Bonnie's Reviews > The Reapers Are the Angels

The Reapers Are the Angels by Alden Bell
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really liked it
bookshelves: ya, zombies-like-brains, dystopian-post-apocalyptic

This contains some spoilers and is a bit of an ‘all over the place’ type of review. I had a hard time gathering all of my thoughts into an organized review.

The world that Temple lives in is the only world she’s ever known. She never lived in a world where there weren’t any zombies, a world where everyone was peaceful and didn’t have to wake up and fighting to survive each and every day.

"The world, it treats you kind enough so long as you’re not fightin against it."

Temple is a great character. She somewhat reminds me of Saba from Blood Red Road, but Temple seems to have a better grasp of the English language. She’s a survivor and definitely far beyond her years; I never would have pegged her to be 15. This is obviously due to the world she’s had to live in, the things she’s had to do to survive, and the things she’s had to experience. She’s a very emotional character and it’s quite sad how she keeps it all inside.

She ends up on the run from Moses Todd after accidentally killing his brother. I was a bit upset at that whole aspect of the story because it lacked a purpose. He became intent on killing Temple as retribution for his brother but there seemed to be another reason entirely that was never explained and something I never ended up understanding. I really wish the ending had been different… it ended up being an awkward piece that didn’t quite fit the rest of the puzzle.

High Points
The author’s writing is outstanding. Even though this seems to be your typical end of world/zombie novel where it’s not another person out there trying to survive… it’s not. It’s another book where I would say it’s not even a zombie novel per say, it’s a novel about survival (not just from zombies) and about living.

Temple is the main focus and what a great character she was; definitely a multi-faceted character with each new facet a new surprise. Don’t take her at face value – she’s more than meets the eye.

Low Points
I enjoyed this book. That said I love books that have fabulous world building that manage to completely absorb me into the story. This book lacks any sort of world building so that was kind of disappointing for me. When reading a new dystopian novel I always find it interesting to see how the author decides to create the world and how the world came to be how it is. A lot of things weren’t exactly explained and I ended up questioning a lot of it: how she’s able to stop at several gas stations and there are peanut butter crackers, how she’s also able to stop at several gas stations and be able to fill up her car, how do people have electric fences set up around their property, and where did they get the chicken, peaches, and everything else for dinner?? And will somebody please explain to me the tracker used on Temple’s car?

Like other reviewers, I had a big problem with the lack of quotation marks. At times the author would get so into describing things and situations that when someone would start speaking I’d have no clue and be so confused I’d have to backtrack to figure out what the hell was going on. At first I thought that it was an issue with my ebook, but apparently others had the same issues.

My main issue didn’t even have anything to do with the book or the story itself; I loved the story. I have a huge problem with books that are tagged as YA that I would never let my children read in their teens. Just because the main character is a 15 year old girl does not automatically make it YA. (view spoiler)

The Reapers are Angels is a sad, very moving and emotional read but still highly enjoyable.

”And the beauty he looks over is fathomable only by a girl who would have felt the measure of it as deep as to her dazzled soul.”

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Reading Progress

June 13, 2011 – Shelved
June 13, 2011 – Shelved as: zombies-like-brains
June 13, 2011 – Shelved as: ya
June 13, 2011 – Shelved as: dystopian-post-apocalyptic
August 8, 2011 – Started Reading
August 8, 2011 –
12.0% "Meatskin tango, she says. Godawful messy business that is."
August 8, 2011 –
August 9, 2011 –
37.0% "Then I guess you better kill me with that first shot, cause if I make it over there with this blade, I'm gonna mess you up permanent."
August 9, 2011 –
51.0% "And in this way the paths narrow for the tempters of fate."
August 9, 2011 –
58.0% "Chapter 9"
August 10, 2011 –
69.0% "Decades after the zombies came there are still edible peanut butter crackers, cans of coke, working gas pumps and GPS trackers to put on cars. I... don't know about all that."
August 10, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Bonnie Lol Yes, I know. About time I got around to this one. :)

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Bonnie wrote: "Lol Yes, I know. About time I got around to this one. :)"

I'm sure you were busy showing off your tricked out car for Reno's Hot August Nights and you had no time to read. hehe

Bonnie Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalking wrote: "Bonnie wrote: "Lol Yes, I know. About time I got around to this one. :)"

I'm sure you were busy showing off your tricked out car for Reno's Hot August Nights and you had no time to read. hehe"

Pfft... lol tricked out car. You're funny. I work too much lately to have a life. (8am-8pm). Blegh!

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker Bonnie wrote: "Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalking wrote: "Bonnie wrote: "Lol Yes, I know. About time I got around to this one. :)"

I'm sure you were busy showing off your tricked out car for Reno's Hot August Nigh..."

You definitely need to work less! Actually, take that back. Keep working since alot of people would love to grab your job in a heartbeat. After watching more friends than I ever thought possible either lose their job, or just not find a job in the past three years, having a job is too valuable.

My hubby and I used to make the drive up to Hot August Nights when he was driving his Porsche. Of course, that all stopped when a 85 year old lady totaled his car. Oh well... it was too expensive to maintain anyways.

Bonnie I know... I definitely consider myself thankful. But I'm doing my externship to finish up my degree... I'm so excited. I do 4 hours a day for the next 6 weeks. Then.. I go to my paying job for 8 hours. Long days, but it'll definitely be worth it.

Hot August Nights is fun but you know I haven't been in years. I think I went two years ago? Three? It's been a while.
I have a soft spot for Mustangs so I really do enjoy going, I just never seem to have the time. That's a bummer about his Porsche. Damn old people. I almost got hit by this old lady today! She could not see the road. I don't see how it was possible. Her head didn't even clear the steering wheel. LOL

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) Bell, Bonnie, you forgot to put a bell around it!

Bonnie Maja wrote: "Bell, Bonnie, you forgot to put a bell around it!"

Lol I'm confused. What bell? I just received notification about this message that you apparently sent me... almost 9 hours ago. Way to go Goodreads, way to go.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) The bell that you need to tie around your reviews to alert me because of my stupid feed! I almost missed this one and it was very important!!

Bonnie LOL Ohhhh that bell. Sorry!! :D

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