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Explore # 167 on Saturday, 23 August 2008 - the 182nd

Another one from Sunday's escapade for the golden goodness. It's funny how on even the most bleak of days some things can still really shine.

Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla Flava

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The yellow wagtail can be spotted running about, chasing insects on lowland damp marshes and meadows during summer. As its name suggests, it does wag its tail!


Classified in the UK as Red under the Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the Red List for Birds (2015).


The Yellow Wagtail likes damp marshes, meadows and farmland, and spends much of its time running about on the ground, chasing insects disturbed by the feet of livestock. Yellow wagtails nest on the ground or in long grass, using plants, grasses and stems to build a cup-shape which they line with fur. They can have up to two broods, each with five or six eggs. A summer visitor, they arrive from their African wintering grounds from March onwards.


The yellow wagtail is olivey-green above and yellow below, with a yellow face and a black-and-white tail. Males are brighter than females. The similar grey wagtail also has a yellow belly, but has a grey back and black wings. Yellow wagtails have much shorter tails than the other two species of breeding wagtail in the UK.


Widespread, mostly in the lowlands of Central and Eastern England, Wales and southern Scotland.





Did you know?

Eight different subspecies of yellow wagtail can be found in Europe, differing in the colour of the males' heads. For example, in France and Germany, you will find the blue-headed wagtail; in Italy, the grey-headed wagtail; and in Finland, the ashy-headed wagtail.


Core of Zinnia flower

Bucharest Botanical Garden, Bucuresti, Romania

Sierra Valley, Plumas County, CA

Thanks for your comments and faves,they are truly appreciated.

Allamanda Cathartica, Apocynaceae Family.

Summer Flowers Yellow Lilies Petals Buds Green Leaves Outdoors Plants Bloom

MItt bidrag till Fotosöndag 160327, tema gult.

Nikon D500, Sigma 60-600mm Sports lens, 380mm, f/8, 1/500, ISO 2500. Female. View Large.

Nikon Z 9, Sigma 60-600mm Sports lens, 600mm, f/6.3, 1/500, ISO 800. View Large.

2017 0ne photo each day

Flickr Lounge weekly theme - leading lines or lines

100 flowers in 2017

Shot for Macro Mondays' February 8th theme "Vibrant Minimalism."


My macro lens stopped working right before I was going to shoot this stuff. Had the idea(s) so shot for the theme anyway (once I had a working macro lens again.)


This is an egg slicer.

yellow daylily - Hemerocallis



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