My SES status stuck at More information needed - case ID nnnn


I tried to request for production access for my SES account, the case was resolved without my request not being granted. Now at the Get setup page the status keep being stuck at "More information needed - case ID nnnn" which the case was marked as resolved. What is the next step I should take on this situation?

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1 Answer

If your SES (Simple Email Service) status is stuck at "More information needed" despite the case being marked as resolved, follow these steps:

Steps to Resolve SES Status Issue

1. Review the Case Details:

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  • Navigate to the AWS Support Center.
  • Find and review the details of the specific case ID mentioned.

2. Check for Additional Actions:

  • Ensure there are no additional actions or information required from your end mentioned in the case resolution notes.

3. Open a New Support Case:

  • If the case details are unclear or if no further actions are needed, open a new support case with AWS.
  • Explain the situation, providing the case ID and details of the issue.
  • Request clarification on why the status remains "More information needed" and ask for guidance on the next steps to gain production access.

4. Provide Detailed Information:

  • In the new support case, ensure you provide detailed information about your intended use of SES, including:
  • Type of emails you plan to send (transactional, marketing, etc.).
  • Estimated volume of emails.
  • Steps you’ve taken to comply with email best practices (DKIM, SPF, bounce handling, etc.).

5. Follow Up:

  • Follow up on the new support case to ensure it is being addressed promptly.
  • Monitor your email for any communications from AWS Support regarding additional information or actions needed.

6. Contact AWS Support via Phone:

  • If the issue is urgent, consider contacting AWS Support via phone to expedite the resolution process.

Example Support Case Request

Subject: SES Production Access Request Stuck at "More Information Needed" - Case ID XXXX

Dear AWS Support Team,

I recently requested production access for my SES account, but the status remains stuck at "More Information Needed" despite the case being marked as resolved (Case ID XXXX). I have reviewed the case details and found no further actions required from my end.

Could you please provide guidance on the next steps to resolve this issue and grant production access for my SES account? Below are the details of my request:

- Account ID: [Your Account ID]
- Use case: [Transactional/Marketing emails]
- Estimated volume: [Estimated number of emails per day/week/month]
- Compliance steps: [Details on DKIM, SPF, bounce handling, etc.]

Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

By following these steps and communicating effectively with AWS Support, you should be able to resolve the issue and proceed with obtaining production access for SES.

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answered 9 days ago