Bonnie's Reviews > Positive

Positive by David Wellington
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it was ok
bookshelves: dystopian-post-apocalyptic, eek-the-creepies, zombies-like-brains

My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

‘It grows in the dark part of your head like a fungus. All the while eating holes in your brain until it’s a sponge full of virus […] That was what had happened to my mom. For twenty years, ever since the crisis, she’d been dying inside. A little more every day.

And maybe it had been happening to me, too.’

Finn has lived within the sheltered gates since he was born. The world outside is a complete mystery, yet the stories he’s heard has made him thankful for his safe and sheltered life. The safety is shattered when his mother spontaneously turns and he’s forced out into the mysterious world with a new tattoo; a plus sign on the top of his sign marking him as possibly infected. His only hope is to get to the military camp in Ohio where he can live out his final two years of incubation before he can be accepted back into safety. But two years is a very long time for someone who doesn’t know how the world truly is.

The way an author handles the scientific aspects of a post-apocalyptic novel is key. Some authors handle it head on and explain in minute detail and others leave their characters in the dark and simply focus on the survival side of living in the new world. Both work, but if you’re going to attempt to explain the scientific side of things, it best make sense. In this world, it’s been twenty years since the initial outbreak and no one has seen a zombie in fifteen years. Once infected with the zombie virus, the incubation period is apparently anything from twenty seconds to twenty years. So, you get bit, you might be good only for the next hour or you could be fine for the next twenty years, but nobody knows for sure. Since the outbreak happened twenty years ago, I’m not sure exactly how they’ve been able to successfully test that theory. It also isn’t explained how the outbreak happened to begin with, so the science of Positive was definitely lacking for me. One specific line about killing a zombie by stabbing him in the liver also had me baffled. Come on! Zombies don’t give a shit about their livers.

Also lacking, was the character development. Our narrator, Finn, is an extremely naive individual when we’re first introduced. Positive acts as his coming-of-age story in a world falling apart at the seams. He’s forced to figure out quickly how to survive and how to adapt his mind to the concept of how things truly work outside of the gates of New York City. In that regards, this story reminded me a lot of Ashfall with our young, male narrator forced to adapt to the new world around him. Obviously, all that was missing were the zombies. Similarly was the fact that both stories focused on the part where humans turn into a whole other type of monster as well. The issue with Finn was how quickly he managed to shed himself of his naivety. It could be said that the things he was forced to experience could speed along that process but it just didn’t feel like genuine progression.

The portrayal of female characters was pretty appalling as well. Positive has two main female characters for the most part; one played the role of enemy and the other was meek and submissive (there was one strong female that made a brief appearance but it wasn’t enough to satisfy me in regards to the way the rest of the females were portrayed). The submissive one, well, I suppose it could be argued that she was strong in her own way and got Finn and the rest of their party out of a few sticky situations. It could also be argued that being a victim of abuse led her to this mind frame and that it couldn’t be helped but... (view spoiler)Was it really so much to ask that we couldn’t get one strong female main character in this giant 450 page story?

Unfortunately, even setting aside the issues I personally had with Positive, what really lessened my enjoyment of this story was the fact that I have read so many stories in this same genre that were simply so much better. Positive didn’t manage to bring anything new to the genre and didn’t have much in the way of originality, but newcomers to post-apocalyptic stories will likely find more enjoyment than I did.

I received this book free from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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Reading Progress

November 12, 2014 – Shelved as: not-yet-released
November 12, 2014 – Shelved
November 18, 2014 – Shelved as: tbr-review-books
November 18, 2014 – Shelved as: dystopian-post-apocalyptic
November 18, 2014 – Shelved as: eek-the-creepies
November 18, 2014 – Shelved as: zombies-like-brains
March 13, 2015 – Started Reading
March 14, 2015 –
page 72
16.48% "'Subconsciously I felt a great undertow pulling at me, a current of fate that was drawing me into ever darker water, and I wasn't sure I was strong enough to resist.'"
March 19, 2015 –
page 267
March 20, 2015 –
page 315
72.08% "'I raced forward and planted my knife deep in its back, low, below the rib cage. I must have struck its liver, because it went down instantly.'

Wait, what? You don't kill zombies that way! They don't give a shit about their livers. Pffft."
March 20, 2015 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Amerie (new) - added it

Amerie Did someone say "zombie epic?" :)

Bonnie Sure sounds like a fitting description! :)

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