Our Impact

Supporting Our Communities

We look to leverage our scale for good and use our ability to innovate quickly to strengthen communities around the world where our employees live and work. Amazon’s culture is built around solving impossible problems, which is why we’re able to take a different, more hands-on approach than most. We work side-by-side with community partners to find solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges and build long-term, innovative programs that have a lasting, positive impact.

We focus on building long-term, innovative programs that have a lasting, positive impact.

Some ways we’re supporting communities around the world include making sure more young people learn about STEM and computer science through Amazon Future Engineer; using our infrastructure to deliver food to families in need; supporting global communities following natural disasters; and investing in building and preserving tens of thousands of affordable homes in our hometown communities.
Graphics cards that schow case statistics that are provided within the Amazon Community Impact Report.

Download our Community Impact Report to learn more

Graphics cards that schow case statistics that are provided within the Amazon Community Impact Report.
Graphics cards that schow case statistics that are provided within the Amazon Community Impact Report.
Graphics cards that schow case statistics that are provided within the Amazon Community Impact Report.
Graphics cards that schow case statistics that are provided within the Amazon Community Impact Report.
  • We seek to encourage students from underserved communities to learn computer science and someday pursue careers in technology or other in-demand jobs of the future by providing access to quality computer science education opportunities. Our signature Amazon Future Engineer program is designed to inspire, educate, and prepare students from childhood through college.
  • Our focus on housing equity includes a more than $3.6 billion Housing Equity Fund to preserve and create housing that is affordable for moderate- to low-income individuals and families in communities we are proud to call home. A $100 million commitment to our nonprofit partner also supports families on their journey out of homelessness.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic intensified the need for hunger-relief efforts, and Amazon is committed to playing our part by donating delivery services to help food banks and nonprofits get meals to the doorsteps of people in need.
  • We leverage Amazon’s vast operational excellence, innovative technologies, and worldwide logistics network to provide fast and effective support to organizations fighting large-scale natural disasters. Amazon has filled cargo jets with Amazon-donated items for communities ravaged by hurricanes, sent solar-powered lights to people living without power, enabled customers to easily donate products and cash on Amazon.com, and helped governments and nonprofits expedite response efforts at scale through our AWS cloud services.
  • Every day, we donate 50,000 items to help people in need. In one year, FBA Donations provided 20 million items in the U.S. and UK to support communities and help the planet, and now the program launches in France.
Amazon in communities
  • With more than 80,000 employees in the Puget Sound region—one of our global headquarters—Amazon continues to invest in the community, help power the local economy, and provide well-paying jobs with leading benefits. Learn more about the opportunities for our employees and our commitment to the place we call home.
  • When we announced that our second headquarters would be coming to Arlington, Virginia, and our plan to bring 25,000 jobs to the area, we made a commitment to be among the most trusted companies in the region. Learn more about Amazon’s HQ2 and our commitment to the Greater Capital Region.
  • We continuously invest in communities where Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers are located by creating local jobs, generating economic growth, providing skills training and education, and unlocking opportunities for local businesses and suppliers. Find out how our investments in eastern Oregon and northern Virginia have made a difference to people in the region.
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