View allAll Photos Tagged sea

São Miguel, Açores, Portugal


This is our finest seaside spot near where I live, 5-6 km. Old picture. Because as you know, I have problems with my knees and getting out on the rocks with crutches is not safe for an 84 year old lady.

In the first comment field there is a summer picture.

Tierra del Fuego


Islotes en el canal


island at the Beagle Channel in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

Warm and calm sea - Cape Verde


Thank you for your visits comments and favs! :-)

A pretty spot there in White Point, Nova Scotia.

Thank you to all for the views, comments and faves

Any one doing NFT's my collection is on Objkt

(c) Richard Roscoe Photography, 2009

Back from vacation.


Explore #58



Pentax K-5

SMC Pentax-M 50mm F1.7 (all shots with this lens till 95% with aperture at 2.0)



© 2016 stefanorugolo | All rights reserved.

An unusually hot day in Denmark (32 degrees Celsius)

Sunset with cruise and sailboats at Palermo's harbour (Sicily)

In Antarctica's Weddell Sea on a beautiful sunny morning , this stark ice field landscape was where we had just complete an ice walk. Snow Island can be seen in the background on the left.

Even though I live in the middle of forests and lakes, I often go to the seashore, even if the nearest sea is more than 100 km from my home. I want to listen to the noise of the waves, relax in their monotonous rhythm and breathe in my lungs full of sea air. In rain, wind, storm and sunshine. As does my doggie Helmi.


👱‍♀️🎧 Sea Of Love ( Iggy Pop ).

plage de la Garoupe, Cap d'Antibes

Grand Pacific Drive, Clifton NSW

Thank you all to watch my photos

The bald eagle is actually a sea eagle (Haliaeetus species) that commonly occurs inland along rivers and large lakes.

A beautiful day at Sidmouth yesterday, very cold though, a lot of people enjoying the sunshine.

seascape early in the morning..

Angry skies and seas along St. Joseph’s North Pier.

Pointe aux Biches, Mauritius

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