Julie's Reviews > Paranormal Texas: Your Travel Guide to Haunted Places near Dallas & Fort Worth,

Paranormal Texas by Tui Snider
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bookshelves: 2019
Read 2 times. Last read October 11, 2019.

Paranormal Texas by Tui Snider is a 2019 publication.

This is a fantastic non-fictional travel guide to the various true hauntings the author discovered in and around the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. The book provides fascinating background information about the haunted places discussed in the book and includes many of the author’s personal ghost hunting experiences.

Since I live reasonably close to the DFW region, I am in driving distance to some of the towns and locations listed in the book. Yet, I was only familiar with a handful of these stories.

Granbury is a favorite spot for me, as they have a nice town square with specialty shops, antiques, and collectables, but it is also famous for the Granbury Opera House. This is a wonderful historic area but has long been rumored to be haunted. The Opera House has a truly fascinating ghost story I think most people would find quite interesting. I was aware of most of the stories centered in the area, though not all. But I loved reading about this section because it is so familiar to me. I’ve never seen a ghost or had a paranormal experience there, though.

I was also familiar with some of the stories listed in the town of Mineral Wells and have driven through this area several times. But I did not know much of the town’s history or the information about the minerals in the water, which is how the town got its name.

In fact, all the information provided in the book will be of interest to anyone who enjoys history, even if you aren’t from Texas, or never plan on mapping out your own ghost hunting tour.

A couple of things I feel must be stressed before you start reading this book:

1) This book does not mention urban legends or old folklore tales unless there has been some real evidence of a haunting. The author has only included locations that have some paranormal readings or first- hand accountings.

2) This second edition of the book includes photographs, the authors’ first- hand experiences, and real evidence of hauntings.

The travel guide to these spooky locations includes addresses and directions, as well as information about accessibility.

I loved reading these ghost stories and the interesting history behind them. My ghost hunting days are in the past, but this book would be very helpful for those planning a historical journey or a ghost hunting adventure through this area of Texas.

It would also be a great gift idea! I have a close relative who loves ghost hunting tours. In fact, just a few weeks ago they traveled with a group of friends down to the Galveston area where they took in a ghost tour and explored alleged hauntings, one in a Wal Mart store! LOL!

They also stayed at a haunted hotel where the lights in the bathroom began flickering on and off-and yes, they recorded it with their cell phones. It was super freaky. So, guess who will be getting a copy of this book for Christmas?

Overall, this is a fascinating book. It’s fun, informative, and more than a little spooky! I got goosebumps more than once! This book will really put you in the mood for Halloween, too!
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Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Fascinating review Julie 💖🤗

Julie Maureen wrote: "Fascinating review Julie 💖🤗"

Thank you, Maureen! 💖👻🎃

message 3: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Fantastic review, Julie! 💕 This one sounds so interesting.

Julie Mary Beth *Traveling Sister* wrote: "Fantastic review, Julie! 💕 This one sounds so interesting."

Thank you, Mary Beth!! It really is an interesting book! 🎃👻

message 5: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn I always love reading these stories. This is a terrific review, Julie. I worked as a night auditor for ten years at a hotel which was located on the Gettysburg battlefield (that is 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.). I was the only person in the main building, with our guests staying in unattached wings and five separate Civil War buildings on a massive property. My encounters with my Civil War soldier spirits were almost a nightly occurrence and I spent a great deal of time assuring our guests that they were safe because of their frequent calls in the middle of the night or when they physically came into the office asking if we were haunted because of what they were seeing in their individuals rooms or suites. Fortunately, no one ever left screaming into the night after my "friends" pulled one of their pranks on an unsuspecting guest. Oh, the stories I have of my own encounters and interactions with those mischievous guys! Anyway, it sounds like a fascinating read. ;)

Julie Carolyn wrote: "I always love reading these stories. This is a terrific review, Julie. I worked as a night auditor for ten years at a hotel which was located on the Gettysburg battlefield (that is 11:00 p.m. to 7:..."

Thank you so much, Carolyn!! Maybe you should write a book! I'd buy it, for sure.

Yes, this book was so interesting!! Lots of history and unique locations, some I knew, others I didn't. I've never encountered a ghost, though- except for the spirit of one of my cats. It was nice to know she was still with us. 💖👻🎃

message 7: by Betsy (new)

Betsy How fun!!!! Love ghost tours. Perfect time of year.

Julie Betsy wrote: "How fun!!!! Love ghost tours. Perfect time of year."

Thank you, Betsy!! I do too! 🎃👻

message 9: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Fabulous Julie 💕🤗

Julie Holly wrote: "Fabulous Julie 💕🤗"

Thank you, Holly!! 💖

message 11: by Grace A. (new)

Grace A. I am frightened out of my mind of haunted houses and ghost stories. Great job on this review though. Awesome review.

Julie Grace wrote: "I am frightened out of my mind of haunted houses and ghost stories. Great job on this review though. Awesome review."

Thank you, Grace!! I'm pretty sure I'd have a heart attack if I actually saw a ghost. Reading about them is fun, though. 👻🎃

message 13: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee Fascinating review Julie 🤗

Julie Ceecee wrote: "Fascinating review Julie 🤗"

Thank you, Ceecee!! 💖

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review Julie!!😉👍💋💝

message 16: by Libby (new)

Libby Wonderful review, Dear Julie!

message 17: by Kimber (new)

Kimber Silver Terrific review, Julie! 😀

message 18: by ij (new)

ij Fantastic review, Julie!!! No haunted hotels for me, though!!!

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