
Diplomats Quotes

Quotes tagged as "diplomats" Showing 1-10 of 10
Wilhelm Reich
“You'll have a good, secure life when being alive means more to you than security, love more than money, your freedom more than public or partisan opinion, when the mood of Beethoven's or Bach's music becomes the mood of your whole life … when your thinking is in harmony, and no longer in conflict, with your feelings … when you let yourself be guided by the thoughts of great sages and no longer by the crimes of great warriors … when you pay the men and women who teach your children better than the politicians; when truths inspire you and empty formulas repel you; when you communicate with your fellow workers in foreign countries directly, and no longer through diplomats...”
Wilhelm Reich, Listen, Little Man!

Karl Braungart
“We found an American soldier. He is with us right now. I performed the steps of initial drugging. Minutes ago, I gave him an injection to calm him and reverse the drowsy state of mind. He is doing better.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Karl Braungart
“Let’s not forget—we already have a highly ranked officer secretly working for us at Patch Barracks, V Corps headquarters.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

C. Wright Mills
“Once war was considered the business of soldiers, international relations the concern of diplomats. But now that war has become seemingly total and seemingly permanent, the free sport of kings has become the forced and internecine business of people, and diplomatic codes of honor between nations have collapsed. Peace in no longer serious; only war is serious. Every man and every nation is either friend or foe, and the idea of enmity becomes mechanical, massive, and without genuine passion. When virtually all negotiation aimed at peaceful agreement is likely to be seen as 'appeasement,' if not treason, the active role of the diplomat becomes meaningless; for diplomacy becomes merely a prelude to war an interlude between wars, and in such a context the diplomat is replaced by the warlord.”
C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite

Andrew   Crofts
“Diplomats and politicians, blowing with the wind. No substance, no beliefs, no real friendships.”
Andrew Crofts, Secrets of the Italian Gardener

Tony Leon
“Given that the doubtless unsuspecting taxpayers of South Africa provided every diplomat abroad with free housing, a foreign service allowance (in addition to salary) and, in the case of ambassadors, two full-time, live-in domestics, it became apparent why many found such a feather-bedded life abroad so appealing”.”
Tony Leon, The Accidental Ambassador

P.G. Wodehouse
“Anyone who has had anything to do with the higher diplomacy is aware that diplomatic language stands in a class by itself. It is a language specially designed to deceive the chance listener.”
P.G. Wodehouse, The Swoop! and Other Stories

“By exerting ourselves through unnecessary or irrelevant speech or action, we increase the risk of conflict by a million percent.

By meeting or approaching when it is not necessary or relevant to do so, we increase the risk of increasing the risk by a million percent.

Space cultivates longing, (so) may longing cultivate space. And thus cultivate warmth and peace, enforced by brief interactions [parting ways on positive notes]. Space can be expressed not only in the physical sense.”

“By exerting ourselves through unnecessary or irrelevant speech or action, we increase the risk of conflict by a million percent.

By meeting or approaching when it is not necessary or relevant to do so, we increase the risk of increasing the risk by a million percent.

Space cultivates longing, (so) may longing cultivate space. And thus cultivate warmth and peace, enforced by brief interactions [parting ways on positive notes]. Space can be expressed not only in the physical sense.

There is a higher purpose.”