View allAll Photos Tagged dog

New addition- he comes home in July.

Vas'ka wanted to play with Mot'ka and jumped on the dog from the chair he was sitting. Mot'ka was so frightened that couldn't lie down on his bed fearing a new cat attack... Mot'ka is 9 y.o. - and Vas'ka is young (will be 2 in May) and playful :-)

Thank you all for visits, faves and comments!


This is Cal, my sister-in-law's Aussie, and Jasper's nephew by blood. He has very interesting heterochromatic eyes. He's a wonderful, gregarious goofball.

Sorry for belated greetings, I spent a week in the hospital due to pneumonia. My pets lost heart without me ...

Thank you all for visits, favs and comments, it's greatly appreciated!

Yashka has water drops around his nose - it's melted snow after a walk.

Thank you all for visits, favs and comments. It's greatly aappreciated!

...he's forever burying bones in my backyard!

Happy Smile on Saturday!


Coat: *Arcane Spellcaster* Coat Carlos Woman

Hair: -FABIA- Mesh Hair < Kristina>


Pose: SH POSE My Dog Girl


Mi adorada mascota Lucy.

Nordic dog team at Speed Dog Race, Plateau de Retord, Cuvéry, Ain, France


A race organized by the FFST, the federation that brings together mushers with all kinds of dogs, purebred, Nordic type, hunting dogs or cross dogs such as Alaskans.

The main one is their ability to run fast.



Credits :


B(u)Y ME: Stands 3 . Poseset . SF.

Exclusive one @Orsy ♥ Event running from: 6.Nov till 21.Nov.



#187# Balloon Dog Poop

#187# Balloon Dog Pee


[Rezz Room] Box English Bulldog Adult

Sweet pooch from a little photo shoot we did for Animal Network Las Vegas on Sunday.


Adopt Shoog Here:

It is a joy without flaws to discover a pure soul.

They are souls that resemble the first books of children:

they contain few words and are full of colors.

E’ una gioia senza pecche scoprire un’anima pura. Sono anime che somigliano ai primi libri dei bambini: contengono poche parole e sono piene di colori.

(Christian Bobin)






Featuring: =Zenith=, ARCADE GACHA, Boss Gloss, Exile, Fameshed, Izzie's -, Jian, Overlow Poses, Sweet Things, Tannenbaum Holiday Market

Australian Shephard

A man with a dog met in a bar (Restart Pub) in Prague. We chatted a while, the dog's name is Lily :)

May, 2023.

this dog was having a wonderful time surfing recently, his owner would take him out on the board and the dog would happily surf back. Amazing to watch!

No greater friendship exists than that of a good dog

Everyone thinks they have the best dog.

And none of them are wrong.



PSP**** Prise SurPrise!! - Path

7 Days with Flickr - Sunday: fauna

(Madouche through Freya's lens)

Mi amor peludo, me has enseñado el valor del compromiso, me siento inmensamente feliz cuando estoy contigo; te quiero a mi lado porque mi vida es inconmesurablemente mejor, nuestro amor es incondicional, y porque cada día me enseñas algo nuevo y diferente.


Me muestras amorosamente y agradeces un paseo por corto que éste sea. Me has acostumbrado a vivir entre un caos de pelos y juguetes. La vida no sería lo mismo sin tí, preciosa!


Mon amour poilu, tu m'as appris la valeur de l'engagement, je me sens immensément heureux quand je suis avec toi; Je t'aime à mes côtés parce que ma vie est infiniment meilleure, notre amour est inconditionnel et que chaque jour tu m'apprends quelque chose de nouveau et de différent.


Tu me montres avec amour et merci pour cette petite promenade. Vous m'avez habitué à vivre au milieu d'un chaos de cheveux et de jouets. La vie ne serait pas la même sans vous, précieux!


My hairy love, you have taught me the value of commitment, I feel immensely happy when I am with you; I love you by my side because my life is immeasurably better, our love is unconditional, and because every day you teach me something new and different.


You show me lovingly and thank you for a short walk that it is. You have accustomed me to living amid a chaos of hair and toys. Life would not be the same without you, precious!


Mio amore peloso, mi hai insegnato il valore dell'impegno, mi sento immensamente felice quando sono con te; Ti amo al mio fianco perché la mia vita è incommensurabilmente migliore, il nostro amore è incondizionato, e perché ogni giorno mi insegni qualcosa di nuovo e diverso.


Mi fai vedere amorevolmente e ti ringrazio per una breve passeggiata che è. Mi hai abituato a vivere in mezzo a un caos di capelli e giocattoli. La vita non sarebbe la stessa senza di te, preziosa!


Dans un parc Quijorna. La communauté de Madrid. Espagne.


En un parque de Quijorna. Comunidad de Madrid. España.

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