Julie's Reviews > A Christmas Memory

A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 2019

A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote is a 1956 publication.

Lovely Christmas tale filled with humor and warm fondness!

Every year one of my friends on social media will write a review for this story, reminding me, once again, that I STILL haven't read it. By the time I make it to the library, the hold time for this popular classic goes well beyond the Christmas holidays- so I put it off for another year.

This year I got lucky and found a collection of short stories by Truman Capote, which also had the Thanksgiving story in it, which I’d been meaning to read forever, as well. Although, I think I read them out of order- I was thankful I finally got a chance to read these lovely holiday stories.

This is a super quick read, but the love that leaps from the pages is powerful and very touching. I’m not a fan of fruitcake, but I do remember my grandmother made several fruitcakes for Christmas every year and often gave them as gifts- so the book brought back a few fond memories of my own.
Capote’s autobiographical tale is humorous and heartfelt, and of course we all know he had a real knack for weaving a tale- even a short one.

If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend it! It’s a story anyone of any age can enjoy, but the older one gets, the more meaningful stories like this one are. No wonder this book is considered a holiday classic!
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Reading Progress

November 27, 2019 – Started Reading
November 27, 2019 – Shelved
December 9, 2019 – Finished Reading
December 23, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019

Comments Showing 1-44 of 44 (44 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)


RedemptionDenied Very nice review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed!

Julie Dita wrote: "Aw!"


Julie RedemptionDenied wrote: "Very nice review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed!"

Thank you, RD!! 🎄😊🎄

Candi Lovely review, Julie! I'm glad this story warmed your heart as it did mine :)

Julie Candi wrote: "Lovely review, Julie! I'm glad this story warmed your heart as it did mine :)"

Thank you so much, Candi!! A very sweet story! 🎄💖🎄

Jules | The Literary Lifestyle® LOVED this story. I bow down to Truman Capote

Julie Julianne wrote: "LOVED this story. I bow down to Truman Capote"

Thank you, Julianne!! Such a wonderful story! 💖🎄💖

Maureen Really lovely review Julie 🎄🤗

Julie Maureen wrote: "Really lovely review Julie 🎄🤗"

Thank you very much, Maureen!! 😊🎄😊

message 11: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Lovely review Julie ❤️

message 12: by Amy (new)

Amy Great review! I need to check these stories out.

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Lovely review Julie ❤️"

Thank you, Ceecee!! 😊🎄😊

Julie Amy wrote: "Great review! I need to check these stories out."

Thank you, Amy!! I had never read any of the stories included in this collection I'm sure they are all good- unfortunately, I only had time to read the two holiday stories before I had to return it to the library. I'll have to check it out again later. 😊🎄😊

message 15: by Antoinette (new)

Antoinette Very nice review, Julie! I loved this one as well!! Beautiful read :)

Richard (on hiatus) Sounds like a nice festive read .......... a fine write up Julie :)

Julie Antoinette wrote: "Very nice review, Julie! I loved this one as well!! Beautiful read :)"

Thank you, Antoinette!! Yes, such a sweet, tender story! 😊💖🎄

Julie Richard wrote: "Sounds like a nice festive read .......... a fine write up Julie :)"
Thank you, Richard!! 😊🎄😊

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Another excellent review Julie!!💖👍💋😉

Julie Kat wrote: "Another excellent review Julie!!💖👍💋😉"

Thank you very much, Kat!! 😊💖😊

Karen Lovely review Julie! I need to check this one out😊

message 22: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Terrific review, Julie! 💖

message 23: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fabulous review Julie!💖

Julie Karen wrote: "Lovely review Julie! I need to check this one out😊"

Thank you, Karen!! I hope you get a chance to read it someday. A really sweet story! 🎄💖🎄

Julie Kaceey wrote: "Fabulous review Julie!💖"

Thank you very much, Kaceey!! 🎄💖🎄

Julie Mary Beth *Traveling Sister* wrote: "Terrific review, Julie! 💖"

Thank you, Mary Beth!! 🎄💖🎄

message 27: by Jen (new)

Jen Excellent review Julie, I am happy for you that you finally got to read this wonderful classic! xoxo

Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] Wonderful, Julie! 💕

Angela M Julie, like you I’m not a fan of fruitcake, but the I loved the idea of it. Terrific review. A must Christmas read. Terrific review.

Julie Jen wrote: "Excellent review Julie, I am happy for you that you finally got to read this wonderful classic! xoxo"

Thank you very much, Jen!! 💖🎄💖

Julie Vaishali • [Vicarious Living] wrote: "Wonderful, Julie! 💕"

Thank you, Vaishali!! 😊💖😊

Julie Angela M wrote: "Julie, like you I’m not a fan of fruitcake, but the I loved the idea of it. Terrific review. A must Christmas read. Terrific review."

Thank you so much, Angela!! I agree- a must read!! 🎄💖🎄

message 33: by Paula (new)

Paula K Glad you got to read the book this year, Julie! Terrific review!

Julie Paula wrote: "Glad you got to read the book this year, Julie! Terrific review!"

Thank you very much, Paula!! 💖🎄💖

Brenda ~The Book Witch at Witch Words Great review, Julie!

Julie Brenda -Traveling Sister host of The Traveling Friends wrote: "Great review, Julie!"

Thank you, Brenda!! 💖😊💖

message 37: by Tina (new)

Tina A lovely review for a very cherished book that I too STILL haven't read. I must some day soon as your review delighted me!🎄🤩

Julie Tina wrote: "A lovely review for a very cherished book that I too STILL haven't read. I must some day soon as your review delighted me!🎄🤩"

Thank you, dear Tina!! I hope you get the chance to read it someday. It is a lovely story! 💖😊💖

Kimber Silver What a delightful review, Julie! I will keep this one in mind for next Christmas. Thank you for bringing it to light!😊🌸

Julie Kimber wrote: "What a delightful review, Julie! I will keep this one in mind for next Christmas. Thank you for bringing it to light!😊🌸"

Thank you, Kimber!! It is a very charming short story! 😊🎄😊

message 41: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Sounds good :) Very nice review!!

Julie Deanna wrote: "Sounds good :) Very nice review!!"

Thank you, Deanna!! 💖🎄

message 43: by Margitte (new) - added it

Margitte I’ m looking for something different to read. You have convinced me with your lovely review, thanks, Julie.

Julie Margitte wrote: "I’ m looking for something different to read. You have convinced me with your lovely review, thanks, Julie."

Thanks so much, Margitte! Enjoy! 🎄

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