Charges on AWS RDS and VPC Despite Free Trial for a Year


I am writing to express my concern regarding unexpected charges on my AWS account. Despite being on the free trial period, I have noticed charges for RDS and VPC services. My understanding was that these services would be free for the first year as part of the AWS Free Tier.

Could you please clarify why these charges have been applied to my account? I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in resolving this issue and ensuring that my account is properly aligned with the free trial terms.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

1 Answer


What are your RDS settings?
Are you using an instance type or database engine that is not eligible for the free tier?
If the specifications are not listed in the document below, you will not be eligible for the free tier.
Also, is it possible that you have started multiple RDS instances with the specs eligible for the free tier and the execution time is over 750 hours?

There are several reasons why you may incur charges in a VPC, but do you have a NAT Gateway or a public IPv4 address?

We can advise you if you share the details of your invoice.

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answered 6 days ago
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reviewed 6 days ago