
Big Bang Quotes

Quotes tagged as "big-bang" Showing 1-30 of 127
Bill Bryson
“Tune your television to any channel it doesn't receive and about 1 percent of the dancing static you see is accounted for by this ancient remnant of the Big Bang. The next time you complain that there is nothing on, remember that you can always watch the birth of the universe.”
Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything

Neil deGrasse Tyson
“People cited violation of the First Amendment when a New Jersey schoolteacher asserted that evolution and the Big Bang are not scientific and that Noah's ark carried dinosaurs. This case is not about the need to separate church and state; it's about the need to separate ignorant, scientifically illiterate people from the ranks of teachers.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson

Stephen Hawking
“The role played by time at the beginning of the universe is, I believe, the final key to removing the need for a Grand Designer, and revealing how the universe created itself. … Time itself must come to a stop. You can’t get to a time before the big bang, because there was no time before the big bang. We have finally found something that does not have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me this means there is no possibility of a creator because there is no time for a creator to have existed. Since time itself began at the moment of the Big Bang, it was an event that could not have been caused or created by anyone or anything. … So when people ask me if a god created the universe, I tell them the question itself makes no sense. Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, so there is no time for God to make the universe in. It’s like asking for directions to the edge of the Earth. The Earth is a sphere. It does not have an edge, so looking for it is a futile exercise.”
Stephen W. Hawking

Robert J. Sawyer
“There is no indisputable proof for the big bang," said Hollus. "And there is none for evolution. And yet you accept those. Why hold the question of whether there is a creator to a higher standard?”
Robert J. Sawyer, Calculating God

Carl Sagan
“By looking far out into space we are also looking far back into time, back toward the horizon of the universe, back toward the epoch of the Big Bang.”
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Deepak Chopra
“If the fate of the universe was decided in a single moment at the instant of the Big Bang , that was the most creative moment of all.”
Deepak Chopra

Sam Harris
“120 million of us place the big bang 2,500 years after the Babylonians and Sumerians learned to brew beer.”
Sam Harris, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason

Lawrence M. Krauss
“Now, almost one hundred years later, it is difficult to fully appreciate how much our picture of the universe has changed in the span of a single human lifetime.

As far as the scientific community in 1917 was concerned, the universe was static and eternal, and consisted of a one single galaxy, our Milky Way, surrounded by vast, infinite, dark, and empty space.

This is, after all, what you would guess by looking up at the night sky with your eyes, or with a small telescope, and at the time there was little reason to suspect otherwise.”
Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing

Belinda Bauer
“Death was an inverse Big Bang; an impossible magic trick where everything had become nothing in the very same instant, where one state had been replaced so completely by another that no evidence of the first could be detected, and where the catalyst had been vaporized by the sheer shock of the new.”
Belinda Bauer, Rubbernecker

Harlow Shapley
“Some piously record 'In the beginning God', but I say 'In the beginning hydrogen'.”
Harlow Shapley

Olaf Stapledon
“This microcosm was pregnant with the germ of a proper time and space, and all the kinds of cosmical beings. Within this punctual cosmos the myriad but not unnumbered physical centers of power, which men conceive vaguely as electrons, protons, and the rest, were at first coincident with one another. And they were dormant. The matter of ten million galaxies lay dormant in a point.”
Olaf Stapledon, Star Maker

Bill Maher
“New Rule: Instead of using their $10 billion atom-smashing Large Hadron Collider to re-create the Big Bang by melting atom parts in temperatures a million times hotter than the sun, scientists should not do that. I'm just sayin' it sounds dangerous. I'm as interested as the next guy in determining the origin of matter, but first couldn't we solve some simple mystery, like why some-detector batteries always die at four a.m.?”
Bill Maher, The New New Rules: A Funny Look At How Everybody But Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass

“If we in the field of science are going to state that the origin of atomic nuclei can be traced back to the big bang we may as well go full circle already and state that the purpose of life is simply love.”
Wald Wassermann

Giannis Delimitsos
“We are perhaps the funniest shattered pieces of the ongoing cosmic explosion; and the biggest troublemakers!”
Giannis Delimitsos, A PHILOSOPHICAL KALEIDOSCOPE: Thoughts, Contemplations, Aphorisms

Aesop Rock
“I get awkwardly sturdy with a frigid liquid backbone. I get swept in the pressure cooker, tryin' to paddle back home...i'm gonna be a big bang, gotta be, never bottle me up in a probably...i huddle in a tunnel of big dreams, i think big things. I'm gonna burn w/ this little light of mine & a prime concern to earn thanks, I'm gonna be a Big Bang...' --Big Bang”
Aesop Rock, The Living Human Curiosity Sideshow

Colum McCann
“Years later, in America, I was told that Navajo Indians believed coyotes ushered in the Big Bang of the world with their song, stood on the rim of nothingness, before time, shoved their pointed muzzles in the air, and howled the world into existence at their feet. The Indians called them longdogs. The universe was etched with their howls, sound merging into sound, the beginning of all other songs.”
Colum McCann, Songdogs

Douglas Adams
“Time blossomed, matter shrank away. The highest prime number coalesced quietly in a corner and hid itself away forever.”
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

“The cause of the Big Bang is Self not wanting to be by itself. In other words. The origin of Self is Self desiring Love.”
Wald Wassermann

“People argue. People fight. You this. I that. My goodness. What's going on here! Snap out of it already. So here's the deal. There's nothing to argue about. There's nothing to fight over. Why? Better sit down for some serious infinite regress . Ready? Here we go. Every action creates a reaction. This much is true. The goal here for conflict resolution and peacemaking purposes is thus to understand what caused the first action; it is Self* which then discovers that there is nothing to argue about nor that there is anything to fight over for the first action was caused by Self* not wanting to be by itself. In other words. All this is Self and the purpose of Self, why Self perceives itself as diverse, is Love so Love simply Love. (* Initial Singularity in scientific terminology).”
Wald Wassermann

Jason Jowett
“When the Universe attains Versistasis, everything will both cease to exist and be created in the perfected dual moment.”
Jason Jowett

Kelly Moran
“The world might end in an explosion that made the Big Bang seem like a holiday sparkler.”
Kelly Moran

“Bosons crowd together. They are social. They are other-directed. Fermions want to be alone. They are anti-social. They do not follow other-direction. The properties of particles are the properties of humans. There is nothing new under the sun. In the beginning, in the Singularity that preceded the Big Bang, there were only bosons. The Big Bang introduced fermions. The Big Crunch will restore a bosons-only universe. Bosons produce fermions and fermions are then converted into bosons over the lifecycle of the cosmos. This pattern, this destiny, ultimately means that the left wingers, the bosons, the fusions, will triumph. It’s cosmic destiny. It is written in the stars … literally.”
Peter Brennan, Fusions Versus Fissions: Are You a Joiner or a Splitter?

“The Big Bang universe was caused by a mind, and is contained by a mind, just as a dream is caused by a dreamer’s mind and contained within the dreamer’s mind”
Angelique Dawson, Polarity Atoms: The Science of Love

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“How can we define NOTHING, or how can we prove that zero exists to a small child? Endless loop.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Alfred North Whitehead
“Christianity is the mother of science.”
Alfred North Whitehead

“There exists this wonderful romantic idea in cosmology that the initial singularity which caused the big bang is still singular but self differentiated so to be able to love- and be loved in return.”
Wald Wassermann

“If God spoke the world into being, the divine language is energy; the alphabet, elementary particles; God's grammar, the laws of nature."- Daniel Matt, author of God & The Big Bang”
Serena Jade

Hugh Ross
“All the scientists were upstaged at least 2,500 years earlier by Job, Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and other Bible authors. The Bible’s prophets and apostles stated explicitly and repeatedly the two most fundamental properties of the big bang, a transcendent cosmic beginning a finite time ago and a universe undergoing a general expansion.”
Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God

“Secondly, there is no necessary logical connection between natural processes and a supernatural causative factor. The relationship between the two is contrived not through any logical step but by a leap of faith. While there may be logical steps leading back to Big Bang from currently observed phenomena, the last step from the initial singularity - or what existed before the Big Bang - to God is not logical. It is actually in defiance of all logic.”

“Lemaître, o padre que propôs o Big Bang antes de Einstein, acreditava que ciência e religião eram domínios separados que não deveriam ser misturados”
Jorge Guerra Pires, Ciência para não cientistas: como ser mais racional em um mundo cada vez mais irracional (Vol. II: Religião) (Inteligência Artificial, Democracia, e pensamento crítico)

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