Maria's Reviews > 1984

1984 by George Orwell
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's review

it was amazing

I'm gonna ask myself a mandatory question and say nothing more.

Why the fuck had I not read this book before?
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Reading Progress

February 16, 2018 – Started Reading
February 16, 2018 – Shelved
February 16, 2018 –
page 29
8.33% "This book has gripped me so hard, I don't want to let it go"
February 16, 2018 –
page 117
33.62% "I'm speechless"
February 16, 2018 –
page 172
49.43% "It's almost 2am and I can't stop reading this book, someone save me."
February 17, 2018 –
page 200
February 18, 2018 –
page 267
February 19, 2018 –
page 267
76.72% "I'm gonna ask myself a mandatory question and say nothing more.

Why the fuck had I not read this book before?"
February 19, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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Thal Because we take some things for granted and we shouldn’t

Maria SoJuno wrote: "Because we take some things for granted and we shouldn’t"
That's very true.

message 3: by Mikheil (new)

Mikheil such an amazing book

Maria Mikheil wrote: "such an amazing book"

I just watched the 1984 movie with John Hurt and it honestly couldn't even come close to the greatness of this book.

Effie (she-her) I have this book in my TBR 10 years now. I know I'm gonna love it, but I'm always reading something else.

Maria Effie wrote: "I have this book in my TBR 10 years now. I know I'm gonna love it, but I'm always reading something else."

I have many books that I know I will love but I just don't pick up there too but honestly READ IT

message 7: by James Q. (new)

James Q. Golden Maybe because you knew it'd bring that certain pleasurable lucidity that one can never be sure whether it'll turn into pain and drown him.

message 8: by Di (new) - rated it 4 stars

Di Okay it's just gone up my list now!

Maria James Q. Golden wrote: "Maybe because you knew it'd bring that certain pleasurable lucidity that one can never be sure whether it'll turn into pain and drown him."

You're completely right

Maria Di wrote: "Okay it's just gone up my list now!"

Read it right away, it's amazing!

Giannis Τι αριστούργημα! Το διάβασα πέρσι και ακόμα το θυμάμαι από έξω! 2+2=5!!!

Maria Giannis wrote: "Τι αριστούργημα! Το διάβασα πέρσι και ακόμα το θυμάμαι από έξω! 2+2=5!!!"

Θέλω να το ξαναδιαβάσω του χρόνου. Ήταν πραγματικά εκπληκτικό! Η ταινία όχι τοσο.

Giannis Προσπάθησαν αλλά δεν μπόρεσαν να αποδώσουν τον κόσμο όπως ήταν στο βιβλίο.

Maria Giannis wrote: "Προσπάθησαν αλλά δεν μπόρεσαν να αποδώσουν τον κόσμο όπως ήταν στο βιβλίο."

Καθόλου όμως καθόλου

🌸 Tana 🌸 I thought the same thing when I finished it!

Maria Tana △⃒⃘ ⚯͛ wrote: "I thought the same thing when I finished it!"

Better late than never 😂

message 17: by Fred (new)

Fred Shaw Hi Maria, I just got a copy of this to start shortly. I take it you liked it.

Maria Fred wrote: "Hi Maria, I just got a copy of this to start shortly. I take it you liked it."

It's spectacular, you should start it immediately.

message 19: by Robert (new) - added it

Robert Bad high school syllabus?

message 20: by JW (new) - added it

JW We read it in high school. My sophomore English teacher had us read this, Fahrenheit, and Julius César. I can’t remember what else she had us read because it was so long ago. 😳 Glad you enjoyed it!

Maria JW wrote: "We read it in high school. My sophomore English teacher had us read this, Fahrenheit, and Julius César. I can’t remember what else she had us read because it was so long ago. 😳 Glad you enjoyed it!"

You're so lucky to read books for school where you live. I live in Greece, where we read nothing for school, except some weird ass old poems. Ugh

gEEK_1q91 Welcome to the club of those whose big brother's ending is still haunting them but they will re-read the last sentences over and over when the book pops up in a bookstore and still be amazed and socked.

Maria δΙΧΑΣΜΕΝΟΣ πΟΙΗΤΗΣ wrote: "Welcome to the club of those whose big brother's ending is still haunting them but they will re-read the last sentences over and over when the book pops up in a bookstore and still be amazed and so..."

I'm definitely a part of that club now, thanks!

7jane One of the best ways to say how great the book (any good book like this) was, this question. :)

Maria 7jane wrote: "One of the best ways to say how great the book (any good book like this) was, this question. :)"

This is so true hahaha :D

Andrés Astudillo Fair question.

❤Amy and Sofie❤ Love the review. Lol. George orwell like.

Maria ❣Amy and Sofie❣ wrote: "Love the review. Lol. George orwell like."

Hahaha thanks!

Acid Kritana I love your review. Pretty rad, dude!

Antonin I read this book in the early 1970s, while in high school. I thought it a massively important book then and I still think so now. It's also one of the most beautiful books ever written in the English language.

________ I thought the same!

Selar Majak I know right??? I'm asking myself the same question

Acid Kritana Antonin wrote: "I read this book in the early 1970s, while in high school. I thought it a massively important book then and I still think so now. It's also one of the most beautiful books ever written in the Engli..."

I read well after the 1970s, so I'm glad that our world isn't like that (at least all the way).

message 34: by Sally (new)

Sally ikr??! 🤔

message 35: by Greg (new)

Greg Key word: "fuck." Overused.

Federico DN Too many books to read, one small life to do it.

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