Trudi's Reviews > Please Remain Calm

Please Remain Calm by Courtney Summers
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really liked it
bookshelves: young-adult, zombies, oh-canada, apocalyptic-types, on-my-kobo, 2015, short-stories, survive-this

First I would like to start out with a warning -- please remain calm: this *is not* a full length sequel. It is a *short story*. It is a *chapter* of what we can only hope will become part of a much larger series that Courtney Summers will -- she better! -- continue to write.

My ebook edition displayed as 65 pages and I didn't even get that many since those 65 pages also included a sample of Summer's new novel All the Rage (which has no zombies, but I still want to read anyway because Summers is a great writer no matter what story she's telling).

So Please Remain Calm is a short, sweet taste of something terrifying and grueling. I remember This Is Not a Test as an epic, emotional The Breakfast Club meets Dawn of The Dead -- a bunch of high school archetypes, including the jock, the brain and the basket case -- are trapped in a high school with each other while outside the world is being ripped apart at the seams by flesh-hungry reanimates. Our narrator, Sloane, is the basket case. She was on the verge of suicide before the zombies came and now has to run for her life rather than commit to taking it. I remember Sloane as strong and sad and sympathetic.

Please Remain Calm is not her story -- this time it's Rhys who's speaking (the jock) and I barely remembered anything about him other than he is the one Sloane escapes with at the end of the first book. And that's exactly where this short story picks up. No time has passed at all. The two teenagers are on the run from the high school. To where, to what, we don't know because they don't know. They are moving panicked, blind. And then they get separated.

This is much more your traditional zombie story of unrelenting fear, fatigue, hunger, trying to find a safe place to close your eyes for more than ten minutes. I *loved* it. It's pulse-pounding and page-turning with great writing and for so few pages, great characterization. Summers can write a zombie chase/attack scene like nobody's business. Her zombies are fucking terrifying and I don't even care that they move fast. Usually that would bug me. But Summers makes it work. Boy does she ever.

Don't let the YA label fool you with this one; it's raw and violent and dark. It's going to take a bite out of you and leave you shaken and stirred. That I guarantee. Merle knows what I'm talking about, don't you Merle?

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Reading Progress

October 10, 2014 – Shelved
April 20, 2015 – Started Reading
April 20, 2015 –
38.0% "Holy crap! Now that's what I call a zombie chase scene. Intense!"
April 20, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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carol. review!!!!!!

carol. apparently, I can't remain calm.

Trudi Carol. wrote: "apparently, I can't remain calm."

Heh. I knew that about you. It's coming. But I'll warn you -- it may come with Walking Dead memes and/or gifs (which may actually cause the zombie apocalypse).

carol. Yay!

carol. Yes, I didn't let the YA moniker fool me. Summers is still perfectly capable of ripping a heart out. Literally and figuratively.

Trudi Carol. wrote: "Yes, I didn't let the YA moniker fool me. Summers is still perfectly capable of ripping a heart out. Literally and figuratively."

Yes she is. I can only hope she comes back around to zombies sooner rather than later. She's so good at it and I would hate to have to threaten her with bodily harm.

carol. Oh, Trudi. We know how gentle you Canadians are.

Trudi Carol. wrote: "Oh, Trudi. We know how gentle you Canadians are."

Heh. Polite. Not gentle. When we are rabbit punching you to the kidneys, we always say sorry afterwards!

carol. *giggle*

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