Julie's Reviews > Singapore Fling

Singapore Fling by Maida Malby
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bookshelves: 2019, e-book, contemporary-romance, military

Singapore Fling by Maida Malby is a 2019 EOT publication.

Exotic locations, high drama, intrigue and sizzling hot romance!

Maddie is enjoying every minute of her life in Singapore, while working in a public relations firm. However, she is having trouble getting Aidan, her best friend’s future brother-in-law, out her mind. She hasn’t seen him in the couple of months since they shared a romantic interlude.

However, when Aidan shows up in Singapore, the sparks reignite, big time, spawning a super intense affair. However, a stunning revelation could throw ice cold water on the couple’s fiery passion.

Excruciating suspense, and foreign intrigue ensues, leaving Maddie and Aidan’s future hanging in the balance…

I loved the combination of sights, sounds, flavors and cultures mixed into this story. Our heroine is of mixed race, half French- half Filipino, adding a much needed shot of diversity in the romance category. The locale is vibrant and full of culture and savory cuisine that will leave you salivating!

And speaking of salivating…

Fans of military heroes and strong, take charge alpha males, are going to love Aidan. Maddie and Aidan are an unusual pair in some ways, but they have an ‘off the charts’ chemistry with each other. The independent, career driven, Maddie, is the perfect match for Aidan. The two may believe they are enjoying a ‘no strings attached’ Singapore fling, but that soon develops into something much more serious. I pulled for them, even though the obstacles the couple faces do seem insurmountable. Will true love win out?

Overall, this is a unique contemporary romance, making it a nice change of pace from the standard romantic formula. The sex scenes are hot, hot, hot, but- for me, it took little too much precedence at the beginning of the story. However, the plot does move forward onto more substantial ground, and really picks up in the second half. I was turning pages as fast as possible, realizing that I’d become very invested in this couple and their happy ever after!

Romance fans who welcome diversity, enjoy steamy romance, military heroes, and an emotional happily ever after will love this book!!

4 stars
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Reading Progress

November 7, 2019 – Started Reading
November 7, 2019 – Shelved
November 7, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
November 7, 2019 – Shelved as: e-book
November 7, 2019 – Shelved as: contemporary-romance
November 7, 2019 – Shelved as: military
November 11, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Fantastic review, Julie! 💕💕

message 2: by Tina (new)

Tina Sounds so glamorous! A great review!! 🤩

message 3: by Suzy (new)

Suzy You are enjoying some really good series of books right now Julie! Awesome review! 💚😊

Julie Mary Beth *Traveling Sister* wrote: "Fantastic review, Julie! 💕💕"

Thank you, Mary Beth!! 💖

Julie Babydimps (Suzy) wrote: "You are enjoying some really good series of books right now Julie! Awesome review! 💚😊"

Thank you, Suzy!! I haven't read a good steamy contemporary romance in ages. This was a really good one! 💖

Julie Tina wrote: "Sounds so glamorous! A great review!! 🤩"

Thank you, Tina!! I definitely wanted to visit Singapore! The food sounds exquisite! 💖

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Wonderful review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed <3 x

Julie Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Wonderful review, Julie! Glad you enjoyed <3 x"

Thank you very much, Alex!! 😊💖😊

message 9: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Amazing review Julie!

message 10: by Paromjit (new)

Paromjit Lovely review, dear Julie 💐💕

Julie Lucy wrote: "Amazing review Julie!"

Thank you so much, Lucy!! 💖

Julie Paromjit wrote: "Lovely review, dear Julie 💐💕"

Thank you very much, Paromjit!! 💖

message 13: by Paula (new)

Paula K Great review, Julie!

Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill Fantastic review as always Julie!

message 15: by *TUDOR^QUEEN* (new)

*TUDOR^QUEEN* Terrific review! I love the way you articulated all the facets to enjoy about the book :-)

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