
Nostalgia Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nostalgia-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 44
فايز غازي، Fayez Ghazi
“يحتاج اﻹنسان إلى لحظات الوحدة... يشذب أغصان ماضيه اليابسة... يتفكر فيها كيف كانت و لما زالت.. يجمعها في النهاية و يحرقها في موقدة النسيان... يبقى رمادها ذكرى في أقبية القلب.. والرائحة لا تزول !”
فايز غازي، Fayez Ghazi

Adiela Akoo
“Someone mentioned your name today,
took me down memory lane,
to a time very much younger,
a time more pure, more sane.”
Adiela Akoo, Lost in a Quatrain

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“Somewhere buried deep in my heart was a longing for him, for us, for all that had remained unfinished. I only wished that my heart understood the way my mind did, that some questions could never be answered, that some words needed to remain unsaid, that some of our most significant relationships needed to be severed.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Before the Footprints Fade

Maria Caranica
“Nostalgia după ceea ce-a fost și lacrimile vărsate pentru persoane care au plecat din viața noastră, e cel mai masochist lucru pe care-l fac femeile.”
Maria Caranica, Notițe cu cerneală verde

Avijeet Das
“It started raining and suddenly memories drenched my soul...”
Avijeet Das

Caroline   George
“Nostalgia makes hallowed ground from mundane places.”
Caroline George, The Summer We Forgot

“On summer nights when the windows are open, you can listen in on people's lives—babies crying, kids laughing, radios blaring, mothers yelling, couples fighting. Funny thing is, the sounds are always the same. Even though different people come and go, the sounds stay the same. I like that. It makes me feel a part of something big, something never ending, like the stars.”
Jackie French Koller, Nothing to Fear

Sijdah Hussain
“No memories. No pain. I mean screw nostalgia.
I don’t want it. Take it back!”
Sijdah Hussain, Red Sugar, No More

Ayushee Ghoshal
“On some nights, I open the curtain and you are the moon. I am the darkness surrounding it. Which is to say, I don't know how to love without being consumed. If they ask you tell them remembrance was the closest I came to being sick.”
Ayushee Ghoshal

Gabriel García Márquez
“Anyone who could have seen her in front of the mirror, in ecstasy over her own regal gestures, would have had reason to think that she was mad. But she was not. She had simply turned the royal regalia into a device for her memory. The first time she put it on she could not help a knot from forming in her heart and her eyes filling with tears because at that moment she smelled once more the odor of shoe polish on the boots of the officer who came to get her at her house to make her a queen, and her soul brightened with the nostalgia of her lost dreams. She felt so old, so worn out, so far away from the best moments of her life that she even yearned for those that she remembered as the worst, and only then did she discover how much she missed the whiff of oregano on the porch and the smell of roses at dusk, and even the bestial nature of the parvenus. Her heart of compressed ash, which had resisted the most telling blows of daily reality without strain, fell apart with the first waves of nostalgia.”
Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

“Funny thing is, the sounds are always the same. Even though different people come and go, the sounds stay the same.”
Jackie French Koller, Nothing to Fear

Claire Fullerton
“Nostalgia has selective memory; it softens the heart and strips the details to leave you with what should have been instead of what was.”
Claire Fullerton, Little Tea

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Physical absence does not always mean emotional absence, many times more physical absence means more emotional presence.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

“I realized that you could appreciate something without wanting it back. Everything had its own purpose and time.”
J. Aleong, A Most Important Year

Rachel   Harrison
“Memories have their purpose, and nostalgia is not a danger in small doses. It can be good to remember what has made us who we are, to reflect on what has made us stronger.”
Rachel Harrison, Cackle

“Relația mă transforma. Mă făcea să urăsc persoana pe care o vedeam în oglindă, căci era opusul a ceea ce voiam să fiu, dar îmi lipsea tăria să pun punct. Mă agățam de momentele în care lui îi păsase de mine, uitasem să închid ușa trecutului și prin ea vedeam lucruri a căror umbră nici măcar nu o mai zăream în prezent. Aparent, speranța e o lamă cu două tăișuri, pe care ești nevoit să o cuprinzi între degete, legat la ochi fiind. Iar eu preferam să strâng mai bine fașa în loc să încerc să privesc prin ea.”
Silvia D.F., Numele meu este Sonya

“There is no scent of nostalgia like a fragrance drawn from the garden of childhood memories.”
Aloo Denish

“There is no scent of nostalgia like a fragrance drawn from the garden of childhood memories.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Don't become a product of your memories, make a product out of your memories.”
Ashim Sarmah

Adolfo Bioy Casares
“El vicio de los recuerdos, como otros vicios, primero entretiene pero a la larga lesiona y perjudica”
Adolfo Bioy Casares, Diary of the War of the Pig

Margaret Atwood
“Soy una habitación en la que una vez ocurrieron cosas pero en la que ya no sucede nada”
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale

“I looked at the other squares of yellow that climbed like ladders up the sides of the building. I thought about the people inside, those who are still there. Then I thought about all those who were gone and the others who have come to take their places.”
Jackie French Koller, Nothing to Fear

Ayushee Ghoshal
“If they ask you, tell them remembrance was the closest I came to being sick.”
Ayushee Ghoshal

“Nostalgia can be so painful at times; nothing is worse than wanting what you can't have.”
Jeffrey Calhoun, The October Amaryllis

Brian Spellman
“Ongoing generations stockpile nostalgic futures for passing the upcoming presents.”
Brian Spellman, We have our difference in common 2.

C. Sean McGee

A young man stares at his reflection,
And sees an old man looking back.
“Where did the time go?” he wonders.
And, “How did we ever lose track?”
“Is this the same person,
that amounts to wondrous things?
How long did we spend dreaming?
Is this reflection really as it seems?
Who are you old man?
I’ve seen you in times before.
Is this, the face that greets me,
the mask I always wore?”
The young man drops his stare,
And moves towards the door.
The boy he thought he was,
He can recognize no more.”
C. Sean McGee, {self-titled}

Lyra Selene
“I loved that house--it had huge glass doors that opened to a broad lawn sweeping down to the sea. We had a little private cove with hundreds of caves cutting through the red rock, and I used to spend hours splashing through them, finding the faces of my Gorma ancestors carved into the walls.”
Lyra Selene, Diamond & Dawn

Enamul Haque
“In a world of instant clicks and swipes, there's a charm in the wait of a radio tune, the thrill of a letter's arrival, and the rewind sound of a VHS cassette.”
Enamul Haque

Héctor Peña  Manterola
“A las grandes aventuras siempre les sigue el silencio.”
Héctor Peña Manterola, Mecánica de fluidos

Hannah Mukhtar
“take me back into those woods, where i can dwell, a child forever”
Hannah Mukhtar, Meadow of Whispers: A Floral Poetry Collection

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