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The Light Company

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$150.00 Minimum
We are founded on John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life”. Our mission is to allow followers to wear their faith, spread His light, and spark Kingdom conversations.

The Light Company, while first envisioned as a personal desire, was quickly transformed into an Assignment from God. Our designs are inspired by scripture, my spiritual journey, and my friends and family.

We are a small business, woman owned and operated, right here in Texas. We take our time to find the highest quality materials, screen print in our own shop, and then ship directly to you.

We will always offer the highest quality designs and fabrics at the lowest cost to you. We hope you like what you see here; hope it inspires you, hope it encourages you, and is overall a blessing.

Leslie Mooney
The Light Company


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