View allAll Photos Tagged trees

This is just a lonely Argan tree in the desert of Morocco. I think that is clear enough that I love the "Lonely Tree" theme. But this one has an invisible peculiarity, or better a curiosity: the photo has been made running over the 100kmh on a off-road vehicle, while we were approaching the sand dunes. It is one of the really rare shots I ever made at 1/4000s, but I must say that the nikon shutter and its stabilizer are a hell of gear! Unbelievable isn't it?

" Take me away from this city, To where I can be on my own.

We wanted a good life and now that its done, I just want to be left alone,

Ill still remember your kind word and ill rememer your name,

For Ive felt your twisting and turning, And for me it just wont be the same"


So Im leavin` here next Sunday mornin`, To a place where I know I can hear,

The cry of the gulls and the sea on the shore, With all of the things I hold dear.

And if ever I tire of this quiet life, Ill just walk right back up that hill,

And Ill head out that road and stick out my thumb,

For someone is waiting there still! "




Ive used a lot of poetic license on this poem and changed the words a good bit, as it fits my past life accurately which still hurts a bit, and and always will, that's being honest!

The words and idea are partly borrowed from a wonderful song by Liam Reilly with a group called "Bagatelle" and was called "Summer in Dublin" It was a huge hit here and in the UK and deservedly so in my opinion!


I hope you like this late evening photo which I took from Howth Headland through the Sycamore trees, across the sound to Irelands eye, County Dublin. I have wonderful childhood memories of this place as we used to holiday here as children, on Howth head. I spent a lot of time on the island and travelling up and down to "the hill" on the open top electric tram that used to run there. Sadly gone now!

It took me over 50 years to get back to see it again and its still as beautiful as ever. Its another one of "my places!" Lucky me!!

Do hope your week ahead is cracking!!!!

Thank you everybody!!!!


Update; Wow! Im very touched by the reaction to this.

I don't know if its the photo or the words, but hopefully both.

Im pleased with it and inspired and amazed by all you great genuine flickr people!



This photo was taken on the road to Porters ski fields to the west of Christchurch, New Zealand


We can see the road cuts through the natural landscape for the car... these three entities then create a revised natural-machine landscape .. which illustrates the notion of both human separation from, and embedment in, nature... indeed the first freeways were built with lots of curves for Sunday outings to see the landscape through contour visualisation.. a sort of more natural fit with nature ...


--- than the contemporary eight-lane, fast, dead-straight freeways, which depart significantly from the sort of utopian idea of the early machine age... but as we well know 'Utopia' means 'nowhere'.... and that's where this idea has largely gone now with the increasing machine enabled separation from nature in the view that technology can dominate nature, and get away with it, and in the questionable belief that such techno-domination is best for human enterprise and survival.

Heron fishing across a lake of wonderful soft reflections

A sprinkler beneath a tree at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens.

Yes, its that tree. Yes, I waited in a 40 minute line queue to shoot it this time. Yes, I do feel like I need to confess to the photographic community my sins of horrible un-originality. Whats that? Didn't I just post an image of this tree a few days ago? Well, yes. No, mine does not look like the others. Ok, maybe it kind of does. This image is taken about a week after the post I made previously. This tree changes colors fast. I wanted to post this one too just to show the contrasts between the two images. I actually had to clone out a lens peeking into the frame from the guy next to me. Ahhhh, the solitude of landscape photography, just you, the wind, the trees, the nature, and 40 other dudes with cameras that are way better than yours Grrr. Happy Fall.

Leica M-P & Summilux-M 35mm


Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my written permission.

© Toni_V. All rights reserved.

This waterfall is located along the trail to Opal Creek in Oregon. I don't know that it's actually called Tree Root Falls, in fact, the falls are not tall enough to merit a name I think. Its the water falling through the tree roots that make it interesting.

Tree nearby Obertrubach

Taken over looking the Grand Canyon the tree had a interesting trunk and the background just added to the scene.

Bright sunset shining through the trees at Attingham Park (NT) Shropshire, UK

A lonely tree at the top of mountain "Kahler Asten" in Sauerland Germany (foggy conditions)



Please don't use my images on websites or any other media without my permission.

© All rights reserved

... or attracted by the beautiful blue water?

A bird at the top of a tree in Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park near Okeechobee, Florida.

This tree made me think of the Whomping Willow from Harry Potter. It's not a Willow, but it does look like it could have magical powers, don't you think?

Me under this giant Baobab tree..............(credit Leo)


Adansonia digitata trees figure prominently into the cultures of people who live where it grows.

From highly nutritious food products, to fiber, medicine, water storage and animal forage, Baobab has earned the moniker “Tree of Life”.

Traditional African animist spiritual belief most often incorporates the Earth’s natural provenance, and infuses it with ritual; Baobabs represent ancient settlements, and the spirits of their ancestral owners become part of the trees. Often, animal skulls, wooden ‘fetiche’ assemblies, tokens of the harvest and other significant items can be seen attached to the trunks or amassed at the foot of the trees. Village meetings and ceremonial rites of passage integrate the Baobab.

The Hayfield ’20 Trees’ again, taken from a different angle….the village of Hayfield can be seen through the trees. The original of this wasn’t great as I’d shot pretty much straight into the low sun, but I quite liked it in black and white.


Hope everyone’s had a great weekend- I am 4 days into Sugar Free February and haven’t killed anyone yet, so all is well :)

Happy New Year :-))


Sur le sentier de la vie, nous cheminons, inexorablement.

Qu'il soit sinueux ou droit, raide ou en pente douce, étroit ou large, bordé d'un sombre précipice vertigineux ou d'une prairie d'arnicas lumineux. Que le sol sous nos pieds soit dur ou doux, caillouteux ou de sable fin, que le but à atteindre nous semble lointain et inaccessible ou proche et plein de promesses, que nous recherchions l'ombre des grands arbres ou la lumière du soleil au zénith, que nous nous réjouissions de découvrir le panorama derrière le prochain tournant ou que nous redoutions les obstacles qui pourraient surgir, nous devons tous égrener les kilomètres, avec conviction.

Essayons d'en tirer le plus de plaisir et de joie, de nous émerveiller de la vie qui bourdonne autour de nous, des éléments qui la font exister pour que tout soit à sa place sur notre belle et fragile planète.

Il tient à chacun d'entre nous de la protéger afin que les générations qui nous suivront puissent encore s'émerveiller devant chaque petit souffle de vie.....


On the path of life, we walk, inexorably.

Whether sinuous or straight, steep or sloping gently, narrow or wide, lined with a dark and vertiginous precipice or with a field of bright arnicas. Whether the ground beneath our feet is hard or soft, stony or fine sand, the goal to be reached seems remote and inaccessible or near and full of promise, whether we seek the shade of tall trees or sunlight at the zenith Whether we are looking forward to discovering the panorama behind the next turning point or we are dreading the obstacles that might arise, we have all gored the miles inexorably.

Let's try to get the most pleasure and joy, to marvel at the life that buzzes around us, the elements that make it exist so that everything is in its place on our beautiful and fragile planet.

It is up to all of us to protect it so that the generations who follow us can still marvel at each little piece of life .....

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