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The gentle hills of Val d'Orcia/Tuscany on a spring morning.


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Loch Linne viewed from the banks of Onich, in the Scottish Highlands.

© 2016 François de Nodrest / Pantchoa - All rights reserved.

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©*Mis fotografías están protegidas por derechos de autor. Todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna de estas fotos pueden ser reproducidas y / o utilizadas en cualquier tipo de publicación, impresa o Internet sin mi permiso por escrito..

Räterichsbodensee & the Gelmersee Canton of Bern, Switzerland. A view from Grimsel Pass. No. 53.

Another one from Sunday's escapade for the golden goodness. It's funny how on even the most bleak of days some things can still really shine.

Storm clouds gather over the fields in South Staffordshire

Fiume Po, Corte Sant'Andrea, Senna lodigiana, Lodi

Le Dévoluy est un « pays » des Hautes-Alpes délimité à l'ouest par le chaînon du Grand Ferrand, au nord par l'Obiou et le Gicon, à l'est par la montagne de Faraut et au sud par le pic de Bure. L'accès peut se faire par le col du Festre (au sud), le col du Noyer (à l'est, fermé en hiver) et par le défilé de la Souloise (au nord) par lequel s'écoule la rivière éponyme vers le lac artificiel du Sautet et le Drac, à la limite avec le département de l'Isère.


Le point culminant de la vallée est la Grande Tête de l'Obiou (2 789 m).

Des traces de passage d'hommes du Néolithique (3000 à 2500 ans av. J.-C.) ont été récemment trouvées en divers lieux. Mais les premiers indices d'habitat permanent en Dévoluy ne remontent pas en deçà du viiie siècle de notre ère. Après la mort de Charlemagne (814) le Dévoluy, comme le Champsaur voisin, passe de main en main : Francie médiane, Bourgogne, Provence. Au xie siècle, le comte de Forcalquier, vassal du dauphin de Viennois, dispute au comte de Provence l'autorité sur la région, avant de réaliser par mariage l'alliance des deux familles.source wikipédia

Driving through part of the Davis Mountains in western Texas, USA. Thanks for all the visits!

The grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the Lord stands forever. Isaiah 40:8

From Wigton looking towards the solway and Criffel (scotland)

The Val d’Orcia, or Valdorcia, is a region of Tuscany, central Italy, which extends from the hills south of Siena to Monte Amiata. Its gentle, cultivated hills are occasionally broken by gullies and by picturesque towns and villages such as Pienza, Radicofani and Montalcino.

Thanks for all your visits and comments!

Jökulsárlón, Iceland. 3 types of ice. During the night, the fullmoon high tide had brought some wonderful icebergs on the black sand Beach.


Palouse Falls is a bit tamer come October. Sure roars in the Spring though.


I'm off to visit family in the Boise area. Tough being so far away from most of them. Lots of grins, laughs and hugs coming up.


Thanks for your kind remarks, faves and continued support. Makes my day.

DSC_8284-1. Desembocadura del Río Anllons visto desde el Monte Blanco.

Gli habitat naturali sono tutti, ugualmente preziosi. Alcuni, tuttavia, sono più preziosi di altri, in quanto archivi della storia naturale e come tali custodi di forme di vita che appartengono ad ere e a climi pregressi. Così è per le torbiere alpine, presso cui vegetano specie floristiche attualmente presenti presso il Circolo polare artico. Esse costituiscono pertanto autentici archivi viventi della naturalità delle glaciazioni ..... ..

Der Fishriver Canyon in Namibia gilt als der zweit größte Canyon der Welt.

A glorious sunrise followed by sublime morning light along the great ridge from Mam tor.

Ive always wanted to capture the ridge, back tor and lose hill as a layered landscape and Sunday mornings soft hazy light provided a perfect opportunity

Fumarole with a sulfurous steaming in Hverir, a geothermal area near Myvatn in Iceland.

Praia fluvial em Vila Cova à Coelheira

The two radio towers in Nacka are the tallest "things" in the Stockholm region. You can see them already from far away. They have blinking position lights on them, making the towers a very iconic object in a Stockholm night view.

A compressed shot of the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone from Artist's Point. Impressive in any tone. Color in comments.


Have a wonderful weekend!

If there is one thing that I as a landscape photographer seek endlessly, it is light. Perhaps it is quite apt really for I really do experience the highs and lows in search of a view that will stop me in my tracks and furthermore, have me document it for the enjoyment for others. When I struggle for motivation (as in life too) during those times when nothing is flowing, when all around me appears dark and foreboding, the sight of light can lift me and elevate me into an almost spiritual place sometimes.


Standing there witnessing such beauty in the natural world alleviates the stresses and strains of life. I can literally feel the weight of the world lifting from my shoulders leaving me heady sometimes. That is why perhaps I feel a NEED and not a WANT to not only photograph the landscape around me, but also completely immerse myself in it too. Once you have truly experienced this sensation, it fast becomes a way of life and one that you are so, so, so grateful for having found.


I hope you all like it. Have a great day.


Canon 5D MK4

Canon 24-70mm f4 @ 31mm


1/10 secs


Nisi 0.9 Hard Grad ND filter


Brand Ambassador for Nisi Filters UK

Benro TMA48CXL Mach 3 Tripod

Benro GD3WH Geared Head

Mindshift Backlight 36L Bag





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It has been a lovely lazy summer.. spending time with my family. Then fab weather and company in amazing Spain.XX


Now it's time to come home ...the mountains .

Crib Goch xx


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