Julie's Reviews > Everything My Mother Taught Me

Everything My Mother Taught Me by Alice Hoffman
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 2019, e-book, netgalley, novella-short-story, historical-fiction, coming-of-age

Everything my Mother Taught Me by Alice Hoffman is a 2019 Amazon original collections story- Inheritance Collection #1

First, I would like to thank all my Goodreads friends for recommending this story to me. A special shout out to Angela M., whose heartfelt review of this short story first caught my attention.

As noted by many reviewers before me, this is a poignant story, featuring twelve-year-old Adeline, who is at the mercy of her abusive, selfish, and neglectful mother. After her father dies, Adeline deliberately becomes mute, refusing to speak. As her mother manipulates and schemes, Adeline finds an unlikely ally and makes a loyal friend, giving her the courage to break the chain, and carve out a more stable future for herself, despite all the odds.

For such a short story, this one really packs a punch. Strong emotions build quickly, and real feeling of compassion, righteous indignation, and pride for and on behalf of Adeline. She is a truly memorable character and this story is one that will stay with me for a long time to come.

4.5 stars

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Reading Progress

December 20, 2019 – Started Reading
December 20, 2019 – Shelved
December 26, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
December 26, 2019 – Shelved as: e-book
December 26, 2019 – Shelved as: netgalley
December 26, 2019 – Shelved as: novella-short-story
December 26, 2019 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
December 26, 2019 – Shelved as: coming-of-age
December 26, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 50 (50 new)

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message 1: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Glad it was a winner Julie, great review 🤗

Julie Maureen wrote: "Glad it was a winner Julie, great review 🤗"

Thank you so much, Maureen! 💖

Antoinette Loved this one as well!! Great review!

message 4: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Great review, Julie! 'Happy Holidays' ;)

message 5: by Mike (new)

Mike Wonderful review, Julie.

Julie Antoinette wrote: "Loved this one as well!! Great review!"

Thank you, Antoinette!! Glad you enjoyed this one too! 💖

Julie Diane wrote: "Great review, Julie! 'Happy Holidays' ;)"

Thanks so much, Diane!! Happy Holidays to you as well. 💖

Julie Mike wrote: "Wonderful review, Julie."

Thanks so much, Mike!! 😊😊

Ceecee So glad you enjoyed it too Julie 🤗❤️

Julie Ceecee wrote: "So glad you enjoyed it too Julie 🤗❤️"

Thanks so much, Ceecee!! 💖

message 11: by Laur (new) - rated it 5 stars

Laur Awesome review Julie 👏🏻💫

message 12: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Wonderful review Julie! Glad you enjoyed this one!💖

Julie Laur💫 wrote: "Awesome review Julie 👏🏻💫"

Thanks so much, Laur!! 😊😊

Julie Kaceey wrote: "Wonderful review Julie! Glad you enjoyed this one!💖"

Thank you very much, Kaceey!! 💖

message 15: by *TUDOR^QUEEN* (new)

*TUDOR^QUEEN* Lovely review :-)

Karen Awesome review Julie! Glad that you liked it too!

Julie *TUDOR^QUEEN* wrote: "Lovely review :-)"

Thanks so much, TQ!! 💖

Julie Karen wrote: "Awesome review Julie! Glad that you liked it too!"

Thank you, very much, Karen!! 💖

Zoeytron Terrific review, Julie! Glad you liked it.

Julie Zoeytron wrote: "Terrific review, Julie! Glad you liked it."

Thanks so much, dear Zoey!! 💖

message 21: by Mackenzie (new)

Mackenzie Excellent review, Julie! Sounds like a lovely, moving tale 🙂

Julie Mackenzie wrote: "Excellent review, Julie! Sounds like a lovely, moving tale 🙂"

Thank you very much, dear Mackenzie!! 💖

message 23: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Beautiful review Julie!

Julie Lucy wrote: "Beautiful review Julie!"

Thank you very much, Lucy!! 💖

Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill Wow! Fantastic review Julie. This sounds like a very emotional book.

Julie Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill wrote: "Wow! Fantastic review Julie. This sounds like a very emotional book."

Thanks so much, Kim!!💖

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review Julie!!💞😉👍💋

message 28: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Terrific review, Julie! Everyone seems to love this book. 🎄💕

message 29: by Yun (new)

Yun Wow, so glad you thoroughly connected with this short story, Julie! Terrific review! :)

Julie Kat wrote: "Excellent review Julie!!💞😉👍💋"

Thank you very much, Kat!! 💖😊💖

Julie Mary Beth *Traveling Sister* wrote: "Terrific review, Julie! Everyone seems to love this book. 🎄💕"

Thank you, Mary Beth! Short stories are a hard sell for me- but this one was brilliant. 💖

Julie Yun wrote: "Wow, so glad you thoroughly connected with this short story, Julie! Terrific review! :)"

Thank you very much, Yun!! 💖

Sandra Great review Julie! :)

Julie Sandra wrote: "Great review Julie! :)"

Thanks so much, dear Sandra!! 💖

Tina Sounds very emotional but good. A great review Julie!!

Richard (on hiatus) I’ve heard much about this story ......... sounds lovely and loved your review Julie.

Angela M Julie , so glad you loved it . Terrific review! Thanks for the shoutout!

Carolyn Great review, Julie. I'm on it! ;)

Julie Tina wrote: "Sounds very emotional but good. A great review Julie!!"

Thank you very much, Tina!! 💖

Julie Richard wrote: "I’ve heard much about this story ......... sounds lovely and loved your review Julie."

Thank you so much, Richard!! 😊😊

Julie Angela M wrote: "Julie , so glad you loved it . Terrific review! Thanks for the shoutout!"

Thank you so much, dear Angela!! 💖

Julie Carolyn wrote: "Great review, Julie. I'm on it! ;)"

Thank you so much, Carolyn!! I hope you enjoy the book!! 💖

message 43: by Libby (new)

Libby Great review, Julie, and I believe it was Angela's review that caught my attention, too. It's on my list and I absolutely have to get to it.

Julie Libby wrote: "Great review, Julie, and I believe it was Angela's review that caught my attention, too. It's on my list and I absolutely have to get to it."

Thank you, Libby!! I'm really looking forward to your thoughts on this one!! Enjoy! 💖

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Julie! I can't wait to read this!

Julie Meredith wrote: "Fabulous review, Julie! I can't wait to read this!"

Thanks so much, Meredith! I hope you like it as much as I did! 💖

message 47: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Sounds like a good one! Great review!

Julie Deanna wrote: "Sounds like a good one! Great review!"

Thank you so much, Deanna!! 💖

message 49: by Canadian Jen (new) - added it

Canadian Jen Awesome review, Julie! I adore Hoffman so think I will love this too!

Julie Jen wrote: "Awesome review, Julie! I adore Hoffman so think I will love this too!"

Thank you, Jen! Yes! I think you'll like it too. 💖

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