RDS cost jump starting in April, but there doesn't appear to be a database


Hello, starting in April our RDS costs jumped from $225 to $506 per month and have stayed that way since. Nothing changed on our hosted app and we didn't have an influx of new users. Our other costs remained relatively constant.

I am new to this whole thing here, and don't really know where to look to see why our costs jumped so much. I checked out the RDS management pages, and found that we have 2 databases, production and staging. Over the last week we have not had more than 3 connections simultaneously on the prod DB. CPU says 5.45% which doesn't seem like much.

asked 6 days ago168 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Try using AWS Cost Explorer to learn more about your RDS costs.
You can compare RDS prices in March and April by filtering as below in AWS Cost Explorer.
Dimension: Usage Type
Service: RDS

It is likely that there will be a charge for extended support for RDS.
If you are using an older version of PostgreSQL, you should start paying for extended support starting in April.

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answered 6 days ago
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reviewed 2 days ago

Thank you! This helped immensely.

answered a day ago