Tharindu Dissanayake's Reviews > The Diary of a Young Girl

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, favorites-autobiography, all-must-read

"Riches, prestige, everything can be lost. But the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there, as long as you live, to make you happy again."

I'm not sure if I can review this book properly. I started a few times before, but, it is just too difficult...I really wish I had skipped the Afterward section and read it sometime after. I don't recall being this sad after reading a book...

"Memories mean more to me than dresses."

"I once asked Margot if she thought I was ugly. She said that I was cute and had nice eyes. A little vague, don't you thing?"

From the very start, I found the style of writing to be very captivating, which could be hugely attributed to the fact that everything is completely genuine. As this was never intended to be shared with others, Anne does not hold back when it comes to confiding all her feelings, experiences and expectations in her ever trustworthy journal - Kitty.

"I've been taking valerian every day to fight the anxiety and depression, but it doesn't stop me from being even more miserable the next day. A good hearty laugh would help better than ten valerian drops, but we've almost forgotten how to laugh."

"Despite all my theories and efforts, I miss - every day and every hour of the day - having a mother who understands me."

In my opinion, one of the key ways this book can help all readers is by enhancing everyone's ability to empathize, not just with a teenager. Anne's experiences shine a special light on how much children suffer, due to them not being able to freely communicate or confide in others. One might say that it's just how it is with teenagers, and they'll grow out of it, but Anne's own statements contradict that - at least to an extent. When she revisits some of her earlier entries, though she regrets the fact that she feels much anger toward her mother, she never recovers completely, or finds it possible to completely forgive her. She still holds some contempt for not been able to make herself herd by her mother.

"I do my best to please everyone, more than they'd ever suspect in a million years."

"I soothe my conscience with the thought that it's better for unkind words to be down on paper than for Mother to have to carry them around in her heart."

"I continued to sit with the open book in my hand and wonder why I was filled with so much anger and hate that I had to confide it all to you."

It's heartbreaking to see how she suffered, when she dreamt of her friends and grandmother, and the way she kept it all together in the midst of all other difficulties. Even an adult would have had a hard time under similar circumstances. But for a child... and thousands of others who went through similar devastations...

"I was very sad again last night. Grandma and Hanneli came to me once more. Grandma, oh my sweet Grandma. How lonely Grandma must have been, in spite of us. You can be lonely even when you're loved by many people,"
"And Hanneli? Is she still alive? What's she doing? Dear God, watch over her and bring her back to us. Hanneli, you're a reminder of what my fate might have been. I keep seeing myself in your place."

If I didn't say something of some of the happy memories, it will be unfair to the book. Because, even when you take away the fact that everything in this book is genuine, the style of writing - especially for an 13 year old girl - is beyond amazing. The first half of the books is going to keep you laughing, for Anne relates the day-to-day events in such an amusing way. Most readers will find the series of events to be an emotional rollercoaster. It's amazing how well she manages to record everything, relating them to people, time of day, her own feelings and many more.

"Upstairs it sounds like thunder, but it's only Mrs. van D's bed being shoved against the window so that Her Majesty, arrayed in her pink bed jacket, can sniff the air through her delicate little nostrils."

"A few nights ago I was the topic of discussion, and we all decided I was an ignoramus."

"Dearest Kitty, Pim is expecting the invasion any day now. Churchill has had pneumonia, but is gradually getting better. Gandhi, the champion of Indian freedom, is on one of his umpteenth hunger strikes."

"Gandhi is eating again."

"You've known for a long time that my greatest wish is to be a journalist, and later on, a famous writer."
Yes, she would've been an amazing writer. In fact, she already has become one. How cruel it is that the hopes and dreams of millions get destroyed because of the thoughtless actions of a few.

"We still love life, we haven't yet forgotten the voice of nature, and we keep hoping, hoping for...everything."

All I can hope is that she kept the hope kindled till the end and never gave up.
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Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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ꕥ Ange_Lives_To_Read ꕥ Beautiful review.

Debbie W. Wonderful review, Tharindu!

The Bibliophile Doctor Beautiful review there 😊

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

I know what you mean about being sad. I listened to this in audiobook format, and I finished it on an hour-long drive to work one morning. I pretty much either cried or outright sobbed for a lot of that trip, and had to sit in my car for a long while once I got there, just to get my shit together. But it made me realize, all the shit I was currently stressing about was petty compared to what that young girl went through.

Incredible—and incredibly important—book.

message 5: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) What an incredibly beautiful review, Tharindu! I have ordered this book and plan to re-read it soon so I can continue to remember what should never be forgotten!

Tharindu Dissanayake Ange H wrote: "Beautiful review."
Thank you, Ange!

Tharindu Dissanayake Debbie wrote: "Wonderful review, Tharindu!"
Thank you, Debbi!

Tharindu Dissanayake The bibliophile wrote: "Beautiful review there 😊"
Thank you very much!

Tharindu Dissanayake Tobin wrote: "I know what you mean about being sad. I listened to this in audiobook format, and I finished it on an hour-long drive to work one morning. I pretty much either cried or outright sobbed for a lot of..."

Yes, Tobin. It helps putting our own things in perspective. Everyone who reads this book is going to need sometime to recover. But, that is no reason to not read it.. Everyone should read this.

Tharindu Dissanayake Terrie wrote: "What an incredibly beautiful review, Tharindu! I have ordered this book and plan to re-read it soon so I can continue to remember what should never be forgotten!"

Thank you, Terrie.
Yes, those are the things that should never be forgotten.

Tharindu Dissanayake Adithyan wrote: "Awesome review man you did a good job explaining it and I always found it too sad to read through but I think we owe it to her to keep her memories both sad and happy alive. Thanks for the review I..."
Thank you, Adithyan!
Yes we do owe her that.. she's not just making us keep her memories alive but millions of others who went holocaust.

Maureen Beautiful review Tharindu, I felt really sad after reading this book too.

Tharindu Dissanayake Maureen wrote: "Beautiful review Tharindu, I felt really sad after reading this book too."
Thank you, Maureen! It's just like you said in your own review..
"If only Anne Frank's diary was the figment of someone's imagination."

The Bibliophile Doctor I feel angry and sad sometimes when people say it is boring, I mean okay people can have their own likes and dislikes but come on people, understand what it is exactly. It's what its name is. A diary of a young girl who is in seclusion. There wont be anything exciting about her life. What we have to appreciate about it is how wonderfully she has written it and the important message she is giving through the book. I love it so much and I have said this in my review that I normally don't defend any book but this book I did defend.

Tharindu Dissanayake The bibliophile wrote: "I feel angry and sad sometimes when people say it is boring, I mean okay people can have their own likes and dislikes but come on people, understand what it is exactly. It's what its name is. A dia..."

True.. I think that's how all feel, except for those who just read a little part and forms a critical opinion. It's not something that's meant to be reviewed. I believe, we only share our opinions of this book as reviews, because we are too sad after reading this and cannot help but say something about it.

message 16: by Joe (new) - rated it 3 stars

Joe Krakovsky That was a nice review of that sweet girl's writing.

Tharindu Dissanayake Joe wrote: "That was a nice review of that sweet girl's writing."
Thank you, Joe!

Sarah I'm always impressed by how articulate Frank was at such a young age. Really great book.

Tharindu Dissanayake Sarah wrote: "I'm always impressed by how articulate Frank was at such a young age. Really great book."
Yes, it is :)

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today A beautiful review, Tharindu. I'm glad this left such a great impression on you.

message 21: by Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today (last edited Nov 27, 2020 09:23AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today Tobin wrote: "I know what you mean about being sad. I listened to this in audiobook format, and I finished it on an hour-long drive to work one morning. I pretty much either cried or outright sobbed for a lot of..."

I know exactly what you mean..."...petty compared to...". I count my blessings every day.

Tharindu Dissanayake Tamar wrote: "A beautiful review, Tharindu. I'm glad this left such a great impression on you."
Thank you, Tamar! I hope it was the same for you as well..

Nancy (playing catch-up) This is a lovely review, Tharindu! I remember visiting the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam many years ago. It was so moving to listen to the audio while walking through the house that I was in tears for most of the tour. It may be time for me to read this one again.

Tharindu Dissanayake Nancy wrote: "This is a lovely review, Tharindu! I remember visiting the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam many years ago. It was so moving to listen to the audio while walking through the house that I was in tears ..."
Thank you, Nancy! I can imagine seeing everything there difficult, but I do hope someday, I'll be able to visit there myself.

message 25: by Tracy (new) - added it

Tracy  I am speechless... Just Wow!

Tharindu Dissanayake Thank you, Tracy!
If you can, read this if you haven't already.. An incredible book!

message 27: by Tracy (new) - added it

Tracy  I have seen the made for TV version, and we all know that doesn't begin to compare to the book.
I definitely plan on reading the novel and learning all the details.

You're review sealed the deal!

message 28: by LiLi (new) - rated it 3 stars

LiLi Unfortunately, it's not a novel.

Tharindu Dissanayake LiLi wrote: "Unfortunately, it's not a novel."

Yeah 😢😢

message 30: by Teresa (new)

Teresa It's a wonderful book but heart breaking.

Tharindu Dissanayake Teresa wrote: "It's a wonderful book but heart breaking."

It is.. and it makes one re-think one's own priorities!

Janice I can still remember how I felt the first time I read this book eons ago. It still breaks my heart.

Tharindu Dissanayake Janice wrote: "I can still remember how I felt the first time I read this book eons ago. It still breaks my heart."

It always does 😢

sruthi This is probably one of the best reviews I’ve seen of any books. I love how you used quotes and the vocabulary is astounding

message 35: by Tharindu (last edited Jul 08, 2021 07:02AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tharindu Dissanayake Ruthi wrote: "This is probably one of the best reviews I’ve seen of any books. I love how you used quotes and the vocabulary is astounding"

Thank you, Ruthi! I was so broken down after reading this, and couldn't resist sharing as many quotes as I could.. 😢

Sheila Jungco I'm glad you finally read this book and gave your, as usual, wonderfully written review. I agree. I know the ending before i have read it but, i felt dreary still. I am surprised even.
The book thief also reminds me of anne's diary. Like they live in same time but with different story.

Tharindu Dissanayake Sheila wrote: "I'm glad you finally read this book and gave your, as usual, wonderfully written review. I agree. I know the ending before i have read it but, i felt dreary still. I am surprised even.
The book th..."

Thank you, Sheila! I almost wished this is just fiction. I almost picked up Book Thief after this, but decided to give a little cooldown period. But hoping to read it very soon.

message 38: by sruthi (last edited Jul 22, 2021 06:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

sruthi Tharindu wrote: "Ruthi wrote: "This is probably one of the best reviews I’ve seen of any books. I love how you used quotes and the vocabulary is astounding"

Thank you, Ruthi! I was so broken down after reading thi..."

Yes same. It is a truly sad book

message 39: by Woman Reading (new)

Woman Reading Truly lovely review, Tharindu!

Tharindu Dissanayake Woman Reading wrote: "Truly lovely review, Tharindu!"

Thank you! 😊 Glad you liked it.

message 41: by THE BIBLIOPHILE (new)

THE BIBLIOPHILE (Rituranjan) One of my most favourite books. I cried a few times while reading Anne's story. It was a cathartic experience for me. It will forever have a cherished place in my heart.

Not only did the world lose a beautiful innocent soul, but also a superbly talented writer. I wonder what she could've been, had she lived up to her prime.

Tharindu Dissanayake THE BIBLIOPHILE wrote: "One of my most favourite books. I cried a few times while reading Anne's story. It was a cathartic experience for me. It will forever have a cherished place in my heart.
Not only did the world lo..."

Agree with everything. I still remember how long it took me to recover from this one. I'm glad the book made a profound impact on you!

message 43: by Julie (new)

Julie Collow IMO I I no nm I’m n I m not II je NBC VR new hv he h her if h hv hv J KB Mmm in j’y I’my j’y it n II j’y J j’y it Julie j’y me hi

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