Bonnie's Reviews > The Boy on the Bridge

The Boy on the Bridge by M.R. Carey
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bookshelves: zombies-like-brains, eek-the-creepies

Expectations are a bitch.

The Girl With All the Gifts was one of my all-time favorites of 2014 and I was filled with trepidation when this prequel was announced. Sure, there was a story that could be told but did it need to be told is the real question. The Boy on the Bridge is a prequel story that tells of the original mission of the Rosalind Franklin, the mobile science lab that Melanie essentially hijacks in Girl. Knowing the end result of the mission will lead any reader to understand that there can be no happy ending, only a story to be told. It’s bittersweet to see this new crew of scientists searching the world for a cure to the hungries, still filled with a chance of hope for the few surviving individuals of the world.

“Things don’t end, after all. They only change, and you keep changing with them.”

The Boy on the Bridge wasn’t nearly as compelling as I had hoped or anticipated. The writing was oftentimes overly technical which resulted in a definite detachment from the emotional tale at its center and it seemed as if Carey was writing it as something that had already passed rather than something happening presently. I often found myself wondering if my overall opinion would have been different if this had been released prior to Girl. If I had been more interested in discovering these intriguing details of a widespread infection if I didn’t already know the outcome. I’m not really sure. I don’t feel Carey was being opportunistic by writing this but simply chose to expand on this fascinating world he created, and that’s fair. It’s also fair that I simply didn’t care for it and think Girl was solid and complete enough to stand on its own, but it is what it is.

I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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Reading Progress

August 23, 2016 – Shelved
August 23, 2016 – Shelved as: not-yet-released
March 25, 2017 – Shelved as: zombies-like-brains
April 14, 2017 – Shelved as: tbr-review-books
April 14, 2017 – Shelved as: eek-the-creepies
July 25, 2017 – Shelved as: tbr-review-books
October 9, 2017 – Started Reading
October 9, 2017 –
8.0% "The alternative hypothesis— terrible but not implausible— is that the hungries have some kind of locked-in syndrome. That they’re conscious but unable to command their own limbs, sidelined by the pathogen that’s set up house in their nervous system. How would that feel? A soul peeping out through stained grey curtains while the body it used to wear celebrates its freedom with acts of random carnage?"
November 1, 2017 –
November 2, 2017 – Finished Reading

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Beverly J. We need to read this now lol

Bonnie After Gods:)

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