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© Elke Wittmann - All rights reserved.



Wishing you a lovely week ahead, dear friends.

Many thanks for your kind visits and comments .

il castello di Romeo ripreso dalla terrazza del castello di Giulietta

Die „Blaue Villa“ auf dem Graswarder in Heiligenhafen

November morning at the Moselle near Trier-Ehrang.

Before a weather change, there are often spectacular colors just before sunrise.


Novembermorgen an der Mosel nahe Trier-Ehrang.

Vor einer Wetteränderung gibt es häufig spektakuläre Farben kurz vor Sonnenaufgang.


Danke für deinen Besuch! Thanks for visiting!

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We had just reached the Bryce Canyon at Sunset Point, when a strong thunderstorm descended northeasternly over the Escalante Mountains, while lights sprawled across the landscape from the west. Because it was only fast to attach the camera to the tripod to maintain this mood. And after a few minutes a huge (double) rainbow spread out, for which unfortunately the 18 mm of the lens was not sufficient.


Wir hatten soeben den Bryce Canyon am Sunset Point erreicht, als nordöstlich über den Escalante Mountains ein starkes Gewitter nieder ging, während von Westen Lichtspots über die Landschaft zogen. Da galt es nur, schnell die Kamera auf dem Stativ zu befestigen um diese Stimmung festzuhalten. Und nach wenigen Minuten breitete sich ein gewaltiger (doppelter) Regenbogen aus, für den leider die 18 mm des Objektivs nicht ausreichten.


Danke für deinen Besuch! Thanks for visiting!

bitte beachte/ please respect Copyright © All rights reserved.

Eilean Donan Castle after sunset (9:51 pm);


Danke für deinen Besuch! Thanks for visiting!

bitte beachte/ please respect Copyright © All rights reserved

Enjoying a good scratch in the late afternoon sun.


Taken at Myakka River State Park, Florida.

Para Belén y Jose que se que es un sitio muy especial para ellos y lo retratan como nadie.

This is a photo of a Roseate Spoonbill flying over its Rookery. The Roseate Spoonbills were gathering sticks for nests and establishing nesting territories! The island had many yellow Sunflowers on it, which made for some beautiful backgrounds!! Thanks for looking and we will see everyone after the Holiday weekend!


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If you would like to use an image, you MUST contact us to obtain written permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining written permission.


Last Rays of Wintersun and dancing Fog

Le Moulin Gustot : moulin à vent d’Opprebais


Les origines du moulin à vent d’Opprebais remontent à 1826. A cette époque

fut construit, par un certain Rosy, un moulin en bois.


C’est en 1854 que le moulin à vent fut reconstruit en briques par des

meuniers, les frères Gustot (d’où également l’appellation de moulin

Gustot). Il est resté en activité jusqu’en 1927.


Ce fut ensuite le déclin, le moulin subit de nombreuses dégradations au fil

du temps.


En 1960, le moulin fut racheté et le nouveau propriétaire procéda à sa

restauration complète.

Mono Lake - rain clouds at sunset

En este mundo

que parece inmutable

agua y roca hechas uno,

se que esas gotas volverán a correr

para unirse de nuevo.

Follow me on instagram: riccardo_mantero


Along the road of the Death Valley the clouds were casting shadows on the desert, again, halt the car and start to take photos!

Hücker Moor on a frosty evening in early January, Ostwestfalen, Germany

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The Moosfluh viewpoint at an altitude of 2,233 m. offer a breathtaking view of the Great Aletsch Glacier. From up there, the giant glacier seems close enough to touch.

The Aletsch Glacier, which carries an incredible 27 billion tons of ice, is the largest glacier in the Alps.

If this mass of ice melted, it could supply every single person on the Earth with a litre of water every day for 4.5 years.


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View of Aletsch Glacier from Moosfluh above Riederalp, canton Valais, Switzerland


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See my other photos of this glacier::


See my new photos in the Selected Travels album:


The dramatic beauty of the Norwegian landscape



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Рандеву с ледовым гигантом


Когда попадаешь на смотровую площадку Мосфлух, гигантский Алечский ледник оказывается так близко, что кажется можно его коснуться. Являясь самым большим в Альпах, при длине в 23 км ледник насчитывает 27 миллиардов тонн льда.

Если бы эта масса льда растаяла, можно было бы обеспечить каждого жителя земли литром воды ежедневно в течение 4,5 лет !


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Вид на Алечский ледник с вершины Мосфлух, 2233 м, кантон Вале, Швейцария.


The beautiful Ethel in the Bluebell Wood.

Ethel is an Eagle Owl at the BWC.

Autumn at the lake Uklei

(3 image HDR) Just an evening landscape capture..


HBM.. Have a great week ahead.. thanks for any comments left..

Schloss Muskau (Muskau palace) is a schloss in the Görlitz district in Saxony, Germany. It is known for its extended park, the Muskau Park, a World Heritage Site from 2 July 2004. Muskau Park is the largest and one of the most famous English gardens in Central Europe. -


Schloss Muskau ist eine bedeutende Schlossanlage im Norden des sächsischen Landkreises Görlitz. Weltweit bekannt ist das Schlossensemble durch seine Lage im Fürst-Pückler-Park in Bad Muskau. Die Parkanlage gehört seit dem 2. Juli 2004 zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe.


"Ten pieces of sun for you

And for you only two...

...In time you will spend them all

Sooner if you fall

In markets that offer stars

No cure for the scars "


from "Victoria Sage" - Peter Brown, Jack Bruce

(slight edit of verses by me)

The Song from "Harmony Row" by Jack Bruce


One photo. Image, textures and artwork by me, Tom.

Photoshop was not used. Hand and stylus work, only.

Mid afternoon photo.

Thanks always for your kindness, comments, faves and invites.

This crocus looks fragile, but is strong and waiting for the sun.......

Have nice start of the weekend!

Tenna,Sogn og Fjordane nr Stryn,Olden.Norway

Visited in May 2015 the weather was quite bad for this time of the year the view was worth it

++++++++++Thank you again for your kind support of my Wordsworth inspired image++++++++++++

This Winter has been very mild but finally polar air has reached Northwest Germany. After a great sunset yesterday the temperature dropped to -9 C last night. But it looks as if the frosty period will not survive the weekend. Hücker Moor, Ostwestfalen, Germany

Summer sunset in Hvidbjerg Strand, Jylland, Denmark

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Three excursionists are crossing the glacier of the Mont Blanc on the border between Italy and France. The fantastic weather conditions allowed me to shoot this highly contrast image from Punta Helbronner. To my eyes everything is in an armonic contrast, the dark shadows of the clouds on the dazzling white snow, the little and short living human facing the huge and eternal mountain and a small soft cloud covering the rocky Tooth of the Giant.

through the trees


many thanks for stopping by to visit and share....risa

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