Julie's Reviews > Sherlock Holmes & the Christmas Demon

Sherlock Holmes & the Christmas Demon by James Lovegrove
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bookshelves: 2019, e-book, mystery, christmas-theme

Sherlock Holmes and the Christmas Demon by James Lovegrove is a 2019 Titan publication.

A fun, clever, holiday mystery- Holmes & Watson style!

I have not read any of the previous Holmes & Watson mysteries written by James Lovegrove. I was a little wary about a new Sherlock Holmes mystery, written by someone other than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to be honest.

However, after indulging in my usual heartwarming and saccharine sweet holiday romances, I was looking for a good holiday murder mystery, when this book popped up on my radar. For the most part the book has received positive feedback- so I decided to give it a try.

The story examines the darker side of Christmas folklore. We all know about Santa Claus or Father Christmas, but apparently these jolly souls have evil counterpoints- or opposites- for example:

Black Thurrick, who is also said to make an appearance during the Christmas holidays, punishing children by replacing their gifts with batches of Birch Twigs.

Holmes and Watson are hired by Eve Allerthorpe to investigate the ghostly happenings at her estate, after she believes she witnessed the demon Thurrick. Not only that, Thurrick’s hallmark calling card of Birch twigs were found outside of doors or windows on occasion.

The hitch is that dear Eve is about to come into a healthy sum of money, just so long as she is deemed of sound mind. Witnessing demonic apparitions might cause one to question her sanity, which is why Holmes & Watson need to get to the bottom of things before Eve loses her inheritance- or worse- is institutionalized.

Although Eve’s family is less than welcoming, Sherlock Holmes brushes off his chilly reception and gets right down to work. What ensues is a puzzling mystery, with several nice red herrings, and some truly wonderful dialogue between Holmes and Watson.

Although Lovegrove does occasionally satirize Holmes’ uncanny powers of observation and embellishes and exaggerates his and Watson’s relationship, a bit here and there, I think the author is very sincere and takes his task very seriously. He obviously respects these classic characters and does them justice.

I thought the author did a good job with this mystery, which kept me guessing and thoroughly entertained. I suspect Lovegrove enjoyed breathing new life into the Sherlock Holmes mystery series and I for one truly enjoyed reading it!

4 stars
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Reading Progress

October 13, 2019 – Shelved
October 13, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
November 7, 2019 – Started Reading
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: e-book
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: mystery
December 3, 2019 – Shelved as: christmas-theme
December 3, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)

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message 1: by Nadia (new)

Nadia Sounds perfect for the festive season. Lovely review!

Julie Nadia wrote: "Sounds perfect for the festive season. Lovely review!"

Thank you, Nadia!! 🎄😊🎄

message 3: by Paromjit (new)

Paromjit So glad you enjoyed this, Julie.....fabulous review! :) 🥀♥️

Julie Paromjit wrote: "So glad you enjoyed this, Julie.....fabulous review! :) 🥀♥️"

Thank you, Paromjit!! It was fun to read a new Sherlock Holmes mystery!! 🎄😊🎄

message 5: by Maritina (new) - added it

Maritina Mela Hey! I just bought this one. I'm so glad that the first review that I stumbled across is a positive one!

Julie Maritina wrote: "Hey! I just bought this one. I'm so glad that the first review that I stumbled across is a positive one!"

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Happy reading!! 😊😊

Brenda ~The Book Witch at Witch Words Great review, Julie!

Julie Brenda -Traveling Sister host of The Traveling Friends wrote: "Great review, Julie!"

Thank you very much, Brenda!! 💖😊💖

*TUDOR^QUEEN* How wonderful that another author is paying homage to Sherlock Holmes with his own stories. Terrific review! 🌞🌹🔰

Julie *TUDOR^QUEEN* wrote: "How wonderful that another author is paying homage to Sherlock Holmes with his own stories. Terrific review! 🌞🌹🔰"

Thank you, TQ!! I was pleasantly surprised by this book! It was very well done! 💖

message 11: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fabulous review Julie!💜

Julie Kaceey wrote: "Fabulous review Julie!💜"

Thank you, Kaceey!! 😊💖😊

message 13: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Great review, Julie! This one looks so fun and different. 💜

Julie Mary Beth *Traveling Sister* wrote: "Great review, Julie! This one looks so fun and different. 💜"

Thank you, Mary Beth!! I was very impressed with this one! 💖😊💖

message 15: by RedemptionDenied (new)

RedemptionDenied Excellent review, Julie!

Julie RedemptionDenied wrote: "Excellent review, Julie!"

Thank you very much, RD!! 😊😊

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Wonderful review, Julie! I am always skeptical of modern takes onSherlock, and it is nice to see that this is a goof one!

Julie Meredith wrote: "Wonderful review, Julie! I am always skeptical of modern takes onSherlock, and it is nice to see that this is a goof one!"

Thank you, Meredith!! This one surprised me! I'll have to check out the author's other Sherlock Holmes books too! 😊💖😊

message 19: by Tammy (new)

Tammy I stay away from holiday themed books but this sounds promising, Julie

message 20: by Tina (new)

Tina I've never read a holiday mystery. Sounds enchanting! Great review Julie!! 🕵🏻‍♂️👻🎄

message 21: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Love the sound of this one! Great review Julie ❤️

Julie Tammy wrote: "I stay away from holiday themed books but this sounds promising, Julie"

Thank you, Tammy!! The folklore is the really the only holiday elements in the story. You could enjoy it any time of the year. It was a pleasant surprise! 💖

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Love the sound of this one! Great review Julie ❤️"

Thank you, Ceecee! If you like Sherlock Holmes you will probably like this one! 💖

Julie Tina wrote: "I've never read a holiday mystery. Sounds enchanting! Great review Julie!! 🕵🏻‍♂️👻🎄"

Thank you, Tina!! There are plenty of Golden Age holiday mysteries, but the more modern ones tend to be cozies. They are really fun! 💖🎄💖

message 25: by Kimber (last edited Dec 04, 2019 03:52PM) (new)

Kimber Silver I like the idea of a Christmas demon!😉 This sounds like a great holiday read. Excellent review, Julie!😊

Julie Kimber wrote: "I like the idea of a Christmas demon!😉 This sounds like a great holiday read. Excellent review, Julie!😊"

Thank you, Kimber!! I think the 'Thurrick' is based on a true legend. A nice spine tingling mystery! 😊💖

message 27: by Paula (new)

Paula K Fantastic review, Julie!

Julie Paula wrote: "Fantastic review, Julie!"

Thank you very much, Paula!! 😊💖😊

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