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Winter Street #4

Winter Solstice

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*The USA Today Bestseller*Raise one last glass with the Quinn Family at the Winter Street Inn.It's been too long since the entire Quinn family has been able to celebrate the holidays under the same roof, but that's about to change. With Bart back safe and sound from Afghanistan, the Quinns are preparing for a holiday more joyous than any they've experienced in years. And Bart's safe return isn't the family's only good Kevin is enjoying married life with Isabelle; Patrick is getting back on his feet after paying his debt to society; Ava thinks she's finally found the love of her life; and Kelly is thrilled to see his family reunited at last. But it just wouldn't be a Quinn family gathering if things went smoothly. A celebration of everything we love--and some of the things we endure--about the holidays, WINTER SOLSTICE is Elin Hilderbrand at her festive best. Follow the Quinn family through the entire Winter Street Winter Street Winter Stroll Winter Storms Winter Solstice

305 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 3, 2017

About the author

Elin Hilderbrand

79 books46.6k followers
Elin Hilderbrand lives on Nantucket with her husband and their three young children. She grew up in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, and traveled extensively before settling on Nantucket, which has been the setting for her five previous novels. Hilderbrand is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the graduate fiction workshop at the University of Iowa.



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Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.1k followers
July 6, 2018
Grab a glass of wine, a box of tissues and settle in for what can only be described as a bittersweet goodbye to the Quinn family. Knowing this was the last time I would walk through the doors of the Winter Street Inn and see it decked out for the holiday season—with Mitzi’s infamous nutcracker collection on display, her obnoxious assortment of Byers' Choice carolers screaming to be rearranged and the glass jar filled with the colorful ribbon candies that always look better than they taste—forced me into somewhat of a melancholy mindset. Equal parts sad and elated, I found myself torn between having to let this family go and being grateful that we were given a fourth book in what was initially laid out as a trilogy.

Over the course of the last three holiday season, I’ve become attached to this family and their antics—meaning several rereads have ensued, which is rare for me—can you blame me though? Easy to adore, relatable and downright entertaining, the Quinn family managed to turn this holiday story avoider into an admirer. The mere thought of suffering through what I assumed most holiday stories were—corny, overly cheerful and rife with miracle laden plot lines—kept me running in the opposite direction; until the Quinns that is. I guess, I should've known, if anyone could make me appreciate a holiday story, it would be Elin Hilderbrand and the engaging relationship dynamics she delivers, sans the corny clichés.

The biggest message I took away from this farewell: the only constant in life is change. No matter how hard we try to cling to what we have or plant our feet in refusal, change is inevitable . . . for all of us.

With the winter solstice approaching, almost everyone in the Quinn family, and the few new additions to the storyline (Remember “Fast Eddie” from The Rumor?! Well, he's back!), find themselves in some form of unrest—on the precipice of making a life altering decision or forging a new path.

While there wasn’t a character I didn’t enjoy catching up with—okay, except for Nathaniel, did he really deserve a cameo?!—Bart stole the show. Getting to see life through his eyes was worth all of the emotional turmoil his absence inflicted on the family over the course of the trilogy. I found myself completely smitten and giddy with the possibilities of what was to come for him and with who.

Although the ending wasn’t exactly spelled out for everyone—think of a movie scene fading to black—Elin Hilderbrand closes the chapter on the Quinn family in a heartfelt and very emotional way. Be warned, tears are pretty much inevitable.

“I never thought it would end.”

*Thank you to Little, Brown and Company and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,936 reviews33.2k followers
November 30, 2021
3.75 Stars

When I got to the end of book three, the acknowledgements section made it seem like that was the end...I already had all four of these books in my possession before I started reading them, so I knew I wasn't the case, but still...I was confused for a minute.

But I digress.

I was a lot happier (I guess?) where things ended up with this last book. Although, I not gonna lie, I didn't love the ending as applied to Kelley. Still. I really loved this family in general, warts and all. Even Ava. Maybe. Mostly.

Eh, whatever. I'm sad the series is over.
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
August 12, 2020
Cue the big fat juicy tears! “Winter Solstice” by Elin Hilderbrand got me and got me good!

Saying goodbye, in more ways than one, to a family I grew to love, left me slightly bereft.

“Winter Solstice” is a novel about family: the love, the heartache, the trials and tribulations. The Quinn family is finally whole and it’s a beautiful thing. Bart is back and he stole the show and my heart!

Unfortunately, this family has seen more than its fair share of heartbreak and pain and it’s not over. It is however, poignant, beautiful and simply lovely.

The Winter Series by Elin Hilderbrand is my favorite series of hers by far as each character has depth and a whole lot of heart. Tears pricked my eyes often while reading this last book in the series and I admit to sobbing heaving at one point in time. I loved reading about the Quinn family's struggles, their celebrations and their heartbreaks and I will miss them dearly.

Thank you to my local library for loaning me a copy of all of the audiobooks!

Published on Goodreads on 8.12.20.
Profile Image for Brandice.
1,039 reviews
November 24, 2017
I finished Winter Solstice today and thought it was the perfect and fitting finale to the Winter series. I really enjoyed binging through these books over the past week or so, and getting swept up in the Quinn family’s drama.

I’m also glad I waited to read these books until the series was complete, so I could continue reading them straight through. I was surprised to learn that the third book, Winter Storms was originally going to be the finale in the trilogy. While I enjoyed the book, I would’ve been disappointed in that as the ending of the series. Maybe the quick succession of reading all the Winter books back-to-back, and reading them this time of the year, with the holidays approaching, helped enhance my enjoyment. Regardless, it was a good series and one I’d recommend to Hilderbrand fans or anyone who enjoys family-centric stories with the right amount of drama. In each of the stories, there were many predictable plot elements yet I also enjoyed the varying viewpoints too.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 11 books542 followers
November 16, 2023
I have loved Elin Hilderbrand's Winter series from start to finish. 🎄❄🎄❄

In this fourth installment, WINTER SOLSTICE, the Quinn family is returning to Nantucket, but circumstances are bittersweet. Bart is home from Afghanistan, and everyone continues to hope for his recovery, but their father is very ill and his prognosis is grave. In interesting developments, Ava gets to meet her boyfriend’s son and things don't quite go as planned, which Elin Hilderbrand writes with her usual blend of heartwarming joy and good humor! Jennifer’s career may take an interesting turn (I especially loved this plot twist!) Fun times! I have loved every moment I have spent with the Quinn family on Nantucket, and this may be my favorite set of Elin Hilderbrand books (and I love all her books.)

Trigger Warning:

Profile Image for Zoe.
2,068 reviews286 followers
October 3, 2017
Affecting, heartwarming, and romantic!

Winter Solstice is a sweet, unexpected surprise that gives us one last chance to check in with the Quinns and savour their special moments, new loves, old loves, and heartbreaking losses.

The prose is clean and crisp. The characters are lovable, engaging, and genuine. And the plot is a compelling tale about life, love, family, acceptance, loss, sorrow, friendship, growing up, growing old, and moving on.

Winter Solstice is ultimately an emotional ending to a charming series that will make you laugh, make you smile, and at times even make you cry. A true wintry delight!

Thank you to NetGalley, especially Little, Brown and Company, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

All my reviews can be found on my blog at http://whatsbetterthanbooks.com
Profile Image for Taury.
742 reviews194 followers
October 7, 2022
I enjoy relaxing with a great book that I can just listen to and not think. I love picking up with the same characters and family. Celebrating in their highs and lows. I am ready for the next release
Profile Image for Stacey.
953 reviews158 followers
February 27, 2018
The final chapter of the Quinn Family *sigh*. What a treat it is to read #4 of this trilogy. This family has carved a special place in my heart.

Winter Solstice brings the Quinn family up to date with added dilemmas, new opportunities, and a very sad goodbye. With a tear in my eye, I close the book and bid the Quinn family adieu.
Profile Image for Amy.
2,154 reviews1,942 followers
October 30, 2017

Winter Solstice is the fourth and final book in a series that’s followed the Quinn family over the past four years, mainly during the holidays. Winter Storms, the third book was actually supposed to be the last book, but we got this one as a bonus! I was so happy because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to this family, and even a year later I’m realizing I’ll never be ready, but this really was a fitting ending to a fabulous series that proves the queen of the beach read can more than hold her own as a holiday writer as well.

One of the biggest surprises for me was that Fast Eddie from The Rumor was in this one and he hasn’t been in any of the previous books, but it totally makes sense for him to make a cameo here. It was a blast checking in with him, Grace and their twin daughters and an unexpected treat. The rest of the narration comes from the Quinns and it was so awesome to finally hear things from Bart’s point of view. Spending time with these characters is equivalent to catching up with old, well adored friends and I enjoyed every minute with them.

This was a bittersweet ending to what’s become a highly emotional series, I don’t often cry when I read but this one got me right in the feels. It didn’t end all happily ever after, that’s not what these books are about, they’re about real life, The good, the bad, the messy and the real. In the authors note Hilderbrand revealed that she’ll begin a new series next fall and I couldn’t be more excited, if she writes it I’ll happily read it, I think she’s that good.
Profile Image for Jeannie.
211 reviews
January 3, 2020
Next year for the Christmas holiday I want to go to Nantucket, I want to take the winter stroll, stay at The Winter Street Inn and drink poinsettias. Anyone else?

Profile Image for Erin.
3,277 reviews475 followers
November 11, 2018
I just keep crying over this damn series. Oh the Quinn's are one of my favorite literary families and I SOB wish them all well in the future. I was satisfied with how all their stories ended, especially Patrick and Jennifer. It was great to finally "meet" Bart and give him a little love story. But this book was definitely all about darling Kelley . I suspect I shall ride this emotional rollercoaster for a little bit more time.
Profile Image for Susan.
1,312 reviews211 followers
October 8, 2017
Winter Solstice

Elin Hilderbrand

WINTER SOLSTICE is the fourth and final book in the Winter series by Elin Hilderbrand. I fell in love with the Quinn family in 2012 and I've never stopped. With each book, my feelings just got stronger and stronger and that is exactly why I finished WINTER SOLSTICE with tears streaming down my face. Please, if you decide to give this series a chance, and I think everyone should read it, keep the tissues right next to you. You are definitely going to need them.

All the Quinn's are finally back home to celebrate the holidays but the celebration will be bittersweet. Kelley Quinn, has been diagnosed with brain cancer and has decided he doesn't want to continue with the treatments. He wants to enjoy whatever time he has left spending it with his loved ones and not being sick from the chemicals. Bart, the youngest son, is finally back home from Afghanistan, where he had been a prisoner for two years. WINTER SOLSTICE also finds Patrick back with his family after being in jail the past few years, Ava has a new boyfriend and Kevin is enjoying his growing family. If you've read the first three books, you will definitely get the answers you were looking for at the end of the third book. Be prepared to have your heart ripped open as the family prepares to say goodbye to their dad, husband, and ex-husband.

Now that the Winter series is over, it is very hard for me to say goodbye. I truly felt like a family member and I will miss them all. Elian Hilderbrand sure knows how to hook her readers and make them fall in love with all of her characters. They aren't perfect and they know it, which makes you only cheer harder for them all. WINTER SOLSTICE is such an emotional ending to a perfect series. My emotions were on a wild roller coaster ride from the first page all the way until the very end. At first I really tried to read it slowly and make it last, but soon I was so caught up in everyone's lives and business, I was flipping the pages like a mad woman. I love when an author can do that to me and Elin Hilderbrand does it so well.
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,906 reviews587 followers
December 29, 2018

What a bittersweet moment to end this book!

Over the past month (I know, I was not suffering through years like so many) I have come to enjoy learning about everything Elin Hilderbrand wanted to tell me about these characters. I have come to adore this not-so-perfect family with their quirks and all.

Bart coming back home from Afghanistan and finally listening to his point of view was something I enjoyed tremendously. He was a man who was suffering and who deserved some happiness.

I was ecstatic to see "Fast Eddie" showing up in this book. I liked him a lot in The Rumor despite getting himself into so much trouble and ending up in jail. Now, as a free man, he was trying to support his family and he was desperate to sell a property in order to keep his family afloat.

As Winter Solstice progresses, we check in with Patrick, Jennifer, Kevin, Isabelle, Ava, Margaret, Mitzi, and of course Kelley.

I won't lie and say that Winter Solstice didn't break my heart. As I approached the ending, I knew where this was going and more than a few tears were shed.

I'm going to miss these characters and my only hope is just like Fast Eddie, Elin Hilderbrand decides to bring them back into her future books.

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Profile Image for Kelly Hill.
179 reviews2 followers
December 3, 2017
As much as I hated the last one I had to finish the series. This family is full of dreadful self centered people and I really just wish a whale would wash ashore on Nantucket and swallow them all. Elin’s books used to have compelling characters but I think she needs to take a break and stop churning out 1-2 books a year. Her recent characters have no depth and this family is full of spoiled brats.

This book followed the format of the first three but for some reason she added in an additional narrator (from one of her previous books that was not part of this series) whose character really played a minor role. It was like she didn’t know what to fill the pages the with so she gave a super minor background character several chapters. Especially considering this series has been about one family the sudden addition of him is jarring and unnecessary.

I only gave it two stars instead of one because I’m a sap and still cried like a baby at the end.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,795 reviews6,702 followers
April 12, 2019
Such a great series! I really appreciated how this last book added closure to all the drama that presented itself in this family, even if it did make me shed a few tears. I'd highly recommend this series to fans of Elin Hilderbrand or women's fiction/family drama in general.

My favorite quote:
“Bart thought he would be able to work at Kevin's beach shack, at least through the summer, but the endless line of people flustered him, and he found the general sense of triviality—beachgoers losing their temper over how long it took to get their fish tacos and Coronas—off-putting. Didn't these people realize how privileged they sounded? Did they not realize that people had died—and were dying still—in order to safeguard their freedom? Real things, serious things, were happening in the world. The U.S. was engaged in a war against ISIS, and there were flesh-and-blood soldiers out there fighting it. While Bart and the rest of his platoon had been held prisoner, people in America had been at the beach. While Bart's fellow soldiers had been randomly selected and marched to the Pit, civilians at home had been going to brunch, then Snapchatting photos of their avocado toast.”
Profile Image for Creya Casale | cc.shelflove.
453 reviews374 followers
December 23, 2022
It seems it would be an oxymoron to finish a series with new beginnings, but who else could pull that off other than Elin Hilderbrand? Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. 🥺 I really loved the Quinns and the Winter Street Inn.
Profile Image for Diana.
355 reviews21 followers
January 10, 2023
I’m a little sad when a great book begins to come to an end. I get that bittersweet feeling of a well told story combined with the end of spending time with the characters. So of course after 4 books with the Quinn family I was a little sad to have it come to an end.

Something about Elin Hilderbrand makes me think of those Hallmark holiday movies I love watching each year and this past holiday season inspired me to pick up her Winter Street series. I had a great time with the Quinns at the Inn!

I will leave you with my favorite quote from the entire series:

“Time remains a mystery to Margaret. A game of Monopoly can consume an afternoon, and an hour on the treadmill seems like forever. But a lifetime passes in an instant.”

Profile Image for Debra.
2,745 reviews35.8k followers
September 9, 2017
This is the fourth book in the series and the last in the Winter series. Most books work as a stand alone novel when I have not read the previous ones. This one did not. I have not read the previous books in this series and I absolutely believe that if I had read those books, I would have enjoyed this book more. I can only say that if you have not read the previous books in this series, do so prior to reading this book!

The winter solstice is approaching as the Quinn Family gathers for the holidays. One of their family members has a terminal illness and will not be around much longer. The family gathers to say goodbye and to begin new paths of their lives. I found the ending to be emotional even though I did not know all of the characters well or their history.

Even though I have not read the other books in this series, I found the book to be a fast read. I wished I had read the other books as I felt there was something lacking. I am sure that fans of this series were happy (yet saddened) with the ending. The writing was solid and the pacing was good. The story had redemption, a war hero returning hone and coping with PTSD and survivors guilt, there is romance, a chance for new beginnings, a chance to say goodbye, and a chance to be a family.

I received a copy of this book from Little, Brown and Company and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cammie.
373 reviews15 followers
May 19, 2020
Winter Solstice brings the Winter series by Elin Hilderbrand to an end. There were several teary moments in these last two books, especially this one even though I knew how some events would turn out. Saying good-bye to the Quinn family was harder than I expected it to be. The Quinn family is real and relatable, at times entertaining and other times completely dysfunctional.
I was a bit confused by the importance of Eddie, but his role not only as Allegra's father but also as a realtor on Nantucket becomes more clear as the story continues.
The Quinn family has been through so much in the last four years--an affair with Santa, insider trading and a prison sentence, pharmaceutical addiction, reality TV, broken engagements, a prisoner of war in Afghanistan, terminal cancer...
I read the four books of the Winter series one right after the other and didn't realize until the end that Elin Hilderbrand intended to end the series after the third book. I am so glad that she didn't end this series after Winter Storms. There is much more closure and character development with the fourth book added to the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Denise.
748 reviews67 followers
October 20, 2017
I was so excited to hear that Elin Hilderbrand was adding a 4th book to this series. I'd grown attached to the characters and was anxious to hear about the next chapters (see what I did there?) in their lives. On a positive note: Kelly and Bart were written very well. This is what I came for. Bart's storyline ended too abruptly in book 3 and Kelly...had me tearing up on my evening commute.

So why, oh why, was there a need to introduce new characters in the final book?? We have Eddie...who I think I am supposed to like and maybe feel sorry for (??). Not happening. He is just getting out of jail for pimping out his crew of housekeeping staff (all of whom were deported) and spends quite a bit of time whining or thinking about how small his house is now that he's out that extra income. Is this going to be a spinoff series? Because I'd like a re-do.

Eddie is trying to sell a house to Marsha and Roger from Boston. Because they are from Boston, they are referred to as Masha and Raja. I know it was supposed to be funny, but it got a little annoying. I did find their characters and storylines entertaining.

Then we have the Patrick/Jennifer storyline. Ummm....no. Not grounded in reality. Again -- I'd like a re-do.

Overall, it was still worth the read. I was happy to put up with the annoying details in order to get a little more time with Kelly, Bart, Ava, Margaret, and family.
Profile Image for Lynn.
1,002 reviews189 followers
February 3, 2018
This seemed like a nice ending to the series. Many loose ends were tied up and all the story lines were resolved satisfactorily. Some characters outside the Quinn family, Eddie Pancik and his family, are given are prominent roles in this book for some reason, maybe because the drama in the Quinn family is running its course. But there are still some issues for the Quinn family, some more heart breaking than others.
I have to say that I teared up at the last couple of pages, having been through this exact same scenario with my own father, for the exact same reason (except in a hospital room with machines beeping.)

It was fun reading one book right after another. They are all really quick, light reads and certainly not taxing. But four in a row is enough for me. On to something with a bit more gravitas.

Enjoy them for what they are and have fun.
Profile Image for Cortney -  The Bookworm Myrtle Beach.
950 reviews215 followers
December 3, 2019
As much as I love the Quinn's, and was super glad to have 1 more story with them, I think this series should have just ended after the 3rd book. I know that this was a double finale, combining with the characters in The Rumor (which I haven't read), but I definitely could have done without Eddie's whole story line.

Regardless, if you love the Quinn's as much as I do, you still have to read Winter Solstice. This series is by far the best Christmas books I have ever read.
Profile Image for Chris St Laurent.
78 reviews11 followers
December 5, 2023
This is the last book in the series, I have not read them all. I couldn’t help it when it turned up, it is the Christmas season after all. Great finish for Quinn family I will miss them, I’ll have to read the ones I missed.
Profile Image for Mary.
1,831 reviews573 followers
December 14, 2020

Oh my heart, Winter Solstice by Elin Hilderbrand is the most emotional Winter book yet, and it was a hell of a way to close out a series. We got a couple whole new viewpoints in this one which was nice, and a few of the characters are truly facing their demons. Drama! Romance! Laughter! Tears! This book has all of those things and more, and the end made me cry like a baby. I really don't like talking about the plot of these books for fear of giving anything away, and I'm really glad I read them straight through in order without rereading the synopsis for any of them. I ended up doing them all on audio, and if you are a huge audio fan like me, I highly recommend them that way. Erin Bennett narrates the entire series, and she did such a wonderful job.

The only thing that really kept this from being a five-star read for me is that I felt like Hilderbrand tried to cram a bit too much into this length of book, and there are quite a few loose ends that left me wanting more from it. Who knows, maybe she will write another?? Either way, I still loved the book but was hoping for a bit more than she left us with. At least it didn't end on a cliffhanger, and for that I thank her.
Profile Image for Toni.
703 reviews229 followers
October 25, 2017
How thankful are we fans of Elin's to get a fourth book in what we thought was a Trilogy. This book nicely ties up this series with wonderful and creative stories as well invites a few new characters that I suspect may take us into the future. As Kelly is ill and Mitzi starts planning for her future, she's thinking of selling the Inn. What?! How does everyone else feel about this? Bart is finally coming out of his room and thinking about his future. Kevin and Isabelle already have their business going, as do Patrick and his family in Boston. Get ready to read and delve into the excitement as decisions are made. Did someone mention the Caribbean? Shhhhh. You will love this book!

Thank you Netgalley, and Little, Brown and Co.

Recently listened to the audio of this book and was really disappointed with the narrator. Her tone was a tad too stern for this memorable seasonal read.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,197 reviews115 followers
March 13, 2018
In the final installment of the Winter Street Inn series, it is time to bid farewell to the Quinn family. It's the holiday season and things are looking up for the Quinn children. Kelley, the patriarch and owner of the Inn is preparing for his last goodbye. As they all gather, like any family, there are misunderstandings and mishaps. But the love and the bonds that hold them together prevail.
My favorite of the series.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,166 reviews175 followers
January 1, 2020
WINTER SOLSTICE was a bittersweet, heartfelt end to the series, but I found it very fitting. While it didn’t tie up everyone’s ends perfectly, there was a sense of conclusion to our beloved characters. We get to hear from Bart, which is a pleasant surprise, and I've really grown to care for and like Kelley. This is a sad one, but a good one!

I definitely recommend the entire Winter Street series. The characters draw you in, and it’s such a fun, dramatic, heartbreaking and heartfelt set of books.
Profile Image for Henry.
749 reviews38 followers
December 29, 2020
This is the fourth and final installment in Hilderbrand's saga of the Quinn family on Nantucket at Christmas. Hilderbrand does not write great literature, but she sure knows how to tell a story and create characters that are multi-dimensional which you will not easily forget. I'll miss the Quinn family.
Profile Image for Terri  Wino.
739 reviews68 followers
December 7, 2017
3-1/2 stars rounded up to 4.

I was perfectly happy with the way this family's story was wrapped up in the third book of what was originally supposed to be a trilogy. Given some of the events that transpired at the end of that book, I knew Winter Solstice was going to bring out the mushy feelings and that I would probably need the old box of tissues nearby. Yep. Sure did.

I was glad that this book wasn't just a bunch of fluff thrown together to squeeze out a fourth book. Each of the family members have their stories fleshed out a little further, and I was really happy with the progression of their respective storylines.

Although there is sadness and tears, this book somehow still felt like a heart-warming holiday tale, even though only a small part actually takes place around Christmas time.

I'm glad that I invested my time in the four books about the Quinns and their friends and extended family. These sometimes nutty, always entertaining characters have stolen a little piece of my heart.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,522 reviews

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