Piyush Bhatia's Reviews > The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
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's review

it was amazing

Outrightly Stunning !!

I just tried to re - read this book, it feels so different amidst the Afghanistan crisis!

A blend of classic, drama, historical fiction, thrill, empathy, with conspicuous themes of guilt and redemption : this book is Khalid Hosseini's tour de force ( the so called masterpiece). The finest fiction book that I've read as of date because one would rarely find a work of fiction that seems so realistic right from its inception to its culmination. The book depicts the fact that time is a greedy thing and can steal all the details for itself; and yet, when the truth is revealed, it can change the course of a whole lifetime. Awe-inspiring is the appropriate word for this book.

I have a penchant for a line from this book: History isn't easy to overcome. Neither is religion.
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Quotes Piyush Liked

Khaled Hosseini
“For you, a thousand times over”
Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner

Reading Progress

December 31, 2018 – Started Reading
January 10, 2019 – Finished Reading
June 12, 2019 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Deepti (new)

Deepti Yes, it's a commendable work. Thanks for such crisp analysis

Piyush Bhatia Yeah, thank you 😊

Missy LeBlanc Ivey I agree it was a masterpiece of terrific storytelling. I am looking forward to one day getting around to reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns".

Piyush Bhatia Missy wrote: "I agree it was a masterpiece of terrific storytelling. I am looking forward to one day getting around to reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns"."
Yes that is also a good one to read, although I found kite runner better way better than a thousand splendid suns (not to take away anything from the latter!)

Barshana Chatterjee Such an apt review Piyush!
Agreed cent per cent .
One of the "Finest fiction book that I've read as of date" . Absolutely!

Piyush Bhatia Ana wrote: "Such an apt review Piyush!
Agreed cent per cent .
One of the "Finest fiction book that I've read as of date" . Absolutely!"

Abso-damn-lutely . Thank you for your wonderful comment Ana. A review is awaited from your end too!!

Barshana Chatterjee Piyush wrote: "Ana wrote: "Such an apt review Piyush!
Agreed cent per cent .
One of the "Finest fiction book that I've read as of date" . Absolutely!"

Abso-damn-lutely . Thank you for your wonderful comment An..."

Yep. I did write one not exactly detailed one per se but still.

Piyush Bhatia Ana wrote: "Piyush wrote: "Ana wrote: "Such an apt review Piyush!
Agreed cent per cent .
One of the "Finest fiction book that I've read as of date" . Absolutely!"

Abso-damn-lutely . Thank you for your wonde..."

Just saw!

Leeanne 🥀 The Book Whor3 🥀 One of my favourite books EVER!! Wonderful review ☺️

Piyush Bhatia Leeanne ☽ ◌ ☾ wrote: "One of my favourite books EVER!! Wonderful review ☺️"
Thank you Leeanne. Yes, it was a great read!

Nina (ninjasbooks) Wonderful review and it is a stunning book!!

Piyush Bhatia Nina wrote: "Wonderful review and it is a stunning book!!"

Yep, indeed a great book! Thank you Nina! Happy reading !

Leeanne 🥀 The Book Whor3 🥀 I need to reread this. Such a phenomenal book

Razvan Banciu Great review. You've understood this book much better than Europeans can do...

Piyush Bhatia Razvan wrote: "Great review. You've understood this book much better than Europeans can do..."
Thanks Razvan for your wonderful compliment, this book was truly a masterpiece! Happy reading!

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