Armina's Reviews > Queen of Fire

Queen of Fire by Anthony Ryan
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bookshelves: audio, buddy-reads, fantasy, great-expectations, currently-reading

Buddy read with Desinka , Gavin , Dan 2.0 and Chant

July 28, 2015

Pre-read thoughts

I already know a lot about this book. That's the curse(or the blessing?) of starting a highly anticipated book not on its release date but 3 weeks later .... . I have stumbled upon friend's reviews/updates(some good, some disappointing) and that's probably better because I have adjusted my high expectations to ....well ....I'm not sure. I still hope to love this book.

Despite the fact that I know something about someone which saddened me a lot(trying to stay spoiler free here, duh!) and I'm not talking about precious people dying because I know there is a lot of this in the book too. No, I'm talking about something else. Anyhow....

Let's get this party? started! :)

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Reading Progress

September 7, 2014 – Shelved
September 7, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
September 7, 2014 – Shelved as: audio
September 7, 2014 – Shelved as: buddy-reads
September 7, 2014 – Shelved as: fantasy
September 7, 2014 – Shelved as: great-expectations
July 28, 2015 –
1.0% ""I watched his expression as he waited for a response, the wary smile smaller now, his black eyes guarded. Can it be? I wondered. Is he seeking forgiveness?"

I love those two when they interact. Since the very beginning of book #1. It's a pity their interactions are kinda rarity."
August 3, 2015 –
14.0% " “Wine dulls the senses and makes the mediocre artist imagine himself a great one.” "
August 3, 2015 –
19.0% " “Some men are brutes, some are kind. Every once in a while you meet one who’s both.”

What a fine description!"
August 10, 2015 –
29.0% "“You are far from home, my friend.”
Lekran jerked, his chains snapping tight. “Then … get this fucking metal off me … so I can go back there. For time on this earth is short, and I have many men to kill.

This one sure gets his priorities straight! This is gonna be fun I think. :)"
August 14, 2015 –
42.0% "“Take one, can still use,” he went on, miming the amputation of his thumb and making a fist. “But weaker now.”
“If we find other parts of it,” Vaelin said, “can you do the same to them?”
Wise Bear nodded. “If we find.”

Hm, Wise Bear is the shit! This 'meeting' was quite the interesting one."
August 17, 2015 –
48.0% ""Just an ancient delusion, he knew. Life, death, love, war. It would all be played out on this earth until the end of time and Avenshura didn’t care. It was just a star.""
August 17, 2015 –
50.0% "“They knew many things, these Great Boat People, the working of metal and the reckoning of the stars, even the course of the future.”

The revelation at the end of Part II is the most exciting happening in the book for me so far. No doubt in a chapter from Vaelin's POV. I'm happy enough with all the other POVs but mostly drawn to Velin's.
Oh goodie, Part III starts with a Vaelin chapter! *happy dance*"
August 21, 2015 –
50.0% "The old gods are female?”
“One is. The other two are men, one a great bearded fellow, the other younger and handsome of face. I didn’t touch either of them, for the visions they impart are only for the bravest eyes. They say the Shield touched all three though, the only man ever to do so.”

Ha, very intriguing! And strangely but it makes me feel uncomfortable in some way. At least my gut tells me so."
August 29, 2015 –
63.0% "He lifted his wrists, jangling the chains. “And yet, here we are. Brought here to die for their amusement.” “‘Despair is a sin against the Father’s love, for it is but indulgence, whilst hope is a virtue of the stronger soul.’”

These two make an entertaining couple. I'm glad they have each other for support and I love spending time with them. As a whole, Part III is quite good so far."
September 3, 2015 –
71.0% ""He’s afraid, he realised. What could scare a man who cannot die?"

Yeah, I would like to know this, too. Very much."
September 4, 2015 –
76.0% ""It was the disappointment, you see, the constant dissatisfaction. He tried so hard to build his perfect world, a civilisation that would see humanity ascend to something greater. But people are still people, however comfortable their surroundings. They lie, they feud, they betray and however much you give them, they always want more.""
September 5, 2015 –
78.0% "“That won’t be necessary, my lord,” she told Adal before turning to Al Hestian. “The army will hold in place. Send word to bring up the ballistae.”

Ha! Why don’t you grin a little grin now, you red bastards?!!"

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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Liz* Fashionably Late No, I'm talking about something else.

This scares me, Margi D:

message 2: by Armina (last edited Jul 30, 2015 06:08PM) (new) - added it

Armina Liz* Fashionably Late wrote: "No, I'm talking about something else.

This scares me, Margi D:"

no worries because this thing I'm talking about is for (view spoiler)

Luke Hopefully you like it! I wouldn't expect the greatest thing ever, but I still enjoyed it.

Liz* Fashionably Late Armina wrote: "Liz* Fashionably Late wrote: "No, I'm talking about something else.

This scares me, Margi D:"

no worries because this thing I'm talking about is for [spoilers removed]"

Is it wrong that I'm actually HAPPY?? ^^ I might like this book after all...

message 5: by OhWell (new)

OhWell Did you give up on Queen of Fire? I'm still debating whether to read Tower Lord or not...

message 6: by Armina (new) - added it

Armina OhWell wrote: "Did you give up on Queen of Fire? I'm still debating whether to read Tower Lord or not..."

No, I did not. Not at all! :) I'm just slammed with work and real life takes precedence all the time, so I'm making progress very slowly. But soon ... :)

I was supposed to finish it the previous weekend(5-6 September) before my Kate Daniels buddy read has started but I didn't manage to read a single line back then. So I put it on hold while Kate Daniels #8 is on the run. I'm finishing Kate today/tomorrow and will finish QoF in the next two-three days. After all, I'm at the 78% mark which is pretty close to the finish. And things are quite intense btw. So far it's a 4 star rating read for me and the rating will drop only if something very, very bad would happen in the last 20%. We shall see. I hope to come up with a useful review at the end of this week(at the latest). ;)

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