View allAll Photos Tagged flowers

I was looking for a place to take photos and came across this pretty spot at Lake Oblivion. Support local & give someone a flower today! :)


Location: Lake Oblivion

A photograph of a top view of a flower.

This one from way back

Nothingness~~Living Colour ~~

Well like a descendant, i drifted far, far and wide

Isolation, separation, no where to hide

Maybe there's somewhere i can go

Where there's sunshine and the wind won't blow



All i have to feel is my lonliness

Nothing in the attic 'cept an empty chest

And nothing lasts forever


Although there are many, i look for no one, no one but me

I search for things that are taking me high and far out of reach

But this is the place i call my home

I live with the lies and the fear all alone



All i have to feel is my lonliness

Nothing in the attic 'cept an empty chest

And nothing lasts forever



All i have to feel is my lonliness

Nothing in the attic 'cept an empty chest

And nothing lasts forever




Empty chest

And nothing lasts forever

Nothing lasts forever

Nothing lasts forever

Nothing lasts forever

Nothing lasts forever


Cut flowers--Agapanthus. Lensbaby Velvet 56.

Happy week-end to you all


"Esistono molte cose nella vita che catturano lo sguardo, ma solo poche catturano il tuo cuore: segui quelle."


"There are many things in life that catch the eye, but only a few capture your heart: follow those."


Winston Churchill

Végre megjöttek a színek!

Good see again the colours....

Best regards from Hungary!


A beautiful misty Snail & flower envoriment

(Jardim - posto turismo - Marinha Grande - Portugal)

A Flower Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) waits patiently for an insect or bee to come to the flower to gather some pollen on a wild rose flower in Elk Island National Park near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


6 July, 2010.


Slide # GWB_20100706_4312.CR2


Use of this image on websites, blogs or other media without explicit permission is not permitted.

© Gerard W. Beyersbergen - All Rights Reserved Worldwide In Perpetuity - No Unauthorized Use.


Up and running again. Thank you for your help David. It has taken my husband( a non Flickr user) all afternoon to sort the problems out and there were several.




Western Cape, South Africa

it just seemed so warm and I wanted to share it ...hope you get warm little fuzzies in your soul...and its a cool to love it!

There comes a time in one's life, and maybe many times throughout your life, that you have to decide to take a chance on fate. Maybe fate is taking a chance on me. When a door opens, walk through it. When opportunity knocks, open the door.

Here's to making your dreams come true. Happy Friday everyone!


April 2015

For my friend Jogabi-Michele Admin at COTH who has been operated last friday for 2 cervicals hernias, unfortunatly she still has pain in the arm and the hand...

I hope she will be better day after day...

Speedy Recovery Michele!


Pour mon amie Michèle Admin à COYH qui a été opérée vendredi passé pour 2 hernis cervical, malheureusement elle a encore des douleurs au bras et la main.

J'espère qu'elle ira mieux de jour en jour.

Prompt Rétablissement Michèle!




I received other news, soon she will be operated for carpal tunnel, this will give her the strength that she lost at her hand and it will solve the problem of his hand that hurts ...

Good courage Michele!


J'ai reçu d'autres nouvelles, prochainement elle sera opéré pour le tunnel carpien, ceci lui donnera la force qu'elle a perdu à la main et ça va résoudre le problème de sa main qui la fait souffrir...

Bon courage Michèle!




Unfortunately she still has pain in her hands.


Malheureusement elle a toujours des douleurs aux mains..

Cosmos flower.. Thanks for your comments and visits ;-)

Flower of a Mammillaria fraileana (?) cactus.

insect Hotel



four gentlemen flowers

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