
Receptivity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "receptivity" Showing 1-17 of 17
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”
Alan Alda

Rainer Maria Rilke
“Make your ego porous. Will is of little importance, complaining is nothing, fame is nothing. Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.”
Rainer Maria Rilke

Ken Wilber
“Most of us are only willing to call 5% of our present information into question any one point.”
Ken Wilber

“You can convert this human system into absolute receptivity, where you can perceive life in ways that you have never believed possible. If you keep all your ideas, emotions and your nonsense aside, maybe you can take a step, move one inch. One little step existentially is worth more than all the scriptures that you can read on the planet. One little step is far more important than all the philosophies that you can spout.”
Jaggi Vasudev

“Keep everything open and live from openness to openness.”
Francis Lucille, The Perfume of Silence

“There is no point in reading anything until your mind is fully clean and receptive. Mind’s tendency is to interpret things the way it suits you, the way it strengthens your existing beliefs.”

Shunryu Suzuki
“If you are ready to accept things as they are, you will receive them as old friends, even though you appreciate them with new feeling.”
Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice

“In my tranquility, I know there is no need to take when I can receive”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Donna Goddard
“Extrasensory abilities are naturally developed within us by being more receptive to the subtler and finer messages around us. We all have extrasensory, as well as sensory, faculties.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Being Loving

Annie Dillard
“What I call innocence is the spirit's unself-conscious state at any moment of pure devotion to any object. It is at once a receptiveness and total concentration.”
Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Samara O'Shea
“To insist on a certain outcome--one outcome--is to deny yourself the surprise experiences life was going to give you--the things you didn't know you wanted until they came knocking and you were daring enough to let them in. By tying yourself to an ending, you're making arrangements to be miserable if you don't get exactly what you want. Or worse, you get exactly what you want and it doesn't make you as supremely happy as you thought it was going to.”
Samara O'Shea

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Dreams don’t die.
They move on to the next available dreamer.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Robin S. Baker
“Books feel more intimate. And the people who go out of their way to read your writings, are initially more open to what you have to say.”
Robin S. Baker

Robin S. Baker
“Be fully receptive to what you're asking for. That is the only way it'll come towards you.”
Robin S. Baker

Ulonda Faye
“Open to receive. Dance with the fading grasses. Nourish your Soul, as the leaves surrender to all the beauty of the fall. Nature accepts and loves us, just as we are, in each passing moment of this breath. Open your heart, fall into her loving embrace. Walk through the passageway of your increasingly expansive heart.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

“I observe but do not second-guess others’ thoughts”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“When working on other commitments, "the work that needs to be made" is relentlessly harassing me, whispering in my ear about what I am SUPPOSED to be creating RIGHT NOW, as it attempts to lure me away, like the Pied Piper.”
Kate Kretz, Art from Your Core: A Holistic Guide to Visual Voice