
Characteristics Quotes

Quotes tagged as "characteristics" Showing 1-30 of 64
John Stuart Mill
“Christian morality (so called) has all the characters of a reaction; it is, in great part, a protest against Paganism. Its ideal is negative rather than positive; passive rather than action; innocence rather than Nobleness; Abstinence from Evil, rather than energetic Pursuit of Good: in its precepts (as has been well said) 'thou shalt not' predominates unduly over 'thou shalt.”
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

Zig Ziglar
“A narrow mind and a fat head invariably come on the same person.”
Zig Ziglar

Arthur Conan Doyle
“Beyond the obvious facts that he has at some time done manual labour, that he takes snuff, that he is a Freemason, that he has been in China, and that he has done a considerable amount of writing lately, I can deduce nothing else.”
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Red-Headed League

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
“আমাদের বাঙ্গালিদের মধ্যে দুইটা দিক আছে। একটা হল 'আমরা মুসলমান, আর একটা হল আমরা বাঙালি।' পরশ্রীকাতরতা আর বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা আমাদের রক্তের মধ্যে রয়েছে। বোধহয় দুনিয়ার কোন ভাষায়ই এই কথাটা পাওয়া যাবেনা, 'পরশ্রীকাতরতা'। পরের শ্রী দেখে যে কাতর হয় তাকে 'পরশ্রীকাতর' বলে। ঈর্ষা, দ্বেষ সকল ভাষায়ই পাবেন,সকল জাতির মধ্যেই কিছু কিছু আছে, কিন্তু বাঙ্গালিদের মধ্যে আছে পরশ্রীকাতরতা। ভাই, ভাইয়ের উন্নতি দেখলে খুশি হয়না। এই জন্যই বাঙালি জাতির সকল রকম গুণ থাকা সত্ত্বেও জীবনভর অন্যের অত্যাচার সহ্য করতে হয়েছে।”
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, অসমাপ্ত আত্মজীবনী

Salman Rushdie
“At sixteen, you still think you can escape from your father. You aren't listening to his voice speaking through your mouth, you don't see how your gestures already mirror his; you don't see him in the way you hold your body, in the way you sign your name. You don't hear his whisper in your blood.”
Salman Rushdie, East, West

Nouman Ali Khan
“Forgiving someone isn't just about doing good to another. It's also about healing a scar in your own heart.”
Nouman Ali Khan

Michael Cox
“The boundaries of this world are forever shifting – from day to night, joy to sorrow, love to hate, and from life itself to death; and who can say at what moment we may suddenly cross over the border, from one state of existence to another, like heat applied to some flammable substance? I have been given my own ever-changing margins, across which I move, continually and hungrily, like a migrating animal. Now civilized, now untamed; now responsive to decency and human concern, now viciously attuned to the darkest of desires.”
Michael Cox, The Meaning of Night

Colson Whitehead
“Resentment was the hinge of her personality.”
Colson Whitehead, The Underground Railroad

“The important thing to realize is the males in most species will breed with any female who stays still long enough. It's the females who are selective. What they desire has a huge effect. If all the female walruses got together one day to decide they wanted polka dots, within a few generations the males would have polka dots. The female's wish made physical on the male's body.”
Audrey Schulman, Theory of Bastards

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Who you are is too vast to be captured by the reflection of a mirror, classified by the state of your attitude, or categorized by the opinions of others. Therefore, if any of these are defining you, you have yet to be defined.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Suzy  Davies
“Good writers always have a strong sense of who they are and who they are not. Like actors, their boundaries are strong, and fluid. They have a deep understanding of the human condition, and an empathy that is not so diffuse that it is diluted.”
Suzy Davies

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Wearing camouflage is based on the desire to blend in with an environment that we don’t blend in with. Therefore, if we’re wearing some sort of camouflage every day then we’re probably not happy with ourselves any day.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Everybody has flaws, but your characteristics are so amazing. , that it overpowers everything. You are a work of art, truly beautiful”
Lucius Minnie

“Live and breath like the creatures we admire.”

Lenore Appelhans
“It's often like this with burgeoning characters. They start with such basic personalities that they take on other voices before they finally grow secure in their own.”
Lenore Appelhans, The Manic Pixie Dream Boy Improvement Project

“If you find fault in everything. You might be faulty or it might be your fault every time.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Even when the situation is bad, do good.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Once we understand what characteristics are valued (or disdained) in our commu-nities, we assess whether we individually possess more, or less, of them than do others in our communities. We compare ourselves to others to determine how we measure up, and through this social comparison, we evaluate ourselves. In this way, the groups we compare ourselves to—our reference groups—play an important role in shaping how we view ourselve”
Jess K. Alberts, Thomas K. Nakayama, Judith N. Martin

R.J. Intindola
“One's most essential attributes cannot be defined by math, but instead, by opinion; and those that can be measured by a number, are less significant.”
R.J. Intindola

Octavia E. Butler
“I suspect it's a human characteristic not to know when you're well off.”
Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents

“While certain aspects of personality are genetic, experience and the choices that we make also shape who we are. As mentioned earlier, Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) created humans with the potential for both good and evil. The test for every human being is to choose which of these characteristics we will support and develop, and which we will attempt to control or eliminate.”
Aisha Utz, Psychology from the Islamic Perspective

“I have seen people destroying themselves, their lives and careers by trying to destroy others. Because they acted out of spite, jealousy or anger, for not getting what they wanted or their way. Never let your poor judgement or emotions. Destroy what you have build or what you have worked for.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Gaelen Foley
Of course, Papa had the right to remarry. He lost his wife. He was still a young man for a widower. It's only right that he should have wanted to wed again and have more children. No one wants to be alone.
What Gerald did not seem to realize, damn him, was how alone Kate had been all those years, growing up on the moors with no companions but the falcons and the wild ponies--- and of course, her books. In silent empathy, Rohan yearned to hold her though she had quickly masked her pain.
She seemed all right now; she really was the most resilient, brave, unselfish, and remarkable woman he had ever met. But if she was still hurting, she might not rebuff the offer of his body, the consolation of his lovemaking.”
Gaelen Foley, My Dangerous Duke

Николай Гоголь
“Один Бог разве мог сказать, какой был характер Манилова. Есть род людей, известных под именем: люди так себе, ни то ни се, ни в городе Богдан, ни в селе Селифан, по словам пословицы. Может быть, к ним следует примкнуть и Манилова.”
Николай Гоголь, Мертвые души. Избранное

“The main characteristic of a great person is their humility.”
Kalpesh Radadiya

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