title already seems sad"

It is 😓 But when you really come across that phrase in the book at last, it is impossible not to cry...

Vibha I bought 3 of his books which are waiting to be picked up from my shelf 🙊

Tharindu Dissanayake Vibha wrote: "I bought 3 of his books which are waiting to be picked up from my shelf 🙊"

I haven't go to the third book, but the first two were amazing. You'll have an unforgettable time Vibha.

Vibha Tharindu wrote: "Vibha wrote: "I bought 3 of his books which are waiting to be picked up from my shelf 🙊"

I haven't go to the third book, but the first two were amazing. You'll have an unforgettable time Vibha."

Which one should I read first? Are they interconnected?

Tharindu Dissanayake Vibha wrote: "Which one should I read first? Are they interconnected?"

I was wondering the same thing before starting, so I asked in one of the FB readers' groups. Over ninety percent recommended to starting with Kite Runner, and I think it's the right way to go. Either way, you'll enjoy them since they are not connected.

Stacey B Great review, great book.

Tharindu Dissanayake Stacey wrote: "Great review, great book."

Thank you, Stacey! It sure is.

Vibha Tharindu wrote: "Vibha wrote: "Which one should I read first? Are they interconnected?"

I was wondering the same thing before starting, so I asked in one of the FB readers' groups. Over ninety percent recommended ..."

Oh! Thanks Tharindu!

Debbie W. I think it’s wonderful that you are reading Hosseini, Tharindu! He has a writing style that just breaks your heart!

message 21: by Tharindu (last edited Aug 03, 2021 09:15AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tharindu Dissanayake Debbie wrote: "I think it’s wonderful that you are reading Hosseini, Tharindu! He has a writing style that just breaks your heart!"

He sure does. I've seen many say that his writing is too simple, and lacks flavor, but I think it's ideal for his stories.

Nancy (playing catch-up) One of my favorites! Looking forward to your review.

Tharindu Dissanayake Nancy wrote: "One of my favorites! Looking forward to your review."

And now mine too! 😊 Hosseini's books need a little recovery period before getting back to normal 😄

message 24: by Nilanjana (new)

Nilanjana Haldar odd! I was just feeling the cover-page of this novel on my shelf! O_O What a coincidence! I haven't yet read it however

Beautiful review Tharindu by the way!

Stacey B Nilanjana wrote: "odd! I was just feeling the cover-page of this novel on my shelf! O_O What a coincidence! I haven't yet read it however

Beautiful review Tharindu by the way!"

There are no coincidences :)

Pubudini Jayakody 0h you read this too:) This is one of my favourite books! Hope you loved it, and I'll wait for your review.

Tharindu Dissanayake Pubudini wrote: "0h you read this too:) This is one of my favourite books! Hope you loved it, and I'll wait for your review."

I loved this. Not more or less than Kite Runner, but in a different way. Hosseini is amazing! Glad to hear, you, too, loved this Pubudini.

Tharindu Dissanayake Nilanjana wrote: "odd! I was just feeling the cover-page of this novel on my shelf! O_O What a coincidence! I haven't yet read it however. Beautiful review Tharindu by the way!"

Hope you'll love this Nilanjana! If you haven't already, also read Kite Runner. Both books are wonderful.

Tharindu Dissanayake Stacey wrote: "Nilanjana...
There are no coincidences :)"


Kathleen omg, did you read this one back to back with 'The Kite Runner??' I had to take a break & fill the space with some "fluffy" stuff before diving in again. I'm 40% thru now. Will be interested in your review.

message 31: by Nilanjana (new)

Nilanjana Haldar Totally picking this up TOMORROW itself, Tharindu (There's no way I will procrastinate!)

Tharindu Dissanayake Kathleen wrote: "omg, did you read this one back to back with 'The Kite Runner??' I had to take a break & fill the space with some "fluffy" stuff before diving in again. I'm 40% thru now. Will be interested in your..."

I did read them back to back and it wasn't the smarted decision 😅 I had thought Kite Runner was as sad as it could get, but this one reached another level, especially with the ending. Hope you'll love the book, Kathleen!

Lilli I adored this book, despite how heartbreaking it is. I’m glad you loved it too! I think I enjoyed it even slightly more than The Kite Runner.

Tharindu Dissanayake Lilli wrote: "I adored this book, despite how heartbreaking it is. I’m glad you loved it too! I think I enjoyed it even slightly more than The Kite Runner."

Thank you, Lilli! 😊 Glad you, too, loved this. I'm having a hard time packing a favourite out of the two though. I loved the characters in Kite Runner more, but the plot here was more emotional, and the ending was painfully beautiful.

Kathleen I read the author said 'The Kite Runner' was a story about fathers and sons where 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' is about Mothers and daughters. Maybe reading about injustices against women is harder? I found them equally disturbing but profoundly impactful. Enjoyed your review Tharindu!!

Tharindu Dissanayake Kathleen wrote: "I read the author said 'The Kite Runner' was a story about fathers and sons where 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' is about Mothers and daughters. Maybe reading about injustices against women is harder? ..."

May be that's it... especially when it is in a country like Afghanistan, where even the law is not unfavorable towards women. Glad you liked the review, Kathleen! 😊

message 37: by Trevor (new)

Trevor Wiltzen I loved this book. Great review

Tharindu Dissanayake Trevor wrote: "I loved this book. Great review"

Great to hear you loved the book, Trevor. Thank you! 😊

message 39: by Sade (new)

Sade Fab Review.
Still can't bring myself to put my emotions through the wringer by reading this book. I tried to watch a movie based on The Kite Runner and my God, so upsetting.

Tharindu Dissanayake Sade wrote: "Fab Review.
Still can't bring myself to put my emotions through the wringer by reading this book. I tried to watch a movie based on The Kite Runner and my God, so upsetting."

Thank you, Sade! 😊
I haven't got a change to watch the movie yet, but not really sure if I should. Kite Runner was heard but this was much more difficult to swallow...

Priyadharshini This book is in my shelf waiting for me to read soon ☺️

Tharindu Dissanayake Priyadharshini wrote: "This book is in my shelf waiting for me to read soon ☺️"

You'll have an enlightening reading experience 😊 Read it soon, but also keep another book to lift your spirits after this...

message 43: by Chasity (new) - added it

Chasity I bought this audiobook for $1 at the library a long time ago, but have yet to listen. Had no idea it was from female POV. Gonna have to bump it up the reading list. I should have known it was amazing just by the author, but your review sealed the deal for me.

message 44: by John (new) - rated it 5 stars

John Gilbert It is again significant with recent events in Afghanistan, my original support for the invasion came from reading this book. So tragic.

Tharindu Dissanayake Chasity wrote: "I bought this audiobook for $1 at the library a long time ago, but have yet to listen. Had no idea it was from female POV. Gonna have to bump it up the reading list. I should have known it was amaz..."

Hope you'll love the book Chasity! I don't know much about the audio book though. I did see somewhere a lower rating for the audio version, saying the narrative wasn't that interesting 😊

Tharindu Dissanayake John wrote: "It is again significant with recent events in Afghanistan, my original support for the invasion came from reading this book. So tragic."

Yeah, the recent news about Afghanistan feel very personal after Hosseini's books. One almost doesn't care which military is there but what sort of impacts the civilians would have.

message 47: by Teresa (new)

Teresa A wonderful heartfelt review!!

Tharindu Dissanayake Teresa wrote: "A wonderful heartfelt review!!"

Thank you, Teresa! 😊

message 49: by John (new) - rated it 5 stars

John Gilbert Tharindu wrote: "John wrote: "It is again significant with recent events in Afghanistan, my original support for the invasion came from reading this book. So tragic."

Yeah, the recent news about Afghanistan feel v..."

So true Tharindu

Moony (Captain Mischief) MeowPoff Awesome review! :)

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