Robert's Reviews > Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell
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bookshelves: general-fiction

Goodreads Farm:

Sheep = everybody not protesting.
Boxer = GR Librarians still librarianing (sic)
Pigs = GR Staff
Benjamin = Protest backlashers
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Finished Reading
August 19, 2008 – Shelved
August 26, 2008 – Shelved as: general-fiction

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Josephine (biblioseph) See, now I understand the story.

Robert Josephine wrote: "See, now I understand the story."

Glad I helped! ;-)

message 3: by Mir (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mir I read this too long ago. I don't remember who Boxer was.

Robert Miriam wrote: "I read this too long ago. I don't remember who Boxer was."

The giant horse with the motto, "I must work harder."

message 5: by Mir (last edited Oct 17, 2013 04:49PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mir Oh, right, I do remember the horse. Thanks.

Robert Miriam wrote: "Oh, right, I do remember the horse. Thanks."

Killed himself working for no reward...

Anam Tahir Pretty smart way of explaining the story.

Robert Killer wrote: "Orwell should have included a bunny like the one in Tawny Scrawny Lion in this story. I'm sure that clever rabbit would have figured out a way for everybody to have a happier ending."

They sound like clever bunnies - but Orwell wasn't looking for a happy ending , of course!

Manny Not sure about Benjamin, but otherwise I love this handy little guide!

Robert Manny wrote: "Not sure about Benjamin, but otherwise I love this handy little guide!"

Yeah - Benjamin refused to help or hinder but was as smart as the pigs and could have led a "resistance." So it's not a perfect fit with the backlashers.

Robert Killer wrote: "Good point. And probably just as well, because the happy ending version of Animal Farm would have long since been forgotten."

Yes, this is the basic reason why Orwell's distopias are more famous than all the many others that have a successful revolution at the end.

Jigme Datse *Spoilers*... Sorry, you told the whole story in what 8 lines? No fair at all. Mind you, I've read this twice now, so...

Robert I've read it at least seven times...I had to study it for my English Lit. exam. Lucky I like it! (Except it wasn't luck; my teacher asked if I'd be OK studying it. If enough of his better students had objected, we'd have probably done something else.)

Also, I didn't so much re-tell the story in about 8 lines as merely de-code the obvious allegory...

Jigme Datse Robert wrote: "I've read it at least seven times...I had to study it for my English Lit. exam. Lucky I like it! (Except it wasn't luck; my teacher asked if I'd be OK studying it. If enough of his better students ..."

It really is something where the story or understanding of the story even, is actually enough to spoil it. But I think some people are just too big on "oh damn, you spoilt that".

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