Julie's Reviews > Inside Out

Inside Out by Demi Moore
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bookshelves: 2019, e-book, audio, memoir, non-fiction, scribd, overdrive

Inside Out by Demi Moore is a 2019 Harper publication.

A compelling and revealing memoir

I waffled back and forth on this one. Initially, I talked myself out of reading it, then changed my mind when I saw it had generated a little buzz and I noticed most of the reviews were positive.

Curiosity got the better of me and so I borrowed it from the library. However, the audio version was available on Scribd and I ended up listening to the book instead.

I’ve never been a fan of movie, or TV stars, in the same way I am with musicians or authors. I liked many of the movies Demi starred in- Ghost being my very favorite of all her roles. I think she is a good actress, but I wouldn’t call myself a fan, necessarily.

Naturally, I was aware she was controversial at times, that she had married and divorced Bruce Willis, and then married Ashton Kutcher- a relationship that came under a great deal of scrutiny in the tabloids. In other words, I knew the simple basics and that's about it.

Much of the information regarding her childhood and upbringing was news to me. I didn’t even know she had once had a role on a popular soap opera early in her career. Before long, Demi had captured my rapt attention as I digested all this information.

Her narration is top- notch. Occasionally, in the beginning of the book she did speak a little too rapidly, as though she were in a hurry to finish the task. However, as the book progressed, she found a rhythm and her inflections were sincere and very believable.

When it comes to celebrity memoirs I feel a little more justified in expressing my personal opinion about the author, since after all, this is not a biography, written by a third party or without authorization.

Some of my impressions are:

I’m not a psychologist, but I did see patterns in Demi’s life. I don’t know what the official word might be, but she did seem to have a predisposition towards addiction. Alcohol, drugs, food, shopping- she seemed to replace one addiction with another.

Like most of us, Demi has made some questionable choices, personally and professionally. She has been the object of criticism from all sides on occasion. While this book is her opportunity to tell her side of the story, I thought she held her resentments in check for the most part.

While some celebrities mentioned in the book felt compelled to set the record straight- on mostly minor things- and some may have felt compelled to defend themselves- but ultimately took the high road- I thought Demi did a good job in telling her life story. She was hard on some people, sometimes understandably, sometimes not, but she was also forgiving. She didn’t sugarcoat her foibles and owned her own s**t.

Overall, this memoir is very well-done. Demi has pulled herself up out of some dark places more than once and appears to be in a good place right now. Often times, a memoir will lesson my opinion of someone, but in this case the opposite was true.

4 stars
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Reading Progress

November 18, 2019 – Shelved
November 18, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
November 29, 2019 – Started Reading
November 29, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
November 29, 2019 – Shelved as: e-book
November 29, 2019 – Shelved as: audio
November 29, 2019 – Shelved as: memoir
November 29, 2019 – Shelved as: non-fiction
November 29, 2019 – Shelved as: scribd
November 29, 2019 – Shelved as: overdrive
December 30, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 67 (67 new)

Brandice Great review Julie, I enjoyed her audio narration as well!

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

You reviewed this so well. I am not necessarily a fan of celebs (or biographies) either but I really enjoyed this thoughtful review!

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Julie! I have been curious about this book. I feel like I learned so much from just reading your review, so I might skip this one, lol!

message 4: by Susanne (new)

Susanne Brilliant review Julie! Sounds like a memoir I'd like!

Brenda ~The Book Witch at Witch Words Wonderful review, Julie!

message 6: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Fantastic review as ever Julie ❤️

Julie Brandice wrote: "Great review Julie, I enjoyed her audio narration as well!"

Thank you, Brandice!! One of the best celebrity narrators I've heard. 💖

Julie Dita wrote: "You reviewed this so well. I am not necessarily a fan of celebs (or biographies) either but I really enjoyed this thoughtful review!"

Thanks so much, Dita!! 😊💖

Julie Meredith wrote: "Fantastic review, Julie! I have been curious about this book. I feel like I learned so much from just reading your review, so I might skip this one, lol!"

Thank you, Meredith!! I didn't even scratch the surface. I never knew she had gone through all those trials. I'm not much of a celebrity watcher, I guess. 💖

Julie Susanne wrote: "Brilliant review Julie! Sounds like a memoir I'd like!"

Thank you, Susanne!! She did a very good job with it. An interesting life, for sure. 💖

Julie Brenda -Traveling Sister/ Happy New Year, Friends! wrote: "Wonderful review, Julie!"

Thank so much, Brenda!! 💖

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Fantastic review as ever Julie ❤️"

Thank you very much, Ceecee!! 💖

message 13: by Janice (new)

Janice Boychuk Awesome Julie! I'm not a big autobiography fan, so I tend to be rather picky about the ones I do select; this one was getting good reviews. That being said, I find that I get tired of listening to sad tales of celebrities pasts, addictions, woe is me, etc. etc., especially from people who have everything at their disposal. So I don't think I'll add this... but great review nonetheless!

Katie B Nice review Julie! My opinion of her went up too after reading her memoir.

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today great review...i rarely read memoirs/autobiographies but I have been curious about this one. Sally Field's memoir of last year was also very good.

Julie Janice wrote: "Awesome Julie! I'm not a big autobiography fan, so I tend to be rather picky about the ones I do select; this one was getting good reviews. That being said, I find that I get tired of listening to ..."

Thank you, Janice! I'm pretty picky too, for the very reasons you named. But, this one was not as bad as I thought it would be. I have had family members and colleagues with some of the same problems she described, but of course, they aren't rich, famous or popular. But, I do wonder if all those trappings magnifies issues that were already in place- and it takes place in the public eye, no less. You wouldn't believe how many of their so-called friends will stab celebrities in the back, spilling private information to the tabloids for large payouts. After reading this book, I have to say, I don't really envy Demi. I"m glad she's doing better, but her life has been far from charmed. 💖

message 17: by Yun (new)

Yun Terrific review, Julie! I've heard a lot of good things about this memoir, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! It sounds extremely compelling and interesting! :)

Julie Katie wrote: "Nice review Julie! My opinion of her went up too after reading her memoir."

Thank you, Katie!! I did approach this one with caution. Now I'm glad I read it! 💖

Julie tamar wrote: "great review...i rarely read memoirs/autobiographies but I have been curious about this one. Sally Field's memoir of last year was also very good."

Thank you, Tamar! I am hoping to read the Sally Field memoir sometime in 2020. She is one of my favorite actresses- and I don't have many favorites. 💖

Julie Yun wrote: "Terrific review, Julie! I've heard a lot of good things about this memoir, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! It sounds extremely compelling and interesting! :)"

Thank you, dear Yun! It was a lot better than I thought it would be. It gave me a very different perspective. I do think Demi has been misjudged at times. I'm glad I read now! 💖

message 21: by Laur (new) - added it

Laur Exceptional review, Julie! Well done my friend. 🥂

message 22: by Lex (new)

Lex Kent Excellent review! I have been on the fence about reading this one so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Happy New Year! :)

Richard (on hiatus) This sounds like a fascinating biography ......... a very perceptive review Julie :)

Lady Alexandrine Great review, Julie! I am looking forward to reading this memoir :)

message 25: by Janice (new)

Janice Boychuk Julie wrote: "Janice wrote: "Awesome Julie! I'm not a big autobiography fan, so I tend to be rather picky about the ones I do select; this one was getting good reviews. That being said, I find that I get tired o..."

Well said, and very true! For some, life in the public eye isn't all what it's cracked up to be. Kind of like winning the lottery, when people you didn't know existed come out of the woodwork. People take advantage, and not everyone is capable of handling the spotlight and negative "side effects" of being a star.

Julie Laur💫 wrote: "Exceptional review, Julie! Well done my friend. 🥂"

Thanks so much, Laur!! 💖

Julie Lex wrote: "Excellent review! I have been on the fence about reading this one so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Happy New Year! :)"

Thank you very much, Lex!! Memoirs can be a mixed bag- but this one is really good! 💖

Julie Richard wrote: "This sounds like a fascinating biography ......... a very perceptive review Julie :)"

Thank you very much, Richard!! I was surprised by it. It was eye-opening, for sure! 😊😊

Julie Lady Alexandrine wrote: "Great review, Julie! I am looking forward to reading this memoir :)"

Thank you, Lady A.! I'm looking forward to hearing your thought on this one! 💖

Julie Janice wrote: "Julie wrote: "Janice wrote: "Awesome Julie! I'm not a big autobiography fan, so I tend to be rather picky about the ones I do select; this one was getting good reviews. That being said, I find that..."

True- I think some behavior modification therapy would help- as well a good support system. She whined a little about being misjudged- but, I think maybe she was right. I certainly checked my prejudgments after hearing her side of the story. But, this is probably one of those rare occasions when I gained respect, instead of losing it. I have a few more 'must read' memoirs coming up. I hope they are as good as this one was. 💖

message 31: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Very nice review Julie 🤗💕

Julie Maureen wrote: "Very nice review Julie 🤗💕"

Thank you, Maureen!! 💖

message 33: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Wonderful review Julie, I always feel uncomfortable reading books like this one, as if I'm seeing things I shouldn't see, but then the celebs write them for a reason and I'm curious. 😊

Julie marilyn wrote: "Wonderful review Julie, I always feel uncomfortable reading books like this one, as if I'm seeing things I shouldn't see, but then the celebs write them for a reason and I'm curious. 😊"

Thank you, Marilyn!! I think this memoir was a long overdue opportunity for Demi to tell her side of things. I think there are many misconceptions about her. But, yes, I admit, I decided to read this one because I am just plain nosy! LOL! 💖

message 35: by MarilynW (new)

MarilynW Julie wrote: "marilyn wrote: "Wonderful review Julie, I always feel uncomfortable reading books like this one, as if I'm seeing things I shouldn't see, but then the celebs write them for a reason and I'm curious..."

Sounds like writing the book worked out for both her and for us. 😂

Julie marilyn wrote: "Julie wrote: "marilyn wrote: "Wonderful review Julie, I always feel uncomfortable reading books like this one, as if I'm seeing things I shouldn't see, but then the celebs write them for a reason a..."

Agreed! It must have been cathartic for her. I'm glad it was well received for the most part. 💖

message 37: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Fab review, Julie! 🎄💕

Julie Mary Beth *Traveling Sister* wrote: "Fab review, Julie! 🎄💕"

Thank you very much, Mary Beth!! 💖

Deanna Awesome review!!

Julie Deanna wrote: "Awesome review!!"

Thanks so much, Deanna!! 💖

message 41: by Angela M (new)

Angela M Memoirs are tough to review, I think, but you’ve done a fantastic job, Julie!

Julie Angela M wrote: "Memoirs are tough to review, I think, but you’ve done a fantastic job, Julie!"

Thank you so much, Angela!! Yes, they are often a mixed bag. This one took me by surprise. 💖

message 43: by Peggy (new)

Peggy Great review. It's on my long tbr list.

Julie Peggy wrote: "Great review. It's on my long tbr list."

Thank you, Peggy!! I hope you like this one. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it. Happy New Year! 💖

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Fantabulous review Julie!!!💋😉💞👍

Julie Kat wrote: "Fantabulous review Julie!!!💋😉💞👍"

Thank you, Kat!! 💖😊💖

message 47: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Such a thoughtful and compelling review, Julie. At this point I shouldn't be surprised, but I really liked what you said about expressing your opinion about personal memoirs. And I loved your reflections and take aways. ❣️

Julie Victoria wrote: "Such a thoughtful and compelling review, Julie. At this point I shouldn't be surprised, but I really liked what you said about expressing your opinion about personal memoirs. And I loved your refle..."

Thank you so much, Victoria! This one took me by surprise! 💖

message 49: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Great review, Julie. I’m not a big fan but do like the few movies I’ve seen her in.

Julie Jen wrote: "Great review, Julie. I’m not a big fan but do like the few movies I’ve seen her in."

Thank you, Jen! I pretty much felt the same way. Still, I did come away with a new perspective after reading her memoir. 💖

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