
Reinvent Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reinvent" Showing 1-26 of 26
Karl Lagerfeld
“I like to reinvent myself — it’s part of my job.”
Karl Lagerfeld

Erik Pevernagie
“The oppression of anonymity and lack of human contact can inveigle people to reinvent themselves, rethink their lives and give hope a chance. Once they have broken down the wall of apathy and reached the wellness of concern, they can realize what it feels to be missed. ("Knowing someone was waiting")”

Shannon L. Alder
“Being different will always threaten the institution of understanding of a closed mind. However, evolution is built on difference, changing and the concept of thinking outside the box. Live to be your own unique brand, without apology.”
Shannon L. Alder

Nikki Rowe
“It's ok to reinvent yourself as many times as it takes to live out your most authentic self.”
Nikki Rowe

Adhish Mazumder
“Reinvent Yourself.
Redesign Yourself.
Reform Yourself.
Restore Yourself.

and if something is left of you till then

Appreciate Yourself.”
Adhish Mazumder

Susan C. Young
“When people around you do not support your personal growth and reinvention, it doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path or that you have to listen to them. Just because someone continues to judge you from where you were doesn’t mean you have to stay there.”
Susan C. Young

Steven Redhead
“As we reinvent our life endlessly we should open our minds to the infinite possibilities that do exist.”
steven redhead, The Solution

Nicky Verd
“The future is closer than you think. You can pay attention now or watch the transformation happen right in front of your eyes”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

“We wear masks not to be something different, but to deny the ‘something different’ that we are without the mask.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, LPC

Steven Redhead
“As you reinvent your life endlessly you should open your minds to the infinite possibilities that do exist.”
steven redhead, Keys to Creating Your Reality

Christian Baloga
“Express and reinvent yourself but, above all, accept yourself.”
Christian Baloga

Jojo Moyes
“The key was making sure that anyone you allowed to walk beside you didn't get to decide which you were, and pin you down a like a butterfly in a case. The key was to know that you could always somehow find a way to reinvent yourself again.”
Jojo Moyes, Still Me

Rebecca Roanhorse
“At first his steps dragged, heavy and impossible, but as he realized that losing the datapad meant he had gained a kind of freedom, they lightened. He might be wanted, hunted for the rest of his life, but he would be reborn, somewhere and someone new.”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

Nicky Verd
“There is no such thing as job security. Winning or losing is now happening faster than ever before.”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

Nicky Verd
“A shift in mindset is required to thrive in the current era and this cannot be achieve at an academic level, social latitude or political sphere but at a personal level.”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

“Scared but standing UP for myself”
Ginny Toole

“Nobody can do what you do, look quite like you, leave impressions as you do. It's great to be uniquely you.”
Virginia Toole

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Reinventing myself is a result of not appreciating myself. As such, that kind of reinvention needs an intervention.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Tony  Wagner
“In today’s world, if you can’t invent and reinvent your own job and distinctive skills, you risk chronic underemployment. Individuals need to change professions several times in their lifetime. Page 63”
Tony Wagner, Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for the Innovation Era

Tony  Wagner
“Students were asked only factual recall questions and then given a writing assignment that was, in my opinion, more suited to an elementary school class. They were not asked for their interpretations of the story. They were not asked to discuss a real moral dilemma in their lives and compare it to the one in the story. And they were not asked to write an essay where they would have to analyze a theme of an idea using supporting evidence. In other words, there was no intellectual rigor. Chapter 1”
Tony Wagner

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It’s not about reinventing myself. Rather, it’s about reinventing my attitude about reinventing myself.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“One of the greatest challenges is to rise above the desire to reinvent who we are and boldly embrace the far loftier challenge of cultivating who we are. For reinventing is to construct what we will never be, while cultivating is to expand who we always were.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Ian  Kirkpatrick
“Sweetie – look, I get it. I’ve read those books too. You have Stockholm Syndrome. He’s an asshole and you refuse to leave him. We can fix that mindset of yours though, first by giving you a haircut. That’s how all girls find their identities again after a really bad relationship. Haven’t you seen the movies? You’re not doomed, just a little frumpy.”
Ian Kirkpatrick, Dead End Drive

David Eagleman
“Memory is a myth-making machine, and we’re constantly reinventing our past, especially as we tell the stories over and over again.”
David Eagleman

“Do I accept myself and praise and support myself warts and all or do I deny, despair, and criticise myself with my own thoughts?
My power within.....”
Virginia Toole